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Консульский отдел Посольства:

Официальный канал Посольства Российской Федерации в Королевстве Камбоджа

Official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Forwarded from MoD Russia
❗️☣️ Russian Ministry of Defence continues to analyze documents revealing the military-biological activities of the Pentagon in Ukraine.

Full text

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP #BioWeapon
Forwarded from MoD Russia
🇷🇺🇺🇦☣️ Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

▫️The Russian Ministry of Defence continues to analyze documents revealing the military-biological activities of the Pentagon in Ukraine.

▫️The incoming materials allow us to trace the pattern of interaction between US government agencies and Ukrainian bio-objects. The involvement of entities close to the current US leadership, notably the Rosemont Seneca investment fund run by Hunter Biden, is noticeable in the funding of these activities. The Fund has significant financial resources of at least $2.4 billion. The foundation is closely linked to key contractors of the US military department, including Metabiota, which, along with Black and Veach, is a major supplier of equipment to the Pentagon's bio-labs around the world.

▫️The scale of the program is impressive. The US Agency for International Development, the George Soros Foundation and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention are directly involved, in addition to the military department. Scientific supervision is provided by leading research organisations, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is developing nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project.

▫️All these activities are carried out under the full control of the Pentagon.

▫️Please note - the registration card confirms that it was 30 Ukrainian laboratories, located in 14 settlements that were involved in full-scale military-biological activities in Ukraine.

▫️The document was signed by Viktor Polishchuk, Deputy State Secretary of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers. The legal basis for its signing was the Agreement on Cooperation to Prevent the Spread of Technologies, Pathogens and Information that could be used for the development of biological weapons.

▫️The registration card identifies the customer of the work, the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency, as well as a list of biobjects.

▫️As we have previously reported, the funding for 2018-2020 alone was around $32 million. The text of the document states that the United States, its personnel and contractors are exempt from the obligation to pay taxes or other similar fees that are levied in Ukraine.

▫️The Ministry of Defence has disclosed and summarised the flow of biomaterials. Funding for military-biological activities has enabled the US and its allies to export at least 16,000 bioassays outside Ukraine.

▫️Thus, under the UP-8 project in Lvov, Kharkov, Odessa and Kiev, blood samples were taken from 4,000 servicemen for antibodies to Hantaviruses and from 400 for antibodies to the Congo-Crimean fever virus.

▫️This large-scale screening of the natural immunity of the population was probably carried out in order to select the biological agents most dangerous to the population of a particular region.

▫️Document review reveals that not only human tissue and serum samples, but also dangerous pathogens and their transporters were exported. Thus, more than 10,000 samples were sent to Lugar Centre in Georgia. Other recipients include: reference laboratories in the UK, the Loeffler Institute in Germany.

▫️All this creates risks for the transfer abroad of sensitive genetic information, as well as threats to biological security not only for Ukraine, but also for the regions where the samples were transferred.

ℹ️ Part 2

📑 Documents

🎇 Briefing slides

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP #BioWeapon
Forwarded from MoD Russia
☢️☣️Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
Forwarded from MoD Russia
​​Three scenarios are planned for the Russian Federation accusation.

▫️The first one is a ‘staged incident under a false flag’ that is the most probable.

▫️This could include a real use of chemical and biological weapons that would cause deaths among the population or staging ‘sabotages’ from Russia at the facilities of Ukraine involved in the development of components for weapons of mass destruction.

▫️The abovementioned scenario can be implemented in the chemical and biological facilities located in Kharkov and Kiev.

▫️There also may occur a provocation in the nuclear energy facilities: above all others, it could refer to Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Station controlled by the Russian Federation. On April, 21, a convoy of 10 motor vehicles that was transporting dangerous goods to the nuclear station was stopped and turned about to Zaporozhye.

▫️In addition, the leadership of Ukraine is seriously considering striking at the radioactive waste storage facility at the former Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant in the village of Kamenskoye in Dnipropetrovsk Region.

🗂The Ministry of Defense has documents confirming the critical condition of the storage facility and the inappropriate spending of funds allocated by the European Union for the maintenance of the facility.

▫️The second one refers to a ‘Maximally covert use of weapons of mass destruction in small volumes’ for neutralising the will power and the capacity to resist within the fulfilment of a particular operational task.

▫️This scenario was supposed to be implemented in ‘Azovstal’. But the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to cancel the assault of the entity has frustrated the plans of the Pentagon.

▫️The third and the least probable one is the ‘overt use of weapons of mass destruction at a combat area’ in case of failure to succeed in using conventional armaments in the combat zone.

▫️This scenario was considered for Slavyansk and Kramatorsk that had been transformed into fortified towns.

▫️The high probability of staging the application of chemical arms is confirmed by the facts of the supply of antidotes with toxic substances to Ukraine. Only in 2022, on request of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, more than 220 thousand of vials with atropines. This fact is an evidence of a targeted preparation of a provocation that includes the use of toxic nerve-paralytic substances.

📑 Full text of the Briefing on a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP
Forwarded from MoD Russia
​​📑The special military operation has led to forming the final report on DTRA activity dated from 2005 to 2016.

🗂The document contains the data on evaluation of healthcare, veterinary and biosecurity system efficiency prepared by a group of U.S. experts in 2016.

▫️This report is a concept document designed for further planification of military-biological activity of the Pentagon in Ukraine that contains conclusions on implementation of the programme guidelines.

❗️Despite the more than 10-year-long period of cooperation in the alleged '...reduction of biological threats...', the experts have stated: '...There is no legislation on the control of highly dangerous pathogens in the country, there are significant deficiencies in biosafety... The current state of resources makes it impossible for laboratories to respond effectively to public health emergencies...'

▫️The document emphasises that '...over the past five years, Ukraine has shown no progress in implementing international health regulations of the World Health Organisation'.

❗️The report pays particular attention to non-compliance with biosafety requirements when working and storing microbial collections. It has been stated '...that most facilities are characterised by numerous gross violations, such as unlocked fencing systems, unlatching windows, broken or inactive pathogen restriction systems, lack of alarm systems...' The results of the review conclude that there is no system for protecting dangerous pathogens in Ukraine.

▫️At the same time, the activities of the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) have been assessed positively: the organisation has managed to bring the national collection of microorganisms to the United States, to organise biological assessment work and to implement projects to study particularly dangerous and economically significant infections that could cause a worsening (changing) epidemic situation.

▫️The report makes the case for continuing this work on behalf of the Pentagon that has cost more than $250 million since 2005. The document is annexed with ambiguous comments about the sponsors and implementers of the Biological Threat Reduction Programme in Ukraine that have nothing to do with biosecurity issues. In particular, the Soros Foundation is mentioned with the notation '...contributed to the development of an open and democratic society...'

▫️It confirms again that the official activities of the Pentagon in Ukraine are just a front for illegal military and biological research.

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🗂 Documents

📈 Slides

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP