Russian House New Delhi
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14 марта в 18:30 Русский дом в Нью-Дели приглашает на презентацию Алтайского края России.

В фойе культурного центра будет развернута выставка известных алтайских фотографов, отражающих природную красоту этого российского региона.
Специально подготовленная концертная программа Государственного молодежного ансамбля песни и танца «Алтай» им. А.Ф. Березикова познакомит зрителей с разнообразием исполнительского искусства края.

В Русском доме пройдет также встреча руководства Алтайского края с российскими соотечественниками, проживающими в Индии.

Алтайская делегация в рамках визита в Индию посетит Нью-Дели, Тривандрум и Ченнаи.

#РусскийДом #АлтайскийКрай #выставка #концерт

On March, 14 at 6:30 p.m. the Russian house in New Delhi invites you to the presentation of the Altai Territory of Russia.

An exhibition of famous Altai photographers reflecting the natural beauty of this Russian region will be launched in the lobby of the cultural center.
A specially prepared concert program of the State Youth Song and Dance Ensemble "Altai" named after A.F. Berezikova will acquaint the audience with the variety of performing arts of the region.

The Russian House will also host a meeting of the leadership of the Altai Territory with Russian compatriots living in India.

The Altai delegation will visit New Delhi, Trivandrum and Chennai as part of its visit to India.

#russianhousenewdelhi #AltaiKrai #exhibition #concert
Русский Дом в Нью-Дели совместно с Индийской ассоциацией российских соотечественников (ИАРС) устроил концерт, посвященный 150-летию со дня рождения Сергея Рахманинова – великого русского композитора, дирижера и пианиста-виртуоза.

Студентка по классу фортепиано Элизабет Сара Сингх сделала презентацию Рахманинове и его вкладе в российскую культуру и мировое музыкальное наследие.

На музыкальном вечере прозвучали композиции для голоса и фортепиано Сергея Рахманинова в исполнении профессиональных артистов и учащихся делийских школ.

Среди зрителей был известный пенджабский певец Далер Мехенди.
Главным гостем стала Джая Мехта – известная артистка и танцовщица стиля Одисси из Дели.

#РусскийДом #Рахманинов #культура #концерт

The Russian House in New Delhi, together with the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARS), organized a concert dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Rachmaninoff, the great Russian composer, conductor and virtuoso pianist.

Piano student Elisabeth Sarah Singh gave a presentation on Rachmaninoff and his contribution to Russian culture and world musical heritage.

At the musical evening, compositions for voice and piano by Sergei Rachmaninov were performed by professional artists and students from Delhi schools.

Among the spectators was the famous Punjabi singer Daler Mehndi.
The main guest was Jaya Mehta, a famous artist and Odissi dancer from Delhi.

#RussianDom #Rakhmaninov #culture #concert
Алтай похож на штат Керала – аграрно-туристический край. Наряду с гималайской долиной Кулу Алтай занимает огромное место в биографии Николая Рериха. В 2023 году Алтайский край участвует в реализации программы «Здравствуй, Россия!» и ждет детей соотечественников из Индии.

Заместитель председателя правительства Алтайского края Виталий Снесарь нашел много общего у родного региона и разных индийских областей, включая те, которые посетила возглавляемая им делегация сибиряков. На встрече с соотечественниками в Русском доме в Нью-Дели он рассказал о семи климатических зонах житницы Сибири, об экологически чистой гречке и знаменитых сырах.

Русский дом организовал для делегации встречи с руководством Университета им. Джавахарлала Неру, Делийского университета фармацевтических наук и исследований, частного университета Эмити и Фонда трансфера инноваций и технологий при Индийском технологическом институте.

Государственный молодежный ансамбль песни и танца «Алтай» им. А.Ф. Березикова дал концерт в российском культурном центре. Индийский танец в исполнении группы стал приятным сюрпризом для зрителей.
В программе поездки алтайцев – индийские города Тривандрум, Дели и Ченнаи.

#РусскийДом #Алтай #концерт #образование

Altai is similar to the state of Kerala - an agricultural and tourist region. Altai, along with the Himalayan Kullu valley, occupies a huge place in the biography of Nicholas Roerich. In 2023, Altaiskiy krai (region) is participating in the implementation of the “Hello, Russia!” program and is waiting for the children of compatriots from India.

Vitaly Snesar, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Altaiskiy krai, found much in common between his native land and various Indian regions, including those visited by the delegation of Siberians headed by him. At a meeting with compatriots at the Russian House in New Delhi, he spoke about the seven climatic zones of the breadbasket of Siberia, about environmentally friendly buckwheat and famous cheeses.

The Russian House organized meetings for the delegation with the leadership of the Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Amity Private University and the Innovation and Technology Transfer Fund at the Indian Institute of Technology.

State Youth Song and Dance Ensemble "Altai" gave a concert in the Russian cultural center. The Indian dance performed by the group was a pleasant surprise for the audience.
The program of the trip of the Altaians includes the Indian cities of Trivandrum, Delhi and Chennai.

#RussianDom #Altai #concert #education
28 марта в 19:00 в Русском доме в Нью-Дели состоится концерт джазового коллектива Eilenkrig Crew под управлением заслуженного артиста Республики Татарстан Вадима Эйленкрига. Концерт пройдет в рамках комплекса мероприятий по организации международной конференции «Россия – Индия. Сотрудничество для развития».
Организаторы концерта: Правительство Москвы, АНО «Московский центр международного сотрудничества».
Вход свободный, пока есть места.

#джаз #РусскийДом #концерт #Москва

March 28 at 7 p.m. the Russian House in New Delhi will host a concert by the jazz band Eilenkrig Crew conducted by Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Vadim Eilenkrig.
The concert will be held as part of a set of events to organize the international conference “Russia – India. Cooperation for development”. Concert organizers: Moscow Government, "Moscow Center for International Cooperation".
Admission is free as long as there are places.

#jazz #RussianDom #concert #Moscow
В честь 78-й годовщины Победы советского народа в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 гг. в Русском доме в Нью-Дели пройдет концерт «Нам не забыть те годы».

Игорь Воронцов, заслуженный артист Кыргызской Республики, лауреат международных конкурсов, куратор культурных проектов Русского дома в Бишкеке, исполнит самые известные и любимые песни Великой Победы. В программе вечера – «Журавли», «В землянке», «Прощайте скалистые горы», «Катюша», «Темная ночь», «Майский вальс» и другие.

День Победы – особенный праздник. Песни военных и послевоенных лет поднимают в наших сердцах волну патриотизма, наполняют любовью к родной земле. Дарят нам возможность сохранить связь с тем временем, отдать дань памяти и уважения великим освободителям мира от нацизма, вспомнить ушедших героев.

Бархатный баритон Игоря Воронцова с первых же минут покоряет слушателей. Диапазон певца широк – от лирических песен, романсов и арий до зажигательных хитов. Песни военных лет занимают особое место в репертуаре исполнителя.

Ждем вас на концерт 4 мая. Начало в 17:00.
Вход свободный при наличии мест.

#ДеньПобеды #РусскийДом #концерт #ИгорьВоронцов

In honor of the 78th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 The Russian House in New Delhi will host a concert "We Can never Forget Those Years".

Igor Vorontsov, Honored Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic, laureate of international competitions, curator of cultural projects of the Russian House in Bishkek, will perform the most famous and beloved songs of the Great Victory. The program of the evening includes "Cranes", "In the Dugout", "Goodbye Rocky Mountains", "Katyusha", "Dark Night", "May Waltz" and others.

Victory Day is a special holiday. The songs of the war and post-war years raise a wave of patriotism in our hearts, fill us with love for our native land. They give us the opportunity to keep in touch with that time, to pay tribute to the memory and respect of the great liberators of the world from Nazism, to remember the departed heroes.

The velvet baritone of Igor Vorontsov captivates the listeners from the very first minutes. The range of the singer is wide - from lyrical songs, romances and arias to modern hits. Songs of the war years occupy a special place in the performer's repertoire.

We are waiting for you at the concert on May 4th. Start at 5 p.m.
Admission is free subject to availability.

#VictoryDay #RussianHouse #concert #IgorVorontsov
При первых звуках песни «День Победы» зал встал, одни стали подпевать, другие – апплодировать, а кто-то продолжал вытирать слезы. В Русском доме в Нью-Дели отгремел концерт в честь 78-й годовщины победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Песни военных лет и послевоенной поры исполнил Игорь Воронцов – заслуженный артист Кыргызской Республики, лауреат международных конкурсов, куратор культурных проектов Русского дома в Бишкеке.

В начале концерта зал почтил минутой молчания память погибших в войне.
В программе вечера – «Журавли», «В землянке», «Прощайте скалистые горы», «Темная ночь», «Майский вальс», другие песни, в том числе «Нам не забыть те годы», сочиненная самим исполнителем и положенная на музыку Валентином Куба.

Бархатный баритон Игоря Воронцова с первых минут покорил слушателей. Диапазон певца широк – от лирических песен, романсов и арий до зажигательных хитов. Песни военных лет занимают особое место в репертуаре артиста.

Исполнение Игорем Воронцовым «Катюши» и «Майского вальса» оживили выступления юных танцовщиц Балетной школы при Русском доме (руководитель – прима Большого театра Галина Вишнякова).

#ДеньПобеды #РусскийДом #концерт #ИгорьВоронцов

At the first sounds of the song “Victory Day”, the hall stood up, some began to sing along, others applauded, and someone continued to wipe away tears. A concert in honor of the 78th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War thundered at the Russian House in New Delhi. Songs of the war years and the post-war period were performed by Igor Vorontsov, Honored Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic, laureate of international competitions, curator of cultural projects at the Russian House in Bishkek.

At the beginning of the concert, the hall honored the memory of those who died in the war with a minute of silence.
The program of the evening includes "Cranes", "In the Dugout", "Farewell Rocky Mountains", "Dark Night", "May Waltz", other songs, including "We Can't Forget Those Years", composed by the performer himself and set to music by Valentine Cuba.

The velvet baritone of Igor Vorontsov captivated the listeners from the first minutes. The range of the singer is wide - from lyrical songs, romances and arias to modern hits. Songs of the war years occupy a special place in the artist’s repertoire.

Igor Vorontsov's performance of "Katyusha" and "May Waltz" was animated by young dancers from the Ballet School at the Russian House (headed by the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Galina Vishnyakova).

#VictoryDay #RussianHouse #concert #IgorVorontsov
Дорогие друзья!
13 июня в 19:00 в Русском доме в Нью-Дели пройдет сольный концерт выдающегося российского пианиста Дмитрия Маслеева. Выступление музыканта приурочено к Дню России. Проект реализуется при поддержке Министерства культуры Российской Федерации и посольства России в Индии.
В программу под названием «Шедевры русской классики» войдут сочинения С. В. Рахманинова, Ц. А. Кюи, Н. К. Метнера, М. А. Балакирева, М. И. Глинки, М. П. Мусоргского и П. И. Чайковского.

Дмитрий Маслеев – российский пианист, обладатель I премии и специального приза за лучшее исполнение концерта Моцарта с камерным оркестром XV конкурса Чайковского в Москве, солист Московской государственной академической филармонии.
Вход свободный при наличии мест в зале.

#ДеньРоссии #концерт #Маслеев #РусскийДом

Dear friends!
On June 13, at 7 p.m. the Russian House in New Delhi will host a solo concert by the outstanding Russian pianist Dmitry Masleev. The performance of the musician is dedicated to the Day of Russia. The project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian Embassy in India.
The program entitled "Masterpieces of Russian Classics" will include works by S. V. Rachmaninov, C. A. Cui, N. K. Medtner, M. A. Balakirev, M. I. Glinka, M. P. Mussorgsky and P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Dmitry Masleev is a Russian pianist, winner of the 1st prize and a special prize for the best performance of a Mozart concerto with a chamber orchestra at the 15th Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, soloist of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic.
Admission is free subject to seat availability.

#RussiaDay #concert #Masleev #RussianHouse
Dear friends, we are happy to invite you to the Russian House on September 29 at 18:30 for a mesmerizing evening of music and dance that will take you to the very heart of Russia.
“The St. Petersburg Russian Miracle” is a concert program created according to the laws of academic musical theater, which is based on Russian folk songs and dances.
You will find fascinating choreography and delightful voices of talented artists of the St. Petersburg Song and Dance Theater "Moroshka" (cloudberry), skillful arrangements and magnificent costumes.
Admission is free subject to availability of seats.

#RussianHouse #concert #StPetersburg #music #dance
Dear friends,
We invite you on January 17 at 7 p.m. to a concert of the Moscow folk song ensemble “Lyubo-Milo”.
Address: Russian House, 24, Firozshah Road, New Delhi, 110001.
“Lyubo-Milo” are talented musicians and vocalists, graduates of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. A professional creative team led by Ekaterina and Vladimir Brinchugov was created in 2014 in the capital of Russia.
The group's concerts took place in more than 25 countries. The Moscow City Department of Culture awarded the ensemble the title of “Leading Creative Group”.
Admission is free subject to availability of seats in the hall.

#LyuboMilo #RussianHouse #concert #folklore #Russia
The Moscow folk song ensemble “Lyubo-Milo” and virtuoso balalaika player Mikhail Kandaurov performed with great success at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The concert, organized with the support of the Department of External Economic and International Relations of the Russian capital, was attended by representatives of government agencies and public organizations of India, cultural figures, and Moscow Government Minister Sergei Cheremin.
Moscow's leading creative group presented a rich program consisting of Russian folk and Cossack songs. “Kalinka”, “Moscow Nights”, “Golden-Domed Moscow” were performed.
“We visited more than 40 countries, met with different peoples. In my opinion, the people of India are among the most receptive and open to Russian culture,” said Ekaterina Brinchugova, head of the Lyubo-Milo collective.

#LyuboMilo #MikhailKandaurov #RussianHouse #concert
A joint concert of the folk group from Tyumen “Rosstan” and the folk song and dance ensemble “Polessie Dawns” from Pinsk, Brest Region took place at the Russian House in New Delhi. The performance was organized by the Russian and Belarusian embassies in India.
Rosstan singers and dancers presented Maslenitsa songs and a traditional Siberian wedding ceremony, as the program of Belarusian artists included a wide range of folk and original compositions in their native language. The concert ended with a joint performance of the song “Oh, it’s not evening.”
The concert was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps and the media, Russian compatriots living in India, as well as Indian boys and girls who will soon go to the World Youth Festival in Russia.
#RussianHouse #Russia #Belarus #concert
Dear friends!
📄The Russian House in New Delhi invites you to the annual concert of students of the School of Russian Classical Ballet under the direction of Galina Vishnyakova, a professional choreographer and former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. This evening will also open an exhibition of paintings by young students of the Art School of the Cultural Center in New Delhi, dedicated to modern Russian culture.
The evening concert will feature various ballet compositions from classical performances.
📅We are waiting for you on April 26 at 17:00.
🏢Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Admission for visitors to the concert and exhibition is free.
💎Don’t miss the chance to attend an unforgettable concert and a unique exhibition: you will get a lot of pleasant emotions!
Waiting for you!

#RussianHouse #concert #ballet #exhibition #Rossotrudnichestvo
The youngest participants of the concert of creative studios of the Russian House in New Delhi could barely hold the bouquet, certificate and gift in their hands. On the eve of the May holidays, the results of their work were summed up by the ballet school and art studio in the presence of a full hall of spectators.
Students of the School of Russian Classical Ballet, under the direction of Galina Vishnyakova, a professional choreographer and former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, demonstrated dance compositions from classical performances to the public.
Those entering the concert hall were greeted by an exhibition of drawings by students of the Art School, headed by Ekaterina Pokrovskaya.
The music studio of the Russian House (conducted by Zhanna Semenova) gifted the audience with “Polovtsian Dances” by Alexander Borodin and other compositions.

#RussianHouse #concert #ballet #Rossotrudnichestvo
Dear friends!
📚 The Russian House in New Delhi invites you to a concert and film screening “Nuremberg” in honor of the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
🎇 Victory Day is a special red-letter day for millions of people around the world, personifying the feat, fortitude, courage and heroism of the Soviet people.
📆 We are waiting for you on May 7 at 10:00.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Admission for concert and film visitors is free.
🔹Don't miss the chance to be part of this significant event!
Waiting for you!
#RussianHouse #VictoryDay #concert #cinema #Rossotrudnichestvo
Dear friends!
📚 The Russian House in New Delhi invites you to a concert and film screening “Nuremberg” dedicated to the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
🎇 Victory Day is a special red-letter day for millions of people around the world, personifying the feat, fortitude, courage and heroism of the Soviet people.
📆 We are waiting for you at the concert on May 7 at 10:00.
🗓 The film starts at 12:00.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
📌 The movie screening will be in Russian language with English subtitles.
Admission for concert and film visitors is free.
🔹Don't miss the chance to be part of this significant event!
Waiting for you!
#RussianHouse #VictoryDay #concert #cinema #Rossotrudnichestvo
The “Immortal Regiment” in New Delhi, starting at the Russian House, ended at the monument to Leo Tolstoy. On the eve of the 79th anniversary of the Great Victory, more than 100 people took part in the procession in the Indian capital. At the final stage, near the monument to the classics, the director and staff of the state craft center Cottage Industries Emporium joined the procession.
The cultural center hosted a concert by artists from four Indian colleges and a school at the Russian Embassy, as well as talent from the Russian language courses of the Russian House.
The day ended with a screening of Nikolai Lebedev’s film “Nuremberg” (2023) at the Russian House.
The director of the center, Oleg Osipov, noted that every year the interest of Indian youth in Russia is growing, which is manifested, in particular, in the fact that universities, schools, and cultural figures on their own initiative get in touch, proposing projects for cooperation.

#VictoryDay #RussianHouse #concert #cinema #Nuremberg
Dear friends!
📚 Russian House in New Delhi invites you to a concert of the Honored folk dance ensemble "Stanitsa". Director: Honored worker of culture of Kuban Mr. Anatoly Krugly.
📆 We are waiting for you on October 12 at 4:30 p.m.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Entrance for visitors to the event is free.
💎 Don't miss the opportunity to become part of an important event!
We are waiting for you!

#RussianHouse #concert #Stanitsa #India

Дорогие друзья!
📚 Русский дом в Нью-Дели приглашает вас на концерт заслуженного народного ансамбля танца "Станица". Руководитель: Заслуженный работник культуры Кубани Анатолий Круглый.
📆 Ждем вас 12 октября в 16:30.
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели.
Вход для посетителей мероприятия бесплатный.
💎 Не упустите возможность стать частью важного события!
Ждем вас!

#Русскийдом #концерт #Станица #Индия