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🇷🇺🇫🇷📞 プーチン大統領は、フランスのマクロン大統領と電話会談した。



Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Video address to the participants of the joint meeting of SCO and CIS defence ministers

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💬 I am delighted to welcome defence ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and CIS member states to Moscow.

☝️ I think this meeting is timely and very significant. Cooperation as part of the SCO and the CIS enables us to attain a wide range of objectives, primarily having to do with protecting our countries from external threats and ensuring global and regional stability while relying on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests.

This is especially important today as new drastic challenges are emerging, and major geopolitical shifts are taking place.


❗️ I am convinced that the nature and scale of today's threats raise the requirements concerning cooperation between our defence agencies. It is imperative to work in cooperation and build a more flexible and sustainable security and cooperation system that can handle the current challenges.


Joint peacekeeping missions have become exceptionally important as well. It is crucial to further improve the peacekeeping units’ operational capabilities and to keep them involved in #UN peace-keeping efforts.

🤝 I am sure that close partnership in the defence sphere will raise our countries’ standing and influence, contribute to strengthening security and stability in Eurasia and the world as a whole and, without a doubt, will promote the traditions of friendship and trust between our countries and peoples.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇨🇳 On February 2, Sergey Lavrov received Ma Zhaoxu, First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

During the meeting, Sergey Lavrov highly praised the current state of relations between Russia and China, which are developing dynamically in accordance with the agreements reached at the meeting of the two countries' leaders on December 30, 2022. Their practical implementation was discussed.

🤝 In view of the lifting of quarantine restrictions, the Sides agreed on the expediency of restoring the tempo of face-to-face contacts, mutual tourism, and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries as soon as possible.

A number of topical issues on the bilateral, global and regional agendas were discussed. The constructive dialogue and high level of bilateral coordination within the #UN, #BRICS, #SCO and other international organisations and associations was praised as fully corresponding to the partnership and trust-based nature of relations between our countries.

☝️ They noted their rejection of confrontational policies, as well as attempts by individual countries to interfere in the internal affairs of other states, or to restrain their development by imposing sanctions and other illegitimate methods. The officials reaffirmed their intention to reliably defend the sovereignty, security, and development interests of the two countries, and to build together a more just and democratic multipolar world order.

The conversation took place in a traditionally friendly atmosphere.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇦🇲 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks during talks with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan

📍 Moscow, March 20, 2023

💬 As of now, we are the leading trade partner and investor in Armenia’s economy. Last year set a record, with trade almost doubling to about $5 billion (for the time being, we still calculate in dollars, but it is temporary). All of this has helped your country to ensure record high GDP growth of more than 12.5 percent and a surge in business activity.

An important topic at our talks today is cooperation in the Eurasian space, the #CSTO, the #CIS and the #EAEU space, as well as interaction at multilateral venues, including the #UN and the #OSCE.

We will also focus on international security issues, including the Lachin Corridor and Nagorno-Karabakh settlement process, which is one of our priorities.

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🔴LIVE: 🇷🇺Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov chairs UN Security Council debate on effective multilateralism through defence of principles of #UN Charter

📍 New York, April 24

🔗 https://twitter.com/mfa_russia/status/1650501926985801731

🔗 https://www.ruptly.tv/en/events/202304241400-LIVE14110-Lavrov-chairs-Security-Council-debate-on-effective-multilateralism-through-defence-of-principles-of-UN-Charter-first-part

🔗 https://mid.ru/en/press_service/video


🔴Прямой Эфир: Заседание Совета Безопасности ООН по эффективной многосторонности через защиту принципов Устава ООН под председательством С.В.Лаврова🇷🇺

📍 Нью-Йорк, 24 апреля

🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PottiQLJOio

🔗 https://rutube.ru/video/635f20716077223a2426a85eabfba8d4

🔗 https://www.mid.ru/ru/press_service/video

🇷🇺⚡️ 🇺🇿 ロシアのプーチン大統領とウズベキスタン共和国のミルジヨエフ大統領による共同声明(2024年5月27日)




✔️ 双方は、国連およびその特別機関、SCO、その他の国際機関、フォーラムにおいて、引き続き緊密に協力していく。フォーラム『ロシア・中央アジア』の必要性を指摘する。(中略)

🇷🇺🎙ロシアのS.V.ラブロフ外相、テレビ番組『60 minutes 』でインタビューに答える(2024年12月25日)


• (我々が現在耳にしている)西側諸国とウクライナで行われている話し合いの意味について。そこで話されているのは、休戦についてのみである。キエフ政権が西側の助けを借りて再び力を蓄え、ロシアに『戦略的敗北』を負わせるというご主人の指示を再び実行できるようにしようとしているのだ。




• 我々は、核兵器をどうすべきか、核兵器の使用は可能かといった議論を始めたことはない。むしろその逆で、2021年にはほかでもないロシアのイニシアティブにより、最初はプーチン大統領とバイデン大統領のレベルで、その後核保有5ヶ国(すなわち安全保障理事会常任理事国)の全首脳レベルで『核戦争には勝者はなく、決して核戦争を始めてはならない』と謳った1987年のゴルバチョフ・レーガン・フォーミュラが再確認されたのである。これを主導したのは、ロシアだった。


• キエフ政権が絶え間なく行っているテロ行為について言えば、民家、病院、クリニック、店舗、人々が集まりくつろぐ場所といった完全な民間施設を意図的に標的にして攻撃しており、許しがたい。これは、すべての対テロ条約およびこれに関する国連安全保障理事会決議に対する公然たる違反である。我々は声を大にしてこれを非難しているが、遺憾ながら西側諸国からはほぼ誰も、また#UN(国連)、 #OSCE(欧州安全保障条約機構)、 #UNESCO(国連教育科学文化機関)等のトップも、この非難に加わっていない。当然ながら、我々がこれで止まることはない。

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