⚡️ Mumbai has become a part of the "BRICS Universe"!
The grand opening of the BRICS Universe photo exhibition, based on images of UNESCO creative cities in the BRICS countries, took place today at the National Center for Performing Arts in Mumbai.
🌏 A unique exhibition showing photographs of the creative UNESCO cities of the BRICS countries, taken both on earth and from the International Space Station by the Heroes of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut pilots Sergei Kud-Sverchkov and Ivan Wagner, has opened its doors to residents of India.
The ceremony was hosted by Diana Kovela, Head of the Project Office for International Youth Cooperation "Russia–BRICS", Deputy Director and Head of the Directorate of International Cooperation of the Foundation for Creative Industries of the Ulyanovsk Region.
🚀 Hero of Russia, cosmonaut Sergey Kud-Sverchkov, diplomats and representatives of the BRICS countries, as well as figures of science, culture and art took part in the solemn ceremony.
This year, the exposition has already been presented in 8 cities of the BRICS countries - Ulyanovsk, Kargopol, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Mumbai, Beijing and Rio de Janeiro. Meetings with cosmonauts were held in each city, and the guests of the exhibition learned about scientific and cultural interaction in the BRICS space.
👉 Follow our news, photo exhibitions in Kazan and Cape Town are waiting for you ahead!
The implementation of the BRICS Universe project became possible thanks to the partnership of the Grechko Planetarium in Nizhny Novgorod with Roscosmos State Corporation, The Creative Industries Foundation of the Ulyanovsk Region and The Russia-BRICS Project Office for International Youth Cooperation with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
#UniverseBRICS #BRICS #PhotoExhibition #Mumbai #India
The grand opening of the BRICS Universe photo exhibition, based on images of UNESCO creative cities in the BRICS countries, took place today at the National Center for Performing Arts in Mumbai.
🌏 A unique exhibition showing photographs of the creative UNESCO cities of the BRICS countries, taken both on earth and from the International Space Station by the Heroes of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut pilots Sergei Kud-Sverchkov and Ivan Wagner, has opened its doors to residents of India.
The ceremony was hosted by Diana Kovela, Head of the Project Office for International Youth Cooperation "Russia–BRICS", Deputy Director and Head of the Directorate of International Cooperation of the Foundation for Creative Industries of the Ulyanovsk Region.
🚀 Hero of Russia, cosmonaut Sergey Kud-Sverchkov, diplomats and representatives of the BRICS countries, as well as figures of science, culture and art took part in the solemn ceremony.
This year, the exposition has already been presented in 8 cities of the BRICS countries - Ulyanovsk, Kargopol, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Mumbai, Beijing and Rio de Janeiro. Meetings with cosmonauts were held in each city, and the guests of the exhibition learned about scientific and cultural interaction in the BRICS space.
👉 Follow our news, photo exhibitions in Kazan and Cape Town are waiting for you ahead!
The implementation of the BRICS Universe project became possible thanks to the partnership of the Grechko Planetarium in Nizhny Novgorod with Roscosmos State Corporation, The Creative Industries Foundation of the Ulyanovsk Region and The Russia-BRICS Project Office for International Youth Cooperation with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
#UniverseBRICS #BRICS #PhotoExhibition #Mumbai #India
Проектный офис "Россия - БРИКС"| BRICS Youth. Запись со стены.
⚡ Мумбаи стал частью "Вселенной БРИКС"!
Сегодня в Национальном центре исполнительских искус... Смотрите полностью ВКонтакте.
Сегодня в Национальном центре исполнительских искус... Смотрите полностью ВКонтакте.
⚡️ Today TV BRICS turns 7 years old! 🎉🎂🎈
7 years ago, on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the international TV BRICS network was established, uniting media outlets from different countries around the world.
Let’s celebrate this day by learning 7 interesting facts about TV BRICS:
1️⃣ The international TV BRICS network was established on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who received the support of heads of state at the IX BRICS Summit in China in 2017.
2️⃣ More than 70 media outlets from many countries around the world have already joined the TV BRICS network.
3️⃣ The total technical reach of the TV BRICS partner network exceeds 1.5 billion users.
4️⃣ The total reach of the TV BRICS channel is 12 million subscribers. Broadcasting is conducted in Russian throughout the Russian Federation: through digital TV operators, online TV viewing services, within terrestrial TV channels, on video hosting platforms, and on social media.
5️⃣ The informational portal tvbrics.com publishes content in five languages:
• Russian, • English, • Chinese, • Portuguese, • Spanish.
6️⃣ More than 1,500 text and video materials are released on TV BRICS every month.
7️⃣ The TV BRICS headquarters is located in Moscow.
#HappyBirthday #TVBRICS #7Years #BRICS #Media #News #GlobalEvents
7 years ago, on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the international TV BRICS network was established, uniting media outlets from different countries around the world.
Let’s celebrate this day by learning 7 interesting facts about TV BRICS:
1️⃣ The international TV BRICS network was established on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who received the support of heads of state at the IX BRICS Summit in China in 2017.
2️⃣ More than 70 media outlets from many countries around the world have already joined the TV BRICS network.
3️⃣ The total technical reach of the TV BRICS partner network exceeds 1.5 billion users.
4️⃣ The total reach of the TV BRICS channel is 12 million subscribers. Broadcasting is conducted in Russian throughout the Russian Federation: through digital TV operators, online TV viewing services, within terrestrial TV channels, on video hosting platforms, and on social media.
5️⃣ The informational portal tvbrics.com publishes content in five languages:
• Russian, • English, • Chinese, • Portuguese, • Spanish.
6️⃣ More than 1,500 text and video materials are released on TV BRICS every month.
7️⃣ The TV BRICS headquarters is located in Moscow.
#HappyBirthday #TVBRICS #7Years #BRICS #Media #News #GlobalEvents
Проектный офис "Россия - БРИКС"| BRICS Youth. Запись со стены.
⚡ Today TV BRICS turns 7 years old!
7 years ago, on the initiative of Russian President Vla... Смотрите полностью ВКонтакте.
7 years ago, on the initiative of Russian President Vla... Смотрите полностью ВКонтакте.
⚡️ “Вселенная БРИКС” открывает свои двери в Кейптауне!
26 сентября, в 15:00, Южноафриканский музей Изико в Кейптауне станет точкой притяжения для любителей космоса.
🌏 “Вселенная BRICS” - выставка, объединяющая уникальные фотографии креативных городов ЮНЕСКО стран БРИКС, снятые как с Земли, так и с борта Международной космической станции героями Российской Федерации, летчиками-космонавтами Сергеем Кудь-Сверчковым и Иваном Вагнером.
Вы увидите краски, тайны, события, наследие и величие природы креативных городов стран БРИКС. Более 80 фотографов из стран БРИКС, в том числе 48 россиян, запечатлели их в своих работах.
💯 Особое событие - встреча с героем Российской Федерации, летчиком-космонавтом Сергеем Кудь-Сверчковым, который расскажет о своих впечатлениях, о том, как видят мир с орбиты, и поделится своими мыслями об исследованиях космоса!
“Вселенная BRICS” уже побывала в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Рио-де-Жанейро, Каргополе, Пекине, Нижнем Новгороде, Ульяновске и Мумбаи, собрав более 200 000 зрителей. Кейптаун - один из последних городов, который примет выставку, прежде чем она отправится в Казань.
👉 Присоединяйтесь! Вас ждет увлекательное путешествие в мир красоты и космических открытий.
Реализация проекта «Вселенная BRICS» стала возможной благодаря партнерству Нижегородского планетария имени Г.М. Гречко с госкорпорацией Роскосмос, Фондом креативных индустрий Ульяновской области и Проектным офисом по международному молодежному сотрудничеству «Россия – БРИКС» при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив и Фонда Росконгресс
#ВселеннаяBRICS #BRICS #Фотовыставка #Кейптаун #Индия #Космос
26 сентября, в 15:00, Южноафриканский музей Изико в Кейптауне станет точкой притяжения для любителей космоса.
🌏 “Вселенная BRICS” - выставка, объединяющая уникальные фотографии креативных городов ЮНЕСКО стран БРИКС, снятые как с Земли, так и с борта Международной космической станции героями Российской Федерации, летчиками-космонавтами Сергеем Кудь-Сверчковым и Иваном Вагнером.
Вы увидите краски, тайны, события, наследие и величие природы креативных городов стран БРИКС. Более 80 фотографов из стран БРИКС, в том числе 48 россиян, запечатлели их в своих работах.
💯 Особое событие - встреча с героем Российской Федерации, летчиком-космонавтом Сергеем Кудь-Сверчковым, который расскажет о своих впечатлениях, о том, как видят мир с орбиты, и поделится своими мыслями об исследованиях космоса!
“Вселенная BRICS” уже побывала в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Рио-де-Жанейро, Каргополе, Пекине, Нижнем Новгороде, Ульяновске и Мумбаи, собрав более 200 000 зрителей. Кейптаун - один из последних городов, который примет выставку, прежде чем она отправится в Казань.
👉 Присоединяйтесь! Вас ждет увлекательное путешествие в мир красоты и космических открытий.
Реализация проекта «Вселенная BRICS» стала возможной благодаря партнерству Нижегородского планетария имени Г.М. Гречко с госкорпорацией Роскосмос, Фондом креативных индустрий Ульяновской области и Проектным офисом по международному молодежному сотрудничеству «Россия – БРИКС» при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив и Фонда Росконгресс
#ВселеннаяBRICS #BRICS #Фотовыставка #Кейптаун #Индия #Космос
Проектный офис "Россия - БРИКС"| BRICS Youth. Запись со стены.
⚡ “Вселенная БРИКС” открывает свои двери в Кейптауне!
26 сентября, в 15:00, Южноафриканский... Смотрите полностью ВКонтакте.
26 сентября, в 15:00, Южноафриканский... Смотрите полностью ВКонтакте.
⚡️ The BRICS Universe opens its doors in Cape Town!
On September 26, at 15:00, the Iziko South African Museum in Cape Town will become a point of attraction for space lovers.
🌏 The BRICS Universe is an exhibition combining unique photographs of the creative UNESCO cities of the BRICS countries, taken both from Earth and from the International Space Station by the heroes of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut pilots Sergey Kud-Sverchkov and Ivan Wagner.
You will see the colors, secrets, events, heritage and greatness of nature of the creative cities of the BRICS countries. More than 80 photographers from the BRICS countries, including 48 Russians, captured them in their works.
💯 A special event is a meeting with the hero of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut Sergey Kud-Sverchkov, who will talk about his impressions, how they see the world from orbit, and share his thoughts about space exploration!
The BRICS Universe has already visited Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rio de Janeiro, Kargopol, Beijing, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk and Mumbai, attracting more than 200,000 spectators. Cape Town is one of the last cities to host the exhibition before it goes to Kazan.
👉 Join us! An exciting journey into the world of beauty and space discoveries awaits you.
The implementation of the BRICS Universe project became possible thanks to the partnership of the Grechko Planetarium in Nizhny Novgorod with Roscosmos State Corporation, The Creative Industries Foundation of the Ulyanovsk Region and The Russia-BRICS Project Office for International Youth Cooperation with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
#UniverseBRICS #BRICS #Photoexhibition #CapeTown #SouthAfrica #Space
On September 26, at 15:00, the Iziko South African Museum in Cape Town will become a point of attraction for space lovers.
🌏 The BRICS Universe is an exhibition combining unique photographs of the creative UNESCO cities of the BRICS countries, taken both from Earth and from the International Space Station by the heroes of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut pilots Sergey Kud-Sverchkov and Ivan Wagner.
You will see the colors, secrets, events, heritage and greatness of nature of the creative cities of the BRICS countries. More than 80 photographers from the BRICS countries, including 48 Russians, captured them in their works.
💯 A special event is a meeting with the hero of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut Sergey Kud-Sverchkov, who will talk about his impressions, how they see the world from orbit, and share his thoughts about space exploration!
The BRICS Universe has already visited Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rio de Janeiro, Kargopol, Beijing, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk and Mumbai, attracting more than 200,000 spectators. Cape Town is one of the last cities to host the exhibition before it goes to Kazan.
👉 Join us! An exciting journey into the world of beauty and space discoveries awaits you.
The implementation of the BRICS Universe project became possible thanks to the partnership of the Grechko Planetarium in Nizhny Novgorod with Roscosmos State Corporation, The Creative Industries Foundation of the Ulyanovsk Region and The Russia-BRICS Project Office for International Youth Cooperation with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
#UniverseBRICS #BRICS #Photoexhibition #CapeTown #SouthAfrica #Space
Проектный офис "Россия - БРИКС"| BRICS Youth. Запись со стены.
⚡ The BRICS Universe opens its doors in Cape Town!
On September 26, at 15:00, the Iziko South... Смотрите полностью ВКонтакте.
On September 26, at 15:00, the Iziko South... Смотрите полностью ВКонтакте.
🎶 “BRICS Melody”: the richness of cultures through music! 🎶
A team of talented and active young people strives to introduce the world to the diversity of their countries' cultural heritage by creating an interactive journey into the world of BRICS music.
🌏By joining forces, young researchers from the BRICS countries have begun to create a unique interactive book about traditional musical instruments, which is aimed at preserving and popularizing the rich musical heritage of the BRICS countries.
👉 Follow us to learn more about the BRICS Melody project and how young researchers contribute to the preservation of musical heritage.
The BRICS Melody project is being implemented by the Ulyanovsk Regional Branch of the Russian Youth Union with the support of the PFCI. The project partners are the ANO "Center for Assistance in the implementation of humanitarian and Educational projects" and the Project Office of International Youth Cooperation in the direction of "Russia-BRICS".
A team of talented and active young people strives to introduce the world to the diversity of their countries' cultural heritage by creating an interactive journey into the world of BRICS music.
🌏By joining forces, young researchers from the BRICS countries have begun to create a unique interactive book about traditional musical instruments, which is aimed at preserving and popularizing the rich musical heritage of the BRICS countries.
👉 Follow us to learn more about the BRICS Melody project and how young researchers contribute to the preservation of musical heritage.
The BRICS Melody project is being implemented by the Ulyanovsk Regional Branch of the Russian Youth Union with the support of the PFCI. The project partners are the ANO "Center for Assistance in the implementation of humanitarian and Educational projects" and the Project Office of International Youth Cooperation in the direction of "Russia-BRICS".
🎶 “Мелодия БРИКС”: богатство культур через музыку! 🎶
Команда талантливых и активных молодых людей стремится познакомить мир с разнообразием культурного наследия своих стран, создавая интерактивное путешествие в мир музыки БРИКС.
🌏 Объединив усилия, молодые исследователи стран БРИКС приступили к созданию уникальной интерактивной книги о традиционных музыкальных инструментах, которая направленна на сохранение и популяризацию богатого музыкального наследия стран БРИКС.
👉 Следите за нами, чтобы узнать больше о проекте “Мелодия БРИКС” и о том, как молодые исследователи вносят вклад в сохранение музыкального наследия.
Проект "Мелодия БРИКС" реализуется Ульяновским региональным отделением «Российский Союз Молодежи» при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив. Партнерами проекта выступают АНО «Центр содействия реализации гуманитарных и обучающих проектов» и Проектный офис международного молодёжного сотрудничества по направлению «Россия-БРИКС».
#MelodyBRICS #BRICS2024 #BRICS #youthbrics #music
Команда талантливых и активных молодых людей стремится познакомить мир с разнообразием культурного наследия своих стран, создавая интерактивное путешествие в мир музыки БРИКС.
🌏 Объединив усилия, молодые исследователи стран БРИКС приступили к созданию уникальной интерактивной книги о традиционных музыкальных инструментах, которая направленна на сохранение и популяризацию богатого музыкального наследия стран БРИКС.
👉 Следите за нами, чтобы узнать больше о проекте “Мелодия БРИКС” и о том, как молодые исследователи вносят вклад в сохранение музыкального наследия.
Проект "Мелодия БРИКС" реализуется Ульяновским региональным отделением «Российский Союз Молодежи» при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив. Партнерами проекта выступают АНО «Центр содействия реализации гуманитарных и обучающих проектов» и Проектный офис международного молодёжного сотрудничества по направлению «Россия-БРИКС».
#MelodyBRICS #BRICS2024 #BRICS #youthbrics #music
⚡️ The BRICS Youth Summit is a platform for global dialogue!
In July, the Ulyanovsk Region became the center of international youth dialogue by hosting the BRICS Youth Summit. 200 young representatives from Brazil, India, China, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, South Africa and Russia gathered together to discuss topical issues of international cooperation, share experiences and build the future together.
💯 Ulyanovsk has become a platform not only for discussion about global challenges, but also a space for creative exchange and new ideas, which contributes to the formation of a new generation of global leaders ready to take responsibility for the future of the world.
The summit resulted in the adopted declaration, which reflects the main topics of discussion and includes specific proposals to strengthen educational cooperation, entrepreneurship development, digital literacy, the volunteer movement and many other important issues.
👉 The proposals from the declaration have already been sent to the BRICS Summit, which will be held in Kazan in October 2024!
💬 Let's remember together the meeting of young leaders from the BRICS countries, and share our impressions in the comments!
The BRICS Youth Summit is organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Roscongress Foundation, the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, the Ministry of Youth Development of the Ulyanovsk Region, the Project Office for International Youth Cooperation Russia-BRICS and the Russian Youth Union
#BRICSYouthSummit2024 #MediaPlatformBRICS #BRICS #InternationalCooperation #BYS2024 #Ulyanovsk
In July, the Ulyanovsk Region became the center of international youth dialogue by hosting the BRICS Youth Summit. 200 young representatives from Brazil, India, China, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, South Africa and Russia gathered together to discuss topical issues of international cooperation, share experiences and build the future together.
💯 Ulyanovsk has become a platform not only for discussion about global challenges, but also a space for creative exchange and new ideas, which contributes to the formation of a new generation of global leaders ready to take responsibility for the future of the world.
The summit resulted in the adopted declaration, which reflects the main topics of discussion and includes specific proposals to strengthen educational cooperation, entrepreneurship development, digital literacy, the volunteer movement and many other important issues.
👉 The proposals from the declaration have already been sent to the BRICS Summit, which will be held in Kazan in October 2024!
💬 Let's remember together the meeting of young leaders from the BRICS countries, and share our impressions in the comments!
The BRICS Youth Summit is organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Roscongress Foundation, the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, the Ministry of Youth Development of the Ulyanovsk Region, the Project Office for International Youth Cooperation Russia-BRICS and the Russian Youth Union
#BRICSYouthSummit2024 #MediaPlatformBRICS #BRICS #InternationalCooperation #BYS2024 #Ulyanovsk
VK Видео
Молодежный Лагерь БРИКС 2024 | BRICS Youth Summit 2024
Watch Молодежный Лагерь БРИКС 2024 | BRICS Youth.. 3 min 39 s from 24 September 2024 online in HD for free in the VK catalog without signing up! Views: 1112. Likes: 51.
⚡️ “International cooperation: Learn more in the "Eurasia Global" podcast!
Diana Kovela, Head of the Project Office for International Youth Cooperation "Russia–BRICS“, Deputy Director and Head of the Directorate of International Cooperation of the Foundation for Creative Industries of the Ulyanovsk Region, will visit "Eurasia Global" today.
🌏 Diana will share interesting information about projects relevant to young people implemented within the framework of cooperation with the BRICS countries. Find out how young people from different countries are changing the world together!
In the podcast you will hear about:
📌 New opportunities for international cooperation.
📌 Projects that bring together young people from different countries.
📌 And how to participate in these projects!
🎙 Join the broadcast of the Eurasia Global podcast on September 25 at 14:30 (Moscow time)!
#BRICS #EurasiaGlobal #InternationalCooperation #Ulyanovsk
Diana Kovela, Head of the Project Office for International Youth Cooperation "Russia–BRICS“, Deputy Director and Head of the Directorate of International Cooperation of the Foundation for Creative Industries of the Ulyanovsk Region, will visit "Eurasia Global" today.
🌏 Diana will share interesting information about projects relevant to young people implemented within the framework of cooperation with the BRICS countries. Find out how young people from different countries are changing the world together!
In the podcast you will hear about:
📌 New opportunities for international cooperation.
📌 Projects that bring together young people from different countries.
📌 And how to participate in these projects!
🎙 Join the broadcast of the Eurasia Global podcast on September 25 at 14:30 (Moscow time)!
#BRICS #EurasiaGlobal #InternationalCooperation #Ulyanovsk
VK Видео
Диана Ковела – зам.директора проектного офиса «Россия - БРИКС»
Watch Диана Ковела – зам.директора проектного офиса.. 20 min 9 s from 25 September 2024 online in HD for free in the VK catalog without signing up! Views: 487. Likes: 16.
🚀 “Вселенная БРИКС” - красота и величие Земли из космоса!
✨ Сегодня Южноафриканский музей Изико распахнул свои двери для первых посетителей фотовыставки “Вселенная БРИКС” в Кейптауне.
🔭 Кейптаун - это не просто красивый город с уникальной природой, но и место, где бурлит научная мысль, в том числе и в сфере космических исследований.Так, Кейптаун стал девятым городом проекта, куда приехала выставка фотографий знаковых локаций креативных городов ЮНЕСКО стран БРИКС, снятых космонавтами с борта МКС, а также фотографами на земле.
Программа мероприятия оказалась насыщенной:
📌Церемония открытия выставки;
📌Приветственные слова от выдающихся представителей в области науки и культуры;
📌Встреча с героем Российской Федерации, летчиком-космонавтом Сергеем Кудь-Сверчковым;
📌Возможность ознакомиться с уникальными фотоработами.
Посетители выставки отметили красоту и уникальность фотографий, которые заставили их по-новому взглянуть на Землю и космос.
🔗 Хотите узнать больше о проекте? Переходите на сайт проекта: https://bricsuniverse.com/
Реализация проекта «Вселенная BRICS» стала возможной благодаря партнерству Нижегородского планетария имени Г.М. Гречко с госкорпорацией Роскосмос, Фондом креативных индустрий Ульяновской области и Проектным офисом по международному молодежному сотрудничеству «Россия – БРИКС» при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив и Фонда Росконгресс
#ВселеннаяBRICS #BRICS #Фотовыставка #Кейптаун #ЮжнаяАфрика #Космос
✨ Сегодня Южноафриканский музей Изико распахнул свои двери для первых посетителей фотовыставки “Вселенная БРИКС” в Кейптауне.
🔭 Кейптаун - это не просто красивый город с уникальной природой, но и место, где бурлит научная мысль, в том числе и в сфере космических исследований.Так, Кейптаун стал девятым городом проекта, куда приехала выставка фотографий знаковых локаций креативных городов ЮНЕСКО стран БРИКС, снятых космонавтами с борта МКС, а также фотографами на земле.
Программа мероприятия оказалась насыщенной:
📌Церемония открытия выставки;
📌Приветственные слова от выдающихся представителей в области науки и культуры;
📌Встреча с героем Российской Федерации, летчиком-космонавтом Сергеем Кудь-Сверчковым;
📌Возможность ознакомиться с уникальными фотоработами.
Посетители выставки отметили красоту и уникальность фотографий, которые заставили их по-новому взглянуть на Землю и космос.
🔗 Хотите узнать больше о проекте? Переходите на сайт проекта: https://bricsuniverse.com/
Реализация проекта «Вселенная BRICS» стала возможной благодаря партнерству Нижегородского планетария имени Г.М. Гречко с госкорпорацией Роскосмос, Фондом креативных индустрий Ульяновской области и Проектным офисом по международному молодежному сотрудничеству «Россия – БРИКС» при поддержке Президентского фонда культурных инициатив и Фонда Росконгресс
#ВселеннаяBRICS #BRICS #Фотовыставка #Кейптаун #ЮжнаяАфрика #Космос
🚀 The BRICS Universe - the beauty and greatness of the Earth from outer space!
Today, the Iziko South African Museum opened its doors to the first visitors of the BRICS Universe photo exhibition in Cape Town.
💯 Cape Town is not just a beautiful city with a unique nature, but also a place where scientific thought is bubbling, including in the field of space research.Thus, Cape Town became the ninth city of the project, where an exhibition of photographs of iconic locations of UNESCO creative cities of the BRICS countries, taken by astronauts from the ISS, as well as photographers on earth, arrived.
The program of the event turned out to be rich:
📌The opening ceremony of the exhibition;
📌 Greetings from outstanding representatives in the field of science and culture;
📌 Meeting with the hero of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut Sergey Kud-Sverchkov;
📌The opportunity to get acquainted with unique photographic works.
The visitors of the exhibition noted the beauty and uniqueness of the photographs, which made them take a fresh look at the Earth and space.
👉 Do you want to know more about the project? Go to the project's website: https://bricsuniverse.com/
The implementation of the BRICS Universe project became possible thanks to the partnership of the Grechko Planetarium in Nizhny Novgorod with Roscosmos State Corporation, The Creative Industries Foundation of the Ulyanovsk Region and The Russia-BRICS Project Office for International Youth Cooperation with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
#UniverseBRICS #BRICS #Photoexhibition #CapeTown #SouthAfrica #Space
Today, the Iziko South African Museum opened its doors to the first visitors of the BRICS Universe photo exhibition in Cape Town.
💯 Cape Town is not just a beautiful city with a unique nature, but also a place where scientific thought is bubbling, including in the field of space research.Thus, Cape Town became the ninth city of the project, where an exhibition of photographs of iconic locations of UNESCO creative cities of the BRICS countries, taken by astronauts from the ISS, as well as photographers on earth, arrived.
The program of the event turned out to be rich:
📌The opening ceremony of the exhibition;
📌 Greetings from outstanding representatives in the field of science and culture;
📌 Meeting with the hero of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut Sergey Kud-Sverchkov;
📌The opportunity to get acquainted with unique photographic works.
The visitors of the exhibition noted the beauty and uniqueness of the photographs, which made them take a fresh look at the Earth and space.
👉 Do you want to know more about the project? Go to the project's website: https://bricsuniverse.com/
The implementation of the BRICS Universe project became possible thanks to the partnership of the Grechko Planetarium in Nizhny Novgorod with Roscosmos State Corporation, The Creative Industries Foundation of the Ulyanovsk Region and The Russia-BRICS Project Office for International Youth Cooperation with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.
#UniverseBRICS #BRICS #Photoexhibition #CapeTown #SouthAfrica #Space