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☣️🎙🇷🇺ロシア連邦軍NBC戦統括官イーゴリ・キリロフ中将のブリーフィング から


‼️☣️「入手資料により、米国政府機関とウクライナのバイオ施設との共同活動のスキームを追跡することができる。米国現首脳部に近い組織、特にハンター・バイデン氏が運営するローズモントセネカ投資ファンドの関与が注目される。 基金は少なくとも24億ドルの重要な財源を持っている。」
🇷🇺🇺🇦☣️ From the Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

❗️☣️The incoming materials allow us to trace the pattern of interaction between US government agencies and Ukrainian bio-objects. The involvement of entities close to the current #US leadership, notably the Rosemont Seneca investment fund run by Hunter #Biden, is noticeable in the funding of these activities. The Fund has significant financial resources of at least $2.4 billion. The foundation is closely linked to key contractors of the US military department, including Metabiota, which, along with Black and Veach, is a major supplier of equipment to the Pentagon's bio-labs around the world.