Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
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Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
⚡️⚡️🇷🇺FSB and the Russian Defense Ministry are preparing large-scale provocations with victims under a "false flag". The security forces were given the task to collect and pull the wreckage of the downed Ukrainian Bayraktors and helicopters to the Belgorod…
In response to repeated warnings by the intelligence services of Ukraine and US that Russia is preparing a "false flag" operation, the Russian Defense Ministry issued a counter-accusation today, stating that's, on the contrary, it's US and Ukraine are allegedly "preparing a provocation against Russia using weapons of mass destruction (WMD) on the territory of Ukraine in response to Russia's success in conducting a special operation."

Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, commander of the RCBZ troops, who made this statement, did not specify exactly in which place Kremlin saw "success in conducting a special operation."
But there are no doubt that after the regular bombings of houses in RF, almost before every presidential "election", the majority of Russians can believe that in Ukraine there is exactly the same bastard government capable of killing its own people as in Russia.

"The US plans to use 3 scenarios to accuse RF, said Kirillov.
— "1. Staging incident under a false flag. We are talking about the real use of chemical and biological weapons with casualties among the civilian population, with the staging of sabotage by Russia at objects that previously belonged to Ukraine. Such a scenario is planned to be organized at chemical and biological facilities in Kharkov and Kyiv.
— 2. A provocation is not ruled out at nuclear power facilities, primarily at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which is under the control of the Russian Federation.
— 3. In addition, the leadership of Ukraine seriously considering the issue of attacking the storage of radioactive waste at the former enterprise "Pridnestrovian radiochemical plant" in the village of Kamenskoye, Dnepropetrovsk region.
Russian Ministry of Defense has documents confirming the critical state of the storage facilities and the misuse of money allocated by the EU for maintenance of the facility."

▪️Kirillov also stated that the Russian Federation allegedly "has no chemical weapons at all, unlike the United States."
What Skripal's, Navalny and others oppositionists were poisoned with, general decided not to specify.

Full statement of Kirillov on YouTube
⚡️⚡️⚡️Russian troops in Transnistria put on full combat readiness
Perhaps the invasion of Moldova will begin already this night

⚡️⚡️⚡️В Приднестровье войска РФ приведены в полную боевую готовность
Возможно, вторжение в Молдову начнется уже этой ночью
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⚡️⚡️🇧🇾🇵🇱This morning, BTR-80 column of Belarusian army advanced towards the border with Poland.
Official version - in response to the upcoming exercises of the Polish army in the northern and eastern Voivodeships
❗️However, yesterday the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Naryshkin, said that "Poland is going to send its troops to Ukraine ..."

⚡️⚡️🇧🇾🇵🇱Сегодня утром в сторону границы с Польшей выдвинулась колонна БТР-80 белорусской армии.
Официальная версия - в ответ на готовящиеся учения польской армии в северных и восточных воеводствах.
❗️Однако вчера глава СВР Нарышкин заявил, что "Польша собирается ввести свои войска на Украину..."
‼️‼️‼️Russian deputies want to execute seriously wounded defenders of Mariupol 😡😡🤬
The chairman of russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs, motherfucker Leonid Slutsky, proposed to execute the wounded Azov fighters despite the moratorium on the death penalty in RF.

‼️‼️‼️Российские депутаты хотят казнить тяжелораненых защитников Мариуполя 😡🤬🤬
Председатель Комитета ГД по международным делам пидарас Леонид Слуцкий предложил казнить раненых бойцов "Азова" несмотря на действующий в РФ мораторий на смертную казнь.
⚡️⚡️🇮🇱 "All members of the Israeli army who have Russian citizenship and are on Russian territory are ordered to immediately return to Israel"

Active IDF servicemen with Russian citizenship are also prohibited from visiting the Russian Federation.
/Israel Foreign Ministry/
"Israel supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We will not recognize the annexation of the four provinces by Russia.
Israel has repeated this clear position many times, including in recent days"

⚡️⚡️🇮🇱 "Всем военнослужащим израильской армии, имеющим российское гражданство и находящимся на территории России, приказано немедленно вернуться в Израиль"

Действующим военнослужащим ЦАХАЛ, имеющим российское гражданство, также запрещено посещать РФ.
/МИД Израиля/
"Израиль поддерживает суверенитет и территориальную целостность Украины. Мы не признаем присоединения четырех регионов к России. Израиль многократно повторял эту четкую позицию, в том числе и в последние дни".
#BREAKING⚡️⚡️В тюрьме умер Алексей Навальный
❗️ФСИН сообщил о смерти Алексея Навального в колонии №3 «Полярный волк» в поселке Харп Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа.

Источник RT заявил, что у Навального оторвался тромб. Официально причины смерти политика не названы.

По данным «Базы», Навальному стало плохо сегодня около часа дня по местному времени (т.е. около 11 часов по Москве). Ему вызвали "скорую".
Медики пытались откачать Алексея, но в 14:17 он умер.

Следователи проводят проверку по факту смерти Навального в колонии, — сообщает управление СК по ЯНАО.

Адвокат Алексея Навального вылетел в Харп

У Навального не было рисков для образования тромбов, заявил врач, лечивший оппозиционера в 2020 году
#BREAKING⚡️⚡️Alexei Navalny died in prison
❗️The Federal Penitentiary Service announced the death of Alexei Navalny in colony No. 3 “Polar Wolf” in the village of Kharp in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

✹ An RT source stated that Navalny’s blood clot had broken off. Officially, the cause of death of the politician has not been announced.

According to “Baza”, Navalny became ill today at about 1 pm local time (i.e. about 11 am Moscow time). An ambulance was called for him.
Doctors tried to pump Alexei out, but at 14:17 he died.

✹Investigators are conducting an investigation into the death of Navalny in the colony, reports the department of the Investigative Committee for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

✹Alexey Navalny’s lawyer flies to Kharp

✹The last video with Alexei Navalny was made yesterday during a court hearing

Navalny had no risk of blood clots, said the doctor treated the oppositionist in 2020
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#BREAKING - 🇯🇵⚡️Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes near west coast Honshu, #Japan, says EMSC, — Reuters

Землетрясение магнитудой 6,2 произошло у западного побережья острова Хонсю в Японии, сообщает EMSC, — Reuters

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⚡️⚡️🇫🇷 French government dismissed for first time since 1962, — BFMTV
The French parliament has announced a vote of no-confidence in the government of 73-year-old Barnier: 331 deputies of the 577-seat parliament voted "FOR".
President Macron, according to leaks to the press, hopes to present a candidate for a new PM "within 24 hours."

🔗Le Monde

⚡️⚡️🇫🇷 Правительство Франции отправлено в отставку впервые с 1962 года, — BFMTV
Парламент Франции объявил вотум недоверия правительству 73-летнего Барнье: «ЗА» проголосовал 331 депутат 577-местного парламента.
Президент Макрон, согласно утечкам в прессу, надеется представить кандидатуру нового премьера «в течение 24 часов».

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⚡️🇸🇾 42-year-old Abu Muhammad al-Julani speaks in one of the largest and oldest mosques in the world in Damascus
The mosque, which was built around 715, is of great importance in the Muslim world. It is believed that it houses the head of John the Baptist, who is revered by Christians and Muslims (as the prophet Yahya).
Al-Julani is the main architect of the overthrow of the Assad regime, it was his group that captured most of the cities.

⚡️🇸🇾 42-летний Абу Мухаммад аль-Джулани выступает в одной из крупнейших и старейших мечетей мира в Дамаске
Мечеть, которую построили около 715 года, имеет большое значение в мусульманском мире. Считается, что в ней хранится голова Иоанны Предтечи, которого почитают христиане и мусульмане (как пророк Яхья)
Аль-Джулани — главный творец свержения режима Асада, именно его группировка захватила большую часть городов.

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Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
🇮🇱🇸🇾 Targets attacked by the Israeli Air Force in the last few hours: ▪️Latakia port and air defense positions in the area; ▪️Daraa; ▪️Ammunition depot on the Homs-Damascus highway; ▪️Depots of pro-Iranian forces in the city of Sayyida Zaynab near Damascus.…
⚡️🇸🇾🇮🇱 Massive Israeli offensive in southern Syria
Israeli forces advanced and captured several towns and settlements in Syria, including Beit Tema, Heeneh, Erneh and Beqassem.
Israeli forces are only 19 km from Damascus.
#Syria #Israel

⚡️🇸🇾🇮🇱 Масштабное наступление Израиля на юге Сирии
Израильские войска захватили несколько городов и поселений в Сирии, включая Бейт Тема, Хине, Эрне и Бекассем, и сейчас находятся всего в 19 км от Дамаска.
#Сирия #Израиль

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⚡️🇷🇺🚀🇺🇦 #Russia strikes Zaporozhye with ballistic missiles
A medical clinic, office buildings and cafes were destroyed.

As a result of the Russian strike, three civilians were killed and at least five were injured

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Forwarded from Clash Report
#BREAKING Russia appears to be preparing to withdraw its S-400 air defence system from Khmeimim Air Base, Latakia, Syria.

Satellite images from this morning & footage from the ground show no launchers deployed, with the 91N6E radar packed and positioned on the apron for loading onto an AN-124.

Fighter jets and helicopters remain active at the base, though. For now.
⚡️🇷🇺🇸🇾#Россия, по-видимому, готовится вывести С-400 с авиабазы ​​Хмеймим, Латакия, #Сирия.

Спутниковые снимки, сделанные этим утром, и кадры с земли не показывают развернутых пусковых установок, а радар 91Н6Е упакован и размещен на перроне для погрузки на АН-124.

Однако истребители и вертолеты пока продолжают действовать на базе. Пока.

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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Deputy head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev set the task of destroying the military-political leadership of Ukraine, in connection with the murder of General Kirillov.
#Russia #Ukraine

⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Заместитель главы Совета безопасности России Дмитрий Медведев поставил задачу уничтожить военно-политическое руководство Украины, в связи с убийством генерала Кириллова.
#Россия #Украина

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⚡️🇺🇸🇺🇦 CIA Chief Burns arrived in #Ukraine for the final time as an official #US government figure

⚡️🇺🇸🇺🇦 Глава ЦРУ Бернс прибыл в Украину в последний раз в качестве официального представителя правительства #США

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⚡️🇨🇳 #China has launched the world’s largest amphibious assault ship, capable of deploying fighter jets, as a demonstration of its military power

⚡️🇨🇳 #Китай спустил на воду крупнейший в мире десантный корабль, способный размещать истребители, в качестве демонстрации своей военной мощи.

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⚡️🇺🇸 Former #US President Jimmy Carter died at the age of 100

Jimmy Carter, 39th president and Nobel Peace Prize winner, dies at 100, his son says, — The Washington Post

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