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Консульский отдел Посольства:

Официальный канал Посольства Российской Федерации в Королевстве Камбоджа

Official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Cambodia
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Argumenty i Fakty newspaper (April 4, 2023)



• We share a vision of what is causing major international security challenges. We note the West's unwillingness to conduct a dialogue between the states based on the principles of equality. We oppose the use of sanctions pressure or other unfair competition tools.

• Our strategic cooperation is not directed against third countries, but contributes to the balanced development of the international system in its entirety.

• The alleged “dependence” and “inequality” of Russian-Chinese relations has been discussed ad nauseum mostly in unfriendly countries for a long time now. We see this as an attempt to cast aspersions on our successes and to drive a wedge into the friendship between Moscow and Beijing. These designs can be easily read into.


• Russia has repeatedly come up with constructive ideas and pragmatic and non-politicised proposals for overcoming pressing international issues, such as President Putin's December 2021 initiative to provide Russia with legally binding security guarantees in the western direction. However, Washington and Brussels ignored us or reacted to this initiative negatively which led to the current crisis in Ukraine.


• Our main difference from the Westerners is that we never lecture our foreign partners on how they should live. We do not have a hidden agenda or double standards.

• We view the St Petersburg (Russia-Africa) Summit as a systemic element of Russia-Africa cooperation. We are filling it with meaningful content in close cooperation with our African friends.


• If the Europeans decide one day to give up their anti-Russia course and start a mutually respectful dialogue with Russia, we will review their proposals and make decisions proceeding from our national interests.
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🎙 Interview by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova with RT on the sidelines of XXVI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

Key topics:

🔹 Strikes by Ukraine’s Armed Forces against the Kakhovskaya dam
🔹 Prospects of Russian-German contacts
🔹 Relations between Russia and neighboring countries
🔹 Potential #BRICS candidates
🔹 #RussiaAfrica ties
🔹 Peace initiatives on Ukraine
🔹 Black Sea Initiative
🔹 Relations with the EU countries
🔹 2024 US presidential elections
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🤝 President Vladimir Putin received heads of delegations of African states in the Constantine Palace in St. Petersburg

💬 Vladimir Putin: Comprehensive development of ties with African countries is a priority of Russian foreign policy.

We have consistently stood for further consolidating the traditionally friendly relations with African countries and the primary regional association – the African Union – based on principles of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs.

Comprehensive preparations are underway for a milestone event – the second #RussiaAfrica summit to be held soon here, in St Petersburg.

🌍 Russia has the utmost respect for the principled position of African states in favour of maintaining global and regional stability and security, peaceful settlement of conflicts, and establishing a more just model of international relations

We welcome the balanced approach of our African friends towards the Ukrainian crisis.

☝️ Friends, we appreciate your interest in seeking ways to resolve the conflict. We immediately accepted your proposal to hold talks regarding the situation around Ukraine.

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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's remarks at the Business Council meeting (Moscow, June 23, 2023)

🌍 Today’s discussion will focus on the expansion of trade and economic cooperation with Africa. Its role as one of the most important pillars of the emerging multipolar system continues to grow.

Economic and financial independence remains a key factor in Africa's socioeconomic development and food security. Russia has a principled approach here, advocating the need to reform the global financial architecture and increase the role of new centres of economic growth in it.

In terms of practical cooperation, Africa is one of the fastest-growing export markets for our manufacturers; it is one of the promising destinations for Russian investment. African countries are interested in working with us to achieve the goals set out in the African Union's strategy, Agenda 2063.

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🇷🇺🤝🌍 The Second #RussiaAfrica Summit has concluded!

🇩🇿 🇦🇴 🇧🇯 🇧🇫 🇧🇮 🇬🇲 🇬🇭 🇬🇳 🇬🇼 🇩🇯 🇨🇩 🇪🇬 🇿🇼 🇨🇲 🇰🇪 🇰🇲 🇨🇮 🇱🇾 🇲🇷 🇲🇱 🇲🇦 🇲🇿 🇳🇦 🇳🇬 🇨🇬 🇷🇼 🇸🇨 🇸🇳 🇸🇴 🇸🇩 🇸🇱 🇹🇿 🇹🇬 🇹🇳 🇺🇬 🇨🇫 🇹🇩 🇬🇶 🇪🇷 🇸🇿 🇪🇹 🇿🇦 🇸🇸

To all our African friends and colleagues: till we meet again!
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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview for the RT channel (Moscow, November 15, 2023)



• The cessation of hostilities and stopping of violence, is of huge importance to the civilians, but in historical terms, in sustainable settlement terms the second aspect of this problem, which is much more important, the creation of the Palestinian state is unavoidable.

• Of course, these days, Washington is highly ideologized. And anything coming from Russia is taken as a hostile act, hostile initiative. But on substance, in practical terms, Washington doesn't want to tie Israel's hands.

• Americans say that some pro-Iranian armed groups in Syria and Iraq are trying to attack American military sites. This is reported by the media. There is nothing new in this because these groups believe that the presence of the United States in Syria is absolutely illegal and this is a statement of fact.


• The most popular topic at the 2nd #RussiaAfrica Summit was that Africa does not want any longer to be a very rich continent which does not enjoy the richness it possesses, like in the colonial times, when most of the resources are being pumped raw into developed countries and then processed and sold with huge profit.


• The Eurasian continent, especially the Asian part of the Eurasian continent, becomes a powerhouse of the world economy. Integration structures existing in Eurasia established close links between themselves.

• Greater Eurasian Partnership must be open to all countries and organizations situated on the Eurasian continent, leaving the door open [even] to those who believe that they are masters of the universe.


• The process of shaping the new world order will take time. It might be a historic era, a whole historic era.

• The reform of the United Nations is a must, if only because multipolarity brought to the key positions many new players who are not now represented in the Security Council as permanent members.
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🗓 Today, on June 5, the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has kicked off. The main theme of the event is "The Formation of New Areas of Growth as the Cornerstone of a Multipolar World".

Over the years, the Forum has become the world's leading platform for the business community to communicate and discuss key economic issues facing Russia, emerging markets and the world as a whole.

👨‍💼👩‍💼 More than 17,100 people from 136 countries and territories, as well as 3,400 media representatives are participating in SPIEF-2024.

The plenary session of the Forum will traditionally be addressed by Russia's President Vladimir Putin, who has previously sent greeting to the participants, organisers and guests of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The SPIEF-2024 business programme consists of four thematic tracks:

🔹 The Transition to a Multipolar World Economy;
🔹 Goals and Objectives of Russia’s New Economic Cycle;
🔹 Technologies for Leadership;
🔹 A Healthy Society, Traditional Values and Social Development: The Priority of the State.

The programme includes more than 150 thematic sessions with over 1,000 moderators and speakers.

In addition, events organised by the Russian Foreign Ministry will traditionally take place on the margins of the SPIEF:

• On June 7, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova will hold a briefing, as well as a session on "International and National Experiences of Artificial Intelligence Regulation: Best Practices";

• On June 8, The International Affairs, a magazine published by the Foreign Ministry, will hold a debate titled "Polycentricity: The Norm of a Future World without Colonies and Hegemons".

🤝 The programme of events of the SPIEF-2024 international track includes more than 10 business dialogues, including formats EAEU-ASEAN, #RussiaAfrica, #RussiaLatinAmerica, #RussiaChina, #RussiaSouthAfrica, #RussiaKazakhstan, #RussiaIndia, #RussiaIran, #RussiaBrazil and other bilateral meetings.

The forum will last until June 8.

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🇷🇺🌍 Heads of delegations of the African nations have arrived in Sochi to take part in the First Ministerial Conference of the #RussiaAfrica Partnership Forum.

Welcome! 🤗
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📄 Joint Statement of the First Ministerial Conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum on the implementation of the Declaration of the Second Russia-Africa Summit on strengthening cooperation in the fight against terrorism (Sochi, 10 November, 2024)

❗️ We strongly condemn all acts, methods and practices of terrorism, which are never justifiable, regardless of motivation or context. We denounce terrorism in all forms and manifestations, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed. We reject politicization and double standards in countering terrorism.

☝️ We emphasize the importance of continuing to implement the provisions of the Declaration on Strengthening Counter-Terrorism Cooperation adopted at the Second Russia-Africa Summit (St. Petersburg, July 28, 2023) by the Heads of State and Government of the Russian Federation and African countries, representatives of the African Union and other leading African integration associations.

We reaffirm our interest in developing joint cooperation in the field of countering international terrorism and confirm that the main efforts in this area should be concentrated on suppressing the activities of international terrorist organizations and their affiliates, as well as the prevention of terrorism, while remaining in compliance with international law, including international human rights law, international humanitarian law and international refugee law.

We remain committed to addressing the various factors and root causes that may contribute to the expansion of the influence of terrorist organizations in Africa.

We condemn the misuse of information and telecommunication networks for terrorist purposes including planning, radicalization, recruitment and terrorist financing.

We support open and constructive counter terrorism dialogue and cooperation between the Russian Federation and African States through:

• The development and implementation of measures to disrupt and suppress terrorist organizations and their financing channels, including knowledge sharing on emerging risks and threats;

• Strengthening cooperation between the competent authorities of the states in the exchange of information within the framework of national legislation, on the activities of terrorist organizations;

• Continuation of coordinated preventive and investigative measures to counter terrorism, violent extremism, conducive to terrorism, as well as terrorist financing, the use of the internet for terrorist purposes, and transnational organized crime;

• Organization of events for the exchange of experience in combating terrorist manifestations, including the rehabilitation and reintegration of persons linked to terror related activities <...>.

We recognize and respect the sovereignty, agency and independence of African States and reaffirm the need to jointly oppose neo-colonialism, as stated in the Declaration of the Second Russia-Africa Summit (St. Petersburg, July 28, 2023).

🤝 We believe that effective cooperation in combating terrorism and violent extremism, conducive to terrorism, remains a crucial aspect of Russia's ongoing relations with the States of the African continent.

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