Instant View Now Available for 2274 Websites

This May, we've launched our Instant View Platform and a $200,000 competition to create templates — sets of instructions that tell our bot how to turn an article on a given website into a slick Instant View page.

Instant View pages load in a blink of an eye and support images, videos, and other media. They also work great even if the source website isn't optimized for mobile devices.

Instant View Button

Instant View Page

Instant View for Everyone!

Today we are launching Instant View for 2,274 more websites thanks to the hard work of our contest winners, who will receive $251,664 as prizes before August, 31.

To get a glimpse of the new world, just send a link from one of the websites on this list via Telegram and you'll see an Instant View button right below. Tap this button to instantly get an elegantly formatted page — no need to wait for your browser to load.

Read more about Instant View »

The contest

This Instant View celebration was made possible by the participants of our first contest — and now it's time to celebrate them. Hundreds of coders from more than 20 countries came together to create a total of 37,507 templates from which our brave admins chose the winning versions.

There was a $100 reward for each template that won for its respective domain and we've also assigned three bonus prizes to those who created the most winning templates. We congratulate the winners and all the participants on their achievements!

The winners

  1. Users Pavel T. and Chuchu shared the first place with 40 winning templates each. The first prize of $10,000 will be split, so that each is getting a bonus of $5,000 in addition to the rewards for their templates.

  2. Yuri Panarin took the second place with 38 templates and earns the silver prize of $5,000.

  3. The user φ came in third with 35 templates and gets the bronze prize of $2,500.

See the full results of the First Instant View Contest »

The results are 100% transparent. You can view all template versions for all websites, inspect any issue and see all the comments and appeals as well as every decision taken by the Telegram admins.

Instant View Feedback

The Web evolves swiftly and all templates will need periodic adjustments to stay up to date. If you see a problem with an Instant View page you're viewing, scroll all the way down to find a link to our @previews bot.

If you report a problem to the bot, he‘ll send it on to the template creator who should be able to fix it. Please note that our heroic template creators don’t work for Telegram and can't help you with general inquires — try our in-app Support for those. (Or, better yet, join the TSF today!)

Moving forward

This contest and the first 2,274 domains are just the beginning. We will extend and upgrade our Instant View Platform based on what we've learned on the first part of this journey — and will launch a new contest in the coming months.

Join our @IVcontest channel to get updates on the IV ecosystem.
And have fun with Instant View!

August 4, 2017
The Instant View Team

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