Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
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⚡️The #UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution not recognizing the so-called "referendums" in the occupied DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine.
▪️143 out of 193 member countries voted "FOR" the resolution.
🇷🇺🇸🇾🇧🇾🇰🇵🇳🇮 Five were "AGAINST" — #Russia, #Syria, #Belarus, #North_Korea and #Nicaragua.
🇨🇳🇩🇿🇮🇳🇻🇳🇵🇰 Abstentions include #China, #Algeria, #India, #Vietnam, #Pakistan and others (35 countries in total)

⚡️Генассамблея #ООН подавляющим большинством голосов приняла резолюцию, не признающую так называемые «референдумы» в оккупированных ДНР, ЛНР, Херсонской и Запорожской областях Украины.
▪️143 из 193 стран-членов проголосовали "ЗА" резолюцию.
🇷🇺🇸🇾🇧🇾🇰🇵🇳🇮 Пять выступили "ПРОТИВ" — #Россия, #Сирия, #Беларусь, #Северная_Корея и #Никарагуа.
🇨🇳🇩🇿🇮🇳🇻🇳🇵🇰 Среди воздержавшихся — #Китай, #Алжир, #Индия, #Вьетнам, #Пакистан и другие (всего 35 стран)
🇷🇺 Russian authorities are intending tighten migration control — Patrushev

🇷🇺🚘 Some of the governors of the yellow-orange regions spoke out against movement restrictions (the mayor of Moscow, the governors of Kursk, Voronezh, Rostov regions and the head of the Krasnodar Territory)

🇷🇺 ☦️ The Russians are tired of the ROC: the influence of the Church on society has collapsed to a minimum in more than 10 last years
Having become the mouthpiece of state propaganda and supporting the war, the Russian Orthodox Church is rapidly losing its leverage on the mass consciousness.
Almost one in three (31%) considers Church interference in domestic politics to be excessive, and only 1% still support the ROC

🇰🇷 🇷🇺 The South Korean company Hyundai Motors finally leaves Russia and sells its plant in St. Petersburg
1.5 thousand remaining vehicles are removed from the production site.

🇺🇸🛢🇷🇺 Exxon Mobil also left Russia and threatened the Kremlin with an international court after the Russian government “unilaterally terminated” Exxon Mobil's stake in the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project, the largest field developed by company owning a 30% stake in this project in Russia /Reuters/

🇹🇷🤝🇷🇺 Erdogan agreed to Putin's proposal to create a gas hub /Reuters/
This means that Russia will be able to sell fuel to European countries through Turkey (but this is not certain 😎)

Trying to negotiate the creation of an illegal international gas transit hub with Erdogan, Putin created a conflict of interests between Turkey and Iran: on October 13, Iranian Deputy Oil Minister Ahmed Asadzade said on the sidelines that Gazprom has a promising opportunity to transport its gas through Iran to neighboring countries, incl. in #Pakistan

🇷🇺 Russian state-owned banks and major mobile operators have banned their employees from working outside of Russia

🇷🇺🇮🇷🇧🇷 According to the Russian sources themselves, the Kremlin could pay off #Iran for arms supplies through one of the Brazilian banks. The kickback ("investment by Iranian farmers in Brazilian agriculture") was 20%.
The story is reminiscent of the scheme with the "investment" of Russian deputies in the palm plantations of #Indonesia... where Rosoboronexport successfully "invested" several fighter jets.

🇪🇺 Some #EU countries are still not ready to abandon the import of Russian diamonds, nuclear fuel and oil /NYT/
🇧🇪 #Belgium imports rough Russian diamonds via Antwerp.
#Greece freely supplies Russian oil.
#France and a number of other countries (including #Hungary, #Slovakia, #Finland) still import Russian uranium for their nuclear power plants.

🇪🇺⛽️🇷🇺 It took Europe just 8 months to find an alternative to Russian gas
The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that initially it was estimated that refusing entirely from Russian gas would take 7 years.

🇷🇺👶 Russia Faces Biggest Demographic Disaster Since WWII (chart)
At the same time, the Russian government is also counting on the death of at least a million pensioners next year.

🇺🇸🦠 Boston University scientists are claiming to have created a new strain of coronavirus with a lethality rate of 80%.
A variant that's a combination of Omicron and the original Wuhan virus killed 80% of the mice it infected.
The scientists also infected human cells with the hybrid variant and found that it was 5 times more infectious than Omicron.

🇺🇸🇻🇪🇮🇹🇷🇺 The US Department of Justice charged five Russian citizens and two Venezuelan oil traders with sanctions evasion and money laundering.
Among them – Artem Uss, the son of the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Uss was detained in Italy and will be extradited to US

🌎🇧🇾 The World Bank transferred all loans granted to #Belarus to the status of non-performing due to overdue payments for $68.4 million

🇷🇺🇷🇺 A popular movement for secession from Russia began in Bashkortostan

⛽️🇪🇺 #Europe cannot cope with the influx of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The price of gas has fallen three times since the August peak. Dozens of LNG tankers ply around European shores. /Reuters/
Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
🇷🇺🤝🇵🇰#Pakistan, where Putin promised to send Russian troops a week ago, now has its own problems: More than 100 lawmakers loyal to Pakistan's ousted prime minister Imran Khan resigned, creating a headache for the new, Western-friendly incumbent Shehbaz Sharif…
🇵🇰 The streets of the city of Rawalpindi in #Pakistan are filled with supporters of the disgraced Imran Khan, after another assassination attempt on him in early November
No less numerous processions are held in other cities, including Islamabad.
A caravan of hundreds of vehicles, thousands of tribal elders, youth and military moves from North Waziristan to the capital
▪️It's not hard to guess who's behind the protests, given that pro-Western forces are now in power

🇵🇰 Улицы города Равалпинди в Пакистане заполнены сторонниками опального Имрана Хана, после очередного покушения на него в начале ноября
Не менее многочисленные шествия проходят и в других городах, в том числе, в Исламабаде
Караван, состоящий из сотен транспортных средств, тысяч старейшин племен, молодежи и военных, движется из Северного Вазиристана в столицу
▪️Несложно предположить, кто стоит за протестами, учитывая, что сейчас у власти прозападные силы.
#Afghanistan #Pakistan
🇦🇫🔥🇵🇰 Yesterday there was another clash between the Taliban and Pakistani border guards.
Taliban fighters opened fire at the Vesh Chaman border crossing, where civilians were at that moment.
At least six civilians were killed, more than 30 were injured.

#Афганистан #Пакистан
🇦🇫🔥🇵🇰 Вчера снова произошло столкновение между Талибаном и пакистанскими пограничниками.
Боевики Талибана открыли огонь по пограничному переходу Веш-Чаман, где в тот момент находились мирные жители.
Убиты как минимум шесть человек, более 30 ранены.
🔥🇵🇰 Car bomb exploded in Islamabad, #Pakistan
Local media reported that the police stopped a "suspicious" car, which was a suicide bomber.
One police officer was killed and four were injured.

🔥🇵🇰 В Исламабаде (#Пакистан) взорвался заминированный автомобиль
Местные СМИ сообщают, что полицейские остановили «подозрительную» машину, в которой оказался террорист-смертник.
Погиб один сотрудник полиции, четверо пострадали.
Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
The US is losing ground not only in Europe, but also in the Middle East 🇮🇷 Iran's First Carrier To Be Launched In 2023 Recent photo of Iranian ISOICO shipyard (27.053771, 55.979837) shows the IRGC new floating base named Shahid Bagheri which is again a civilian…
The Americans are also late due to the rapid development of China's navy.
🇨🇳🌏🇱🇰🇵🇰🇮🇷🌍🌎 This is the "circulatory system" of the Chinese expansion of the New Silk Road project — a network of sea communications actively laid by #China. Recently laid cables are marked in red: it wraps around the strategic region of the South China Sea — #Asia, then #SriLanka, #Pakistan, #Iran, #Africa, #Latin_America.

🇬🇧 In 2019, one of the leading players in the submarine communications market, the British Global Marine Group, was bought by Huawei Marine Networks, due to which China achieved technological autonomy, providing a new round of “cable” expansion.
Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
Инструкция от США: как проебать все полимеры 🇮🇷 Первый авианосец Ирана будет спущен на воду в 2023 Недавняя фотография иранской верфи ISOICO (27.053771, 55.979837) показывает новую плавучую базу КСИР «Шахид Багери» — гражданский контейнеровоз, переоборудованный…
Американцы также опаздывают из-за быстрого развития военно-морского флота Китая.
🇨🇳🌏🇱🇰🇵🇰🇮🇷🌍🌎 Это — «кровеносная система» китайской экспансии проекта Нового шелкового пути – сеть морских коммуникаций, активно прокладываемая Китаем. Красным цветом обозначены недавно проложенные кабели, обвивающие стратегический регион Южно-Китайского моря – #Азия, затем #Шри_Ланка, #Пакистан, #Иран, #Африка, #Латинская_Америка

🇬🇧 В 2019 один из ведущих игроков на рынке подводных коммуникаций – британская Global Marine Group – была куплена Huawei Marine Networks, за счет чего Китай добился технологической автономности, обеспечив новый виток «кабельной» экспансии.
Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
🔥🇵🇰 The military themselves opened the gates to supporters of the arrested ex-premier Khan. The protesters marched unhindered to the military bases. The video shows the destruction of the house of one of the commanders of the army corps in Lahore. 🔥🇵🇰 Военные…
🇵🇰 In Karachi, mass riots after the arrest of Khan, in Lahore and Peshawarai, army units are being stormed. The military does not resist. Internet has been fully blocked.

🇵🇰 В Карачи массовые беспорядки после ареста Хана, в Лахоре и Пешаварае идёт штурм армейских частей. Военные не оказывают сопротивления.
Введена полная блокировка Интернета.
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🔥State Radio #Pakistan propaganda studio now on fire in Pakistan
Does the same await #Russia?

🔥В Пакистане горит пропагандистская государственная студия «Радио Пакистана»
То же ждет и Россию?
🇵🇰🚀🇦🇫 Pakistani airstrikes in Afghanistan's Paktika province have killed at least 46 people, the Taliban government says
#Pakistan #Afghanistan

🇵🇰🚀🇦🇫 В результате авиаударов Пакистана в афганской провинции Пактика погибли по меньшей мере 46 человек, сообщило правительство Талибана
#Пакистан #Афганистан

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Chronicles of Troubled Times: prologue to WWIII
🇵🇰🚀🇦🇫 Pakistani airstrikes in Afghanistan's Paktika province have killed at least 46 people, the Taliban government says #Pakistan #Afghanistan 🇵🇰🚀🇦🇫 В результате авиаударов Пакистана в афганской провинции Пактика погибли по меньшей мере 46 человек, сообщило…
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⚡️🇦🇫🇵🇰 Violent clashes erupt on #Afghanistan-#Pakistan border
Taliban forces have seized several checkpoints on the border with Pakistan in a retaliatory operation that began this morning

Earlier, Pakistan Air Force struck bases of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan group in Afghanistan's Paktika province, in response to which the Taliban promised revenge

Local media reported that 19 Pakistani soldiers and three Afghan soldiers were killed in a clash between Pakistani and Afghan border guards.

❗️This is a conflict that is worth paying attention to, as Pakistan is one of the countries that possess nuclear weapons

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