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#RussiaASEAN Ministerial in Phnom Penh.
🤝 Foreign Ministers of 11 nations, including Sergey Lavrov are participating.
#RussiaASEAN Ministerial in Phnom Penh.
🤝 Foreign Ministers of 11 nations, including Sergey Lavrov are participating.
Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
✍️ More than 50 experts from ASEAN Member States took part in a number of trainings and seminars organised by the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor (Russian Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare) in Vladivostok 🇷🇺.
1-year project on “The Use of Modern Molecular Genetic Technologies in Ensuring Biological Safety” was held under the auspices ASEAN-Russia Dialogue Partnership.
1-year project on “The Use of Modern Molecular Genetic Technologies in Ensuring Biological Safety” was held under the auspices ASEAN-Russia Dialogue Partnership.
Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
✍ Third and final training planned for 2022 as a part of capacity building efforts by the Russian Ministry of Interior🇷🇺 for ASEANAPOL brought together 55 ASEAN law-enforcement officials.
Online course on "Detecting and investigating crimes related to the use of cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets" was held by the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya.Kikot from 5 to 9 December 2022.
🎓 Training focused on providing knowledge and skills on fighting crimes committed with cryptocurrency and was aimed at enabling ASEAN law-enforcers better deal with relevant threats and challenges.
🤝 Looking forward to another year of productive and usefull engagement with our ASEAN partners.
Online course on "Detecting and investigating crimes related to the use of cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets" was held by the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya.Kikot from 5 to 9 December 2022.
🎓 Training focused on providing knowledge and skills on fighting crimes committed with cryptocurrency and was aimed at enabling ASEAN law-enforcers better deal with relevant threats and challenges.
🤝 Looking forward to another year of productive and usefull engagement with our ASEAN partners.
Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
🎙On 3 February Russian delegation headed by Deputy Director of the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects of the Ministry of Econonic Development of the Russian Federation, Nikita Kondratev, took part in the 13th ASEAN-Russia Tourism Consultation Meeting in Yogyakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩.
Participants of the meeting outlined priority areas for the further development of ASEAN-Russia tourism cooperation.
Russian side presented new stage of the project "Russian Language
Course for ASEAN Tour Operators” aimed at expanding business contacts between Russia and ASEAN tourism enterprises through Russian language training and experience exchange.
#ASEANRussia #RussiaASEAN
Participants of the meeting outlined priority areas for the further development of ASEAN-Russia tourism cooperation.
Russian side presented new stage of the project "Russian Language
Course for ASEAN Tour Operators” aimed at expanding business contacts between Russia and ASEAN tourism enterprises through Russian language training and experience exchange.
#ASEANRussia #RussiaASEAN
Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
🎙On 4 February Vladimir Ilyichev, Deputy Minister of Econonic development of the Russian Federation, took part in the 2nd Meeting of #ASEAN-Russia Tourism Ministers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩.
Participants exchanged best practices for supporting tourism industry and decided to adjust the #ASEAN-Russia Tourism Cooperation Work Plan 2022-2024 to modern day realities.
✈️The Meeting also resolved to pursue efforts towards establishing direct flights between Russia and #ASEAN Member States.
#ASEANRussia #RussiaASEAN
Participants exchanged best practices for supporting tourism industry and decided to adjust the #ASEAN-Russia Tourism Cooperation Work Plan 2022-2024 to modern day realities.
✈️The Meeting also resolved to pursue efforts towards establishing direct flights between Russia and #ASEAN Member States.
#ASEANRussia #RussiaASEAN
Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
🗓 On February 7, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Andrey #Rudenko held a meeting with the Аmbassadors of the #ASEAN Member States accredited in Moscow which comprise the ASEAN Moscow Committee.
The ASEAN diplomats confirmed the interest of ASEAN in building up multifaceted cooperation with Russia 🇷🇺, preserving its role in global and regional affairs. A substantive discussion took place on measures to develop the ASEAN-Russia strategic partnership taking into account its 5th anniversary this year. Participants of the meeting outlined joint steps aimed at promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in priority areas, including economy, energy, science, education, security and the fight against transnational crime.
☝️ The meeting emphasized the need to deepen the coordination of efforts in order to strengthen the ASEAN-led architecture in the Asia-Pacific region, based on the principles of peaceful inclusive co-development and equality, balance of interests and consensus. Parties reaffirmed their intention to increase the efficiency of practical cooperation within ASEAN-led mechanisms. The importance of moving forward the processes of synergy and integration across the Eurasian continent, where the SCO and the EAEU are already ASEAN's natural partners, was noted.
A number of key international and regional topics were also touched upon.
#RussiaASEAN #ASEANRussia
The ASEAN diplomats confirmed the interest of ASEAN in building up multifaceted cooperation with Russia 🇷🇺, preserving its role in global and regional affairs. A substantive discussion took place on measures to develop the ASEAN-Russia strategic partnership taking into account its 5th anniversary this year. Participants of the meeting outlined joint steps aimed at promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in priority areas, including economy, energy, science, education, security and the fight against transnational crime.
☝️ The meeting emphasized the need to deepen the coordination of efforts in order to strengthen the ASEAN-led architecture in the Asia-Pacific region, based on the principles of peaceful inclusive co-development and equality, balance of interests and consensus. Parties reaffirmed their intention to increase the efficiency of practical cooperation within ASEAN-led mechanisms. The importance of moving forward the processes of synergy and integration across the Eurasian continent, where the SCO and the EAEU are already ASEAN's natural partners, was noted.
A number of key international and regional topics were also touched upon.
#RussiaASEAN #ASEANRussia
Forwarded from Russian Mission to ASEAN
📢 Pleased to announce that the 1st ASEAN-Russia Ministerial Meeting on Science, Technology and Innovation (#ARMMSTI) and Closing Ceremony of the ASEAN-Russia Year of Scientific and Technical Cooperation (#ARYSTC2022) have been held today on February 14.
Throughout the year #ASEAN and Russia 🇷🇺 managed to conduct more than 50 activities in such areas as economics, social and natural science, mathematics, medicine, nuclear fusion, digital and biotechnologies that encouraged stronger ties between universities, academia and youth.
This year we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the ASEAN-Russian Strategic Partnership. The ARYSTC-2022 has greatly contributed to its further advancement.
🤝 ASEAN and Russia joint efforts aimed at promoting innovation-driven growth, technological research and development, capacity building and exchanges will strengthen our cooperation to promote positive unifying agenda in the Asia-Pacific for sustainable economic development and prosperity of our people.
#ASEANRussia #RussiaASEAN
Throughout the year #ASEAN and Russia 🇷🇺 managed to conduct more than 50 activities in such areas as economics, social and natural science, mathematics, medicine, nuclear fusion, digital and biotechnologies that encouraged stronger ties between universities, academia and youth.
This year we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the ASEAN-Russian Strategic Partnership. The ARYSTC-2022 has greatly contributed to its further advancement.
🤝 ASEAN and Russia joint efforts aimed at promoting innovation-driven growth, technological research and development, capacity building and exchanges will strengthen our cooperation to promote positive unifying agenda in the Asia-Pacific for sustainable economic development and prosperity of our people.
#ASEANRussia #RussiaASEAN
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 On July 12, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Lao People's Democratic Republic Saleumxay Kommasith on the sidelines of the 13th East Asia Summit (#EAS) Foreign Ministers Meeting.
The Ministers discussed the priority aspects of strengthening Russia-Laos strategic partnership, with a focus on the further development of political dialogue, the build-up of trade and investment cooperation and the expansion of cultural and educational exchanges.
🤝 Their exchange of views on international issues confirmed the two countries’ close stands on the key aspects of the global and regional agendas. They expressed mutual resolve to promote the #RussiaASEAN dialogue partnership in the context of preparations for the 2024 #ASEAN Chairmanship by Laos.
The Ministers discussed the priority aspects of strengthening Russia-Laos strategic partnership, with a focus on the further development of political dialogue, the build-up of trade and investment cooperation and the expansion of cultural and educational exchanges.
🤝 Their exchange of views on international issues confirmed the two countries’ close stands on the key aspects of the global and regional agendas. They expressed mutual resolve to promote the #RussiaASEAN dialogue partnership in the context of preparations for the 2024 #ASEAN Chairmanship by Laos.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇮🇩 On July 12, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who is attending the events held by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (#ASEAN), had a meeting with Foreign Minister of the Republic of Indonesia Retno Marsudi.
The Ministers highlighted:
👉 the practical aspects of bilateral cooperation
👉 the creation of security architecture in the Asia-Pacific region
👉 the priorities of cooperation at ASEAN-centric platforms and the further development of the #RussiaASEAN strategic partnership.
The Ministers highlighted:
👉 the practical aspects of bilateral cooperation
👉 the creation of security architecture in the Asia-Pacific region
👉 the priorities of cooperation at ASEAN-centric platforms and the further development of the #RussiaASEAN strategic partnership.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🗓 Every year on August 8, the ten member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) mark ASEAN Day. This date was approved by the ASEAN Standing Committee at its annual meeting in May 2005.
🌏 ASEAN was founded in Bangkok on August 8, 1967, by Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines, which signed the so-called Bangkok Declaration. Later, this regional organisation was joined by Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997), and Cambodia (1999).
ASEAN is one of the most successful regional organisations. It has a broad network of various intergovernmental associations involving Russia and other leading world powers: the East Asia Summit (#EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (#ARF), and ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting-Plus (#ADMMPlus).
☝️ Promoting ties with ASEAN is Russia’s key foreign policy priority in Asia. The Russian Permanent Mission to ASEAN has been based in Jakarta since 2017. In 2018, Russia-ASEAN relations reached the level of strategic partnership, resulting in closer coordination on current global and regional issues with the ten member countries at leading multilateral venues, including the UN.
🤝 On July 12-14, 2023, Sergey Lavrov attended foreign ministers’ meetings in Jakarta, held in the Russia-ASEAN, EAS, and ARF formats.
💬 President Vladimir Putin at the Russia-ASEAN Summit (October 28, 2021): "Strengthening ties with ASEAN and its member states has always been and remains one of Russia's foreign policy priorities. <...> I would like to point out that the positions of Russia and the ASEAN states on key global and regional matters are similar in many respects. Most importantly, we all support the expansion of equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the vast Asia-Pacific space."
🌏 ASEAN was founded in Bangkok on August 8, 1967, by Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines, which signed the so-called Bangkok Declaration. Later, this regional organisation was joined by Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997), and Cambodia (1999).
ASEAN is one of the most successful regional organisations. It has a broad network of various intergovernmental associations involving Russia and other leading world powers: the East Asia Summit (#EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (#ARF), and ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting-Plus (#ADMMPlus).
☝️ Promoting ties with ASEAN is Russia’s key foreign policy priority in Asia. The Russian Permanent Mission to ASEAN has been based in Jakarta since 2017. In 2018, Russia-ASEAN relations reached the level of strategic partnership, resulting in closer coordination on current global and regional issues with the ten member countries at leading multilateral venues, including the UN.
🤝 On July 12-14, 2023, Sergey Lavrov attended foreign ministers’ meetings in Jakarta, held in the Russia-ASEAN, EAS, and ARF formats.
💬 President Vladimir Putin at the Russia-ASEAN Summit (October 28, 2021): "Strengthening ties with ASEAN and its member states has always been and remains one of Russia's foreign policy priorities. <...> I would like to point out that the positions of Russia and the ASEAN states on key global and regional matters are similar in many respects. Most importantly, we all support the expansion of equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the vast Asia-Pacific space."