I was not entirely sure if the phrase applied to this situation. But I did know that most men enjoy hearing themselves quoted.
So many things I’d like to like. Scriabin, oysters, NY . . .
Is the strawberry in my mouth alive?
Or is its flesh, speckled with the unborn, already dead?
Оne is truly married only when one is more committed to one’s vows.
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So many things I’d like to like. Scriabin, oysters, NY . . .
Is the strawberry in my mouth alive?
Or is its flesh, speckled with the unborn, already dead?
Оne is truly married only when one is more committed to one’s vows.
#почитать #книжныйотзыв #современнаяпроза #современнаязарубежнаялитература #пулитцеровскаяпремия #эрнандиаз #доверие #hernandiaz #книжныеновинки #строкиМТС #строки #читаюворигинале
Literary Hub
Hernan Diaz: “I Wouldn’t Be the Person I am Without Borges.”
When his first novel, In the Distance, was published, Hernán Diaz described the sense of “foreignness” he gained from his formative years. He was born in Argentina; his family moved to Stockholm wh…