🇹🇯While Tajik President Emomali Rahmon went to the CSTO summit to meet with Putin, protests and clashes with the military began in #Tajikistan itself (in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region).
Before that, the exchange rate of national currency in Tajikistan had fallen sharply and food prices had skyrocketed.
🇹🇯🔥🇦🇫In addition, there was a firefight with Taliban on the border with #Afghanistan: now the #Taliban have concentrated there, according to various estimates, from 6 to 10 thousand fighters.
🇹🇯🔥🇰🇬There is no one to repulse the Taliban offensive, because the main part of Tajik army is stationed in the Fergana Valley, where a conflict with #Kyrgyzstan is brewing.
The Taliban canceled a planned attack on Tajikistan due to receipt of funds from Moscow in the amount of $ 3 billion.
Before that, the exchange rate of national currency in Tajikistan had fallen sharply and food prices had skyrocketed.
🇹🇯🔥🇦🇫In addition, there was a firefight with Taliban on the border with #Afghanistan: now the #Taliban have concentrated there, according to various estimates, from 6 to 10 thousand fighters.
🇹🇯🔥🇰🇬There is no one to repulse the Taliban offensive, because the main part of Tajik army is stationed in the Fergana Valley, where a conflict with #Kyrgyzstan is brewing.
The Taliban canceled a planned attack on Tajikistan due to receipt of funds from Moscow in the amount of $ 3 billion.
Chronicles of Troubled Times: events
🇹🇯Пока президент Таджикистана Эмомали Рахмон ездил на саммит ОДКБ к путлеру, в самом Таджикистане (в Горно-Бадахшанской автономной области) начались протесты и стычки с военными и т.д.
До этого в Таджикистане сильно обвалился курс нац.валюты и резко взлетели…
До этого в Таджикистане сильно обвалился курс нац.валюты и резко взлетели…
Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
⚡️🇦🇫🇵🇰 Violent clashes erupt on #Afghanistan-#Pakistan border Taliban forces have seized several checkpoints on the border with Pakistan in a retaliatory operation that began this morning Earlier, Pakistan Air Force struck bases of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan…
🇦🇫🇵🇰 Footage of massive #Taliban deployment declaring war on #Pakistan, and first exchange of blows this morning
🇦🇫🇵🇰 Кадры массового развертывания Талибана, объявившего войну Пакистану, и первый обмен ударами сегодня ночью
#Афганистан #Пакистан
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🇦🇫🇵🇰 Кадры массового развертывания Талибана, объявившего войну Пакистану, и первый обмен ударами сегодня ночью
#Афганистан #Пакистан
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