Maggot calmed me down by explaining Bible stories were a category of superhero comic. Not to be confused with real life.
They passed out the brains, he thought they said trains and he missed his.
You get to a point of not giving a damn over people thinking you’re worthless. Mainly by getting there first yourself.
I wanted to go home. Which was nowhere, but it’s a feeling you keep having, even after that’s no place anymore.
Like the dreams you wake up from with your heart on fire because some dead person you cared about was alive, and then by noon it’s just vague nonsense.
#почитать #книжныйотзыв #современнаяпроза #современнаязарубежнаялитература #американскаялитература #барбаракингсолвер #barbarakingsolver #demoncopperhead #пулитцеровскаяпремия
They passed out the brains, he thought they said trains and he missed his.
You get to a point of not giving a damn over people thinking you’re worthless. Mainly by getting there first yourself.
I wanted to go home. Which was nowhere, but it’s a feeling you keep having, even after that’s no place anymore.
Like the dreams you wake up from with your heart on fire because some dead person you cared about was alive, and then by noon it’s just vague nonsense.
#почитать #книжныйотзыв #современнаяпроза #современнаязарубежнаялитература #американскаялитература #барбаракингсолвер #barbarakingsolver #demoncopperhead #пулитцеровскаяпремия