Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
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🌍 🛢🇷🇺 Of the 51,000 ships transporting today cargo around the world, more than 1,400 have defected from the legal side of shipping to its dark side, serving shady Russian shipping. The vast majority of these are oil tankers.
🇨🇳🇮🇳🇹🇷🇪🇬🇦🇪 Russia’s shadow fleet only exists because of countries willing to buy sanctioned Russian oil — that is, Russian oil above the price cap Western countries have imposed. Leading this group are #China, #India, #Turkey, #Egypt and the #UAE, countries that well not care about Western sanctions — or even about Ukraine.

🌍 🛢🇷🇺 Из 51 000 судов, которые сегодня перевозят грузы по всему миру, более 1400 перешли с легальной стороны судоходства на темную сторону, обслуживая теневые российские перевозки. Подавляющее большинство из них — нефтяные танкеры.
🇨🇳🇮🇳🇹🇷🇪🇬🇦🇪 Теневой флот России существует благодаря странам, покупающим подсанкционную российскую нефть. Лидеры этой группы покупателей — #Китай, #Индия, #Турция, #Египет и #ОАЭ, — страны, которым нет дела как до западных санкций, так и до Украины.

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The West Has Fallen: The West is looking for a way to end its support for Ukraine
🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦 "Even if Kamala Harris reaches the White House, it is likely she will pursue a deal to end the war because Washington sees no scenario for Ukrainian victory," — Bloomberg
🇰🇵 #North_Korea supplies Moscow with ammunition at a tenth the price of Western ammunition used by Ukraine.
🇨🇳 Russia opens Harpia-3 attack drone production plant in #China;
🇮🇷 #Iran supplies Russia with ballistic missiles;
📡 Ukrainians are outraged that Russians are using illegal Starlink for surveillance and control;
🇪🇺🛢European countries are trying to revive the old regime of cheap gas and oil;
❗️NATO membership would be the best guarantee of security for Ukraine. But the West is not ready for this.

ПАДЕНИЕ ЗАПАДА: Запад ищет способ прекратить поддержку Украины
🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦 «Даже если Камала Харрис выиграет выборы, она будет добиваться прекращения войны, потому что Вашингтон не видит сценария победы Украины
», — Bloomberg
🇰🇵 #Северная_Корея поставляет Москве боеприпасы по цене в 1/10 от стоимости западных боеприпасов, используемых Украиной.
🇨🇳 Россия открыла в Китае завод по производству ударных БпЛА "Гарпия-3";
🇮🇷 #Иран поставляет России баллистические ракеты;
📡 Украинцы возмущены тем, что русские используют нелегальные Starlink для наблюдения и управления;
🇪🇺🛢Европейские страны пытаются возродить старый режим дешевых газа и нефти;
❗️Лучшей гарантией безопасности для Украины было бы членство в НАТО. Но Запад к этому не готов

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⁉️🦠🇷🇺🇧🇾Despite the distance from #China and #Japan, pneumonia has engulfed St. Petersburg and Belarus: due to a sharp outbreak of the disease, seven schools at once in several areas of the city switched to distance learning

In a month, the number of cases of pneumonia in St. Petersburg has soared to 60%
In Yekaterinburg, 29 out of 168 schools have switched to distance learning due to pneumonia

📌In total, since mid-October, an increase in pneumonia cases has been recorded in 16 regions of #Russia.

The most affected regions include Komi, Udmurtia, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk and Pskov regions. The main pathogen is mycoplasma ⚠️☝️

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🇺🇸🇨🇳🇰🇷🇺🇦 The #US has asked #China to influence #North_Korea and stop sending its troops for help #Russia in the war against #Ukraine, — The New York Times, citing senior US officials
The State Department has raised the issue of the troops directly with Chinese officials in recent days, a senior administration official told. The latest conversation took place on Tuesday, when Kurt Campbell, the deputy secretary of state, Daniel J. Kritenbrink, the department’s top Asia official, and James O’Brien, the top Europe official, all met with Chinese diplomats for several hours at the home of Ambassador Xie Feng in Washington.
▪️On the same day, US Secretary of State Blinken discussed China's efforts on North Korea with the head of the OPU Yermak

🇺🇸🇨🇳🇰🇷🇺🇦 #США попросили #Китай повлиять на Северную Корею и остановить отправку войск для помощи России в войне против Украины, — NYT со ссылкой на высокопоставленных американских чиновников
Госдеп в последние дни поднимал вопрос о северокорейских войсках напрямую с китайскими официальными лицами, сообщил высокопоставленный представитель администрации Байдена. Последний разговор состоялся во вторник, когда Курт Кэмпбелл, заместитель госсекретаря, Дэниел Дж. Критенбринк, главный чиновник департамента по Азии, и Джеймс О'Брайен, главный чиновник по Европе, встретились с китайскими дипломатами и в течение нескольких часов обсуждали эту тему в доме китайского посла Се Фэна в Вашингтоне.
▪️В тот же день госсекретарь США Блинкен обсудил с главой ОПУ Ермаком усилия Китая по Северной Корее

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Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
Useful sanctions 🇷🇺🛢 Three large Russian oil refineries at once have stopped due to problems with the supply of imported equipment Lukoil's Volgograd refinery, one of the top 10 largest in the Russian Federation, as well as the Ilsky and Yaya refineries,…
#oil 🛢
🇨🇳 #China is cutting oil refining and is going to reduce its exports
According to Rystad Energy, oil refining in China will decrease from 15 million bpd in the third quarter to 14.7 million bpd.
According to Vortexa, refining will decrease by 5% by the end of the year.
📌The reduction in refining will lead to a decrease in crude oil imports.
According to Rystad forecasts, imports will amount to 10.66 million barrels per day in Q4 2024, and 10.64 million barrels per day in Q1 2025, compared to 11 million barrels per day in the first 9 months of 2024.

❗️In turn, India and Iran, on the contrary, are increasing oil production and increasing its refining.

🇮🇳 #India processes 250 million tons of black gold and is already in the process of increasing volumes to 300 million.
For the future, the potential of Indian processing up to 450 million tons is being discussed, said Indian Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Shri Hardeep Singh Puri at the ADIPEC conference.
At the moment, India covers 40% of its needs with imports from Russia.

🇮🇷 #Iran urgently increases oil production by 250 thousand bpd
Iran currently produces 3.2 million bpd, accounting for 3% of global production.

🔗Source - Oil and Capital

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⚡️🇺🇸 The Kremlin is cherishing hopes that tensions in Russia-US relations will ease after Donald Trump returns to the White House. But his first security and foreign policy appointments likely point to a tougher stance on Russia, — Politico
🇨🇳🇷🇺🇮🇷 Trump's incoming State Secretary Marco Rubio and his National Security Adviser Mike Waltz have hewed to the Trump-era America First foreign policy doctrine but are still ardent hawks when it comes to the U.S. approach to adversaries like #China, #Iran and #Russia — far from the isolationist wing of the Republican party that would seek to abandon Ukraine or NATO.

⚡️🇺🇸 В Кремле лелеют надежды на ослабление напряженности в отношениях России и США после возвращения в Белый дом Дональда Трампа. Но его первые назначения в сфере безопасности и международных отношений говорят скорее об ужесточения позиций по отношению к России, — Politico
🇨🇳🇷🇺🇮🇷 Будущий Госсекретарь в администрации Трампа Марк Рубио и его советник по национальной безопасности Майк Уолтц придерживаются провозглашенной Трампом концепции «Америка прежде всего», но при этом являются ярыми «ястребами» по отношению к таким противникам США, как #Китай, #Иран и #Россия; они далеки от изоляционистского крыла Республиканской партии, которое выступает за прекращение помощи Украине и даже за возможный выход США из НАТО

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🇨🇳 #China Defence Minister Dong Jun has been placed under investigation as part of a wide-ranging anti-corruption probe that has roiled the top ranks of the People's Liberation Army, — Financial Times
Dong is the third consecutive serving or former Chinese defence minister to be investigated for alleged corruption.
Dong Jiang was appointed as the military chief in December 2023, but didn't last even a year. His predecessor was removed after seven months. At least nine PLA generals and several defense industry leaders were also removed from office.

🇨🇳 В Китае третий министр обороны подряд находится под следствием по обвинению в коррупции, — Financial Times
Дун Цзян был назначен на пост главы военного ведомства в декабре 2023, но не продержался в кресле даже года. Его предшественник был снят через 7 месяцев.
Чистки в китайской армии продолжаются в рамках масштабного антикоррупционного расследования. По меньшей мере 9 генералов НОАК и несколько руководителей оборонной промышленности также были отстранены от должности.

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⚡️🇨🇳🇸🇾 #China is calling all its citizens in #Syria to leave the country as soon as possible.

⚡️🇨🇳🇸🇾 Китай призывает всех своих граждан в Сирии как можно скорее покинуть страну.

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Called on the carpet?
🇷🇺🇨🇳 Deputy head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Beijing to meet with the Chinese leadership
#Russia #China

Вызвали на ковёр?
🇷🇺🇨🇳 Зампред Совбеза РФ Дмитрий Медведев прилетел в Пекин для встречи с руководством Китая
#Russia #China

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Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
⚡️🇺🇸 New York airport suspends operations due to unidentified drones, — NBC News Mysterious drones in New York temporarily shut down runways at an Orange County airport, a frustrated governor said, calling for federal assistance and declaring that "this has…
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🇺🇸 Incidents with the appearance of unidentified drones in the #US began in the fall of 2023

Last December, a group of drones was seen over Langley Air Force Base and Norfolk Naval Station in Virginia for 17 days.

A couple of months before that, five drones flew over a Department of Energy nuclear facility in Nevada.

Who controls these facilities and for what purpose remains a mystery to the American authorities, although a whole team of employees from the UFO research department and the FBI are working on this issue in the Pentagon.

🇷🇺🇨🇳 Some speculate that #Russia or #China are behind the unidentified flying objects

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🇨🇳Chinese startup AGIBOT begins mass production of humanoid robots for civilian use
In total, Chinese AGIBOT presented five humanoid robots in the fall.
The most notable among them is the Unitree G1, which is now ready for mass production. It has improved characteristics, a stylish design, and is optimized for large-scale production.

🇨🇳 Китайский стартап AGIBOT начинает массовое производство гуманоидных роботов гражданского назначения
Всего китайский AGIBOT представил осенью пять гуманоидных роботов.
Самый заметный среди них — Unitree G1, который теперь готов к массовому производству. Он обладает улучшенными характеристиками, стильным дизайном и оптимизирован для крупномасштабного производства.

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Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
🇨🇳Chinese startup AGIBOT begins mass production of humanoid robots for civilian use In total, Chinese AGIBOT presented five humanoid robots in the fall. The most notable among them is the Unitree G1, which is now ready for mass production. It has improved…
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New reality
🇨🇳ChatGPT reported today that AGIROS, a Chinese AI robotics company, has begun mass production of its robots and integrating them into many aspects of everyday life.
▪️There are already entire warehouses in #China for storing and adjusting humanoid robots

Новая реальность
🇨🇳ChatGPT сегодня рассказал, что AGIROS — китайская компания по производству робототехники с искусственным интеллектом — начала массовое производство своих роботов и интеграцию их во многие аспекты повседневной жизни.
▪️В Китае уже есть целые склады для хранения и наладки человекоподобных роботов

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Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
🇷🇺🛢 One of the largest oil refineries in #Russia has been completely shut down after a series of attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces The Novoshakhtinsky oil refinery in the Rostov region has stopped the operation of both primary oil refining units The…
🇺🇦🛢🇷🇺 Russia's Fuel Exports Fall Year-On-Year Due to Ukrainian Drone Strikes, — Bloomberg

Seaborne oil product flows from #Russia have averaged about 2.2 million barrels a day so far in 2024. That’s a drop of 9% from the average volumes last year and 10% below the levels in 2022, when Europe was still importing Russian fuels

📌If in 2017–2021 average daily deliveries abroad fluctuated within the range of 2.4–2.8 million barrels, then during the current year they amounted to 1.9–2.6 million. Moreover, they reached their maximum values ​​in 2024 only at the very beginning of the year and in December

Breakdowns of Western equipment, which is now difficult to replace, also led to long downtimes

❗️According to official statistics alone, in January–May, Russian refineries reduced gasoline production by almost 20% and diesel fuel by 11%. After that, the authorities classified the statistics

The main buyers of Russian fuel:
🇹🇷 #Turkey — 20%
🇧🇷 #Brazil — 17%
🇨🇳 #China — 11%

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⚡️🇺🇸The Pentagon has signed a $253.7 million contract with Williams International to increase production of gas turbine engines used in the Harpoon, JASSM, LRASM, and Tomahawk missiles

The #US already has more than 7,000 of these cruise missiles in its arsenal, produced specifically for a potential conflict with #China

▪️In parallel, Raytheon received a $402 million contract to produce 131 Block V Tactical Tomahawk missiles. Of these, 26 are intended for ground-based launchers of the US Army, 16 for the Marine Corps, 11 for #Australia, and 78 for #Japan


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Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
⚡️🇷🇺🚀🎄🌍 Having shot down the Azerbaijani passenger plane, the Russians didn't stop there and on the second day after the tragedy they released a rather unusual New Year's video in which Russian air defense shoots down... Santa Claus! #Russia ⚡️🇷🇺🚀☃️🌍 Сбив…
❗️🇷🇺🌎 There is one more detail worth paying attention to in this video — the globe at the 7th second.
They painted red not only #Russia and #China, but also the rest of #Asia!
I wonder, #Turkey, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula, #India, the whole of ASEAN, Japan - do they already know that Russia in its dreams sees them as part of its empire?

❗️🇷🇺🌎 В этом ролике стоит обратить внимание еще на одну деталь — глобус на 7 секунде.
Они закрасили красным не только Россию и Китай, но и всю остальную Азию!
Интересно, Турция, Ближний Восток и Аравийский полуостров, Индия, весь АСЕАН, Япония — они уже знают, что Россия в своих мечтах видит их частью своей империи?

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⚡️🇨🇳 #China has launched the world’s largest amphibious assault ship, capable of deploying fighter jets, as a demonstration of its military power

⚡️🇨🇳 #Китай спустил на воду крупнейший в мире десантный корабль, способный размещать истребители, в качестве демонстрации своей военной мощи.

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⚡️🇹🇷🇺🇸 Chinese state-sponsored hackers breached the U.S. Treasury Department's computer security guardrails this month and stole documents in what Treasury called a "major incident," according to a letter to lawmakers, opens new tab that Treasury officials provided to Reuters on Monday.

#USA #China

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🎄🇯🇵🇰🇷🇹🇷🌏🇪🇺❄️ Then 2025 will come to #Japan, #Korea, #China, Southeast #Asia, and then #Europe
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL and we wish you happiness! 🍾

🎄🇯🇵🇰🇷🇹🇷🌏🇪🇺☃️ Далее 2025 год встретит #Япония, #Корея, #Китай, Юго-Восточная #Азия, а затем #Европа
ПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ ВСЕХ и желаем счастья! 🥂

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