Streaming and Auto-Night Mode on Android

Today's 4.8 update to Telegram for Android introduces video streaming. You can now start watching videos right away – without having to fully download them first.

Streaming-ready video in a chat

All videos newly uploaded from official Telegram apps can be streamed with version 4.8. You can see the caching progress as a light grey strip:

Streaming in progress

Auto-Night Mode

As of this update, Telegram for Android can automatically switch to the dark version of the interface after nightfall or in low-light conditions. To set up Auto-Night Mode, go to Settings > Theme > Auto-Night Mode.

Auto-night mode settings

Telegram for Android supports a multitude of custom themes, so you can choose which theme the app will switch to using the ‘Preferred Night Theme’ setting.

Сonnected websites

We're also launching a Telegram Login Widget today. Version 4.8 includes a ‘Logged in with Telegram’ section in the Privacy & Security settings that lists all the websites you are logged in to via Telegram.

Read more about the Telegram Login Widget

All these features are also coming to iOS, so stay tuned for our next updates.

February 6, 2018,
The Telegram Team


Don‘t miss the other updates we’ve launched in the last few days:

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