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☣️🎙🇷🇺ロシア連邦軍NBC戦統括官イーゴリ・キリロフ中将のブリーフィング から


‼️☣️「入手資料により、米国政府機関とウクライナのバイオ施設との共同活動のスキームを追跡することができる。米国現首脳部に近い組織、特にハンター・バイデン氏が運営するローズモントセネカ投資ファンドの関与が注目される。 基金は少なくとも24億ドルの重要な財源を持っている。」
🇷🇺🇺🇦☣️ From the Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

❗️☣️The incoming materials allow us to trace the pattern of interaction between US government agencies and Ukrainian bio-objects. The involvement of entities close to the current #US leadership, notably the Rosemont Seneca investment fund run by Hunter #Biden, is noticeable in the funding of these activities. The Fund has significant financial resources of at least $2.4 billion. The foundation is closely linked to key contractors of the US military department, including Metabiota, which, along with Black and Veach, is a major supplier of equipment to the Pentagon's bio-labs around the world.
🇷🇺Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UN Security Council briefing on biological laboratories in 🇺🇦Ukraine (☣️agenda item "Threats to international peace and security")
🎙Vassily Nebenzia:
💬We keep receiving very worrisome documental evidence that the #US Department of Defense is directly involved in implementing in #Ukraine dangerous #biological projects that have characteristic features of a secret military biological program.
🎙💬Let me ask the representatives of the USA again – if the activity that you carry out in biolabs in Ukraine and entire world is peaceful as you say, then why do you not agree to put it under international control and why do you prevent the international community from having all necessary tools to that end? This would be the easiest way to clear away all doubts and accusations, if they are indeed absolutely groundless as you say. Unfortunately, so far only one explanation suggests itself: you have something to hide.
📃Full text: https://russiaun.ru/en/news/unsc_130522
🎙 Highlights from President Vladimir Putin's remarks at the session of the Council of Heads of the CIS Security and Intelligence Agencies:
🔸 The world is changing and becoming multipolar before our very eyes.
🔸 Some members of the international community are doing everything in their power to preserve their faltering hegemony and to this end, they are using various political, military, economic, information and other methods and means, from destroying the legal framework of strategic stability to adopting unilateral sanctions against those who reject their policy.
🔸 Some countries have long been using the tactics of blackmail, pressure and intimidation throughout the CIS space. In particular, attempts continue to be made to implement ‘colour revolution’ scenarios, methods involving nationalism and extremism are employed, and armed conflicts, which directly threaten the security of all CIS members, are being stoked.
🔸 Ukraine has been made an instrument of US foreign policy. The country has actually lost its sovereignty and is being directly governed by the US, which is using it as a battering ram against Russia.
🔸 We can see the United States’ real attitude to its client states. Ukraine was almost immediately turned into a testing site for military biological experiments and is being flooded with weapons, including heavy weaponry, without any heed to the Kiev regime’s statements about its desire to obtain nuclear weapons.
🔸 The black market in arms operating in Ukraine is creating serious challenges. There is a persistent risk of criminals getting hold of more powerful weapons, including portable air defence systems and precision weapons.
Read in full 👉 https://is.gd/DgeP6d
#Putin #Ukraine #US #NATO #EU #CIS #Security #Terrorism