Russian House New Delhi
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Дорогие друзья!
13 июня в 19:00 в Русском доме в Нью-Дели пройдет сольный концерт выдающегося российского пианиста Дмитрия Маслеева. Выступление музыканта приурочено к Дню России. Проект реализуется при поддержке Министерства культуры Российской Федерации и посольства России в Индии.
В программу под названием «Шедевры русской классики» войдут сочинения С. В. Рахманинова, Ц. А. Кюи, Н. К. Метнера, М. А. Балакирева, М. И. Глинки, М. П. Мусоргского и П. И. Чайковского.

Дмитрий Маслеев – российский пианист, обладатель I премии и специального приза за лучшее исполнение концерта Моцарта с камерным оркестром XV конкурса Чайковского в Москве, солист Московской государственной академической филармонии.
Вход свободный при наличии мест в зале.

#ДеньРоссии #концерт #Маслеев #РусскийДом

Dear friends!
On June 13, at 7 p.m. the Russian House in New Delhi will host a solo concert by the outstanding Russian pianist Dmitry Masleev. The performance of the musician is dedicated to the Day of Russia. The project is being implemented with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian Embassy in India.
The program entitled "Masterpieces of Russian Classics" will include works by S. V. Rachmaninov, C. A. Cui, N. K. Medtner, M. A. Balakirev, M. I. Glinka, M. P. Mussorgsky and P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Dmitry Masleev is a Russian pianist, winner of the 1st prize and a special prize for the best performance of a Mozart concerto with a chamber orchestra at the 15th Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow, soloist of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic.
Admission is free subject to seat availability.

#RussiaDay #concert #Masleev #RussianHouse
Forwarded from Russian Embassy in India
Dear friends! 🎉

📖 On the occasion of the upcoming Russia Day 🇷🇺 we are happy to present you a new space-themed edition of the Russia Digest magazine dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the first Indian cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma's spaceflight and the 77th anniversary of the Russian-Indian diplomatic relations!

Key topics:


📰 Find its hard copies as a supplement to today's edition of The Economic Times newspaper in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Kolkata!

🔗 Here is a digital version

🔸 @RusEmbIndia

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🏢 A seminar dedicated to Russia Day was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
👨 Director Oleg Osipov told the assembled Indian students about the history and significance of the Russian Day holiday. A quiz was organized for local students to test their knowledge of the traditional state symbols of Russia: the coat of arms and flag.
Those present were also presented with a video where the anthem of the Russian Federation was performed by Russian singers from different parts of our vast country.
👨‍👩‍👦 As part of the celebration of Russia Day, an exhibition dedicated to the Year of the Family was also opened.
🇷🇺 Russia Day is an important public holiday of the Russian Federation, celebrated annually on June 12. On this day, many Russian cities host many festive events in which citizens of all ages take part.
👥 Students of Delhi universities and Russian language courses of the RCSC attended the seminar.

#RussiaDay #RussianHouse #WeRussia #NewDelhi #Rossotrudnichestvo
Media is too big
Join us soon, friends!
🇷🇺 On Russia Day, we're going on a big journey to celebrate the holiday together with people from every corner of the country.
🏙 Today we will visit different cities — from picturesque Vladivostok to beautiful Kaliningrad.
Let's go!

#Russia #RussiaDay

Присоединяйтесь скорее к нам, друзья!
🇷🇺 В День России мы отправляемся в большое путешествие, чтобы отметить праздник вместе с людьми из каждого уголка страны.
🏙 Сегодня мы посетим разные города — от живописного Владивостока до прекрасного Калининграда.

#Россия #ДеньРоссии
🇷🇺 Russia Day is an important public holiday of the Russian Federation, celebrated annually on June 12.
📄 Until 2002, it was called the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia.
📎 This is one of the “youngest” public holidays in the country.
🎇 On this day, many solemn and festive events take place in all Russian cities, in which citizens of all ages take part. In the Kremlin, the President of Russia presents the State Prizes of the Russian Federation, and the main celebrations, of course, take place in Moscow on Red Square and end with a grandiose fireworks display in honor of Russia Day.

#RussianHouse #RussiaDay #June12 #Rossotrudnichestvo