Forwarded from EU in Uzbekistan
[RU] «Этот проект является весьма своевременным и актуальным с точки зрения оказания помощи нашим правительственным реформам в целях поощрения сельского населения, которое в наибольшей степени пострадало от пандемии COVID-19, потеряло работу и доходы. Проект также помогает нам воспитывать молодое поколение в период после пандемии и повысить его устойчивость к вызовам будущего», - Азиз Абдухакимов, заместитель премьер-министра Республики Узбекистан. В июле 2020 года приступила к осуществлению проекта «Развитие навыков для трудоустройства в сельских районах Узбекистана», финансируемый Европейским Союзом на общую сумму в 9,6 миллионов евро. Он способствует повышению качества, актуальности, эффективности и действенности системы повышения квалификации в секторах сельского хозяйства и ирригации в четырех отдельных регионах Узбекистана: Бухара, Каракалпакстан, Хорезм и Сурхандарья. Подробнее:
[EN] The project is very timely and relevant in terms of assisting our government reforms to promote rural people who have most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, lost their jobs and revenues. It also helps us to nurture the young generation in the post-COVID period and increase its resilience to meet future challenges", said Aziz Abdukhakimov, Deputy PM of Uzbekistan. The Project "Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan", which is funded by the European Union in a total amount of € 9.6 million, was launched in July 2020. It contributes to improving the quality, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the Skills Development System in the Agriculture and Irrigation sectors in four selected regions of Uzbekistan: Bukhara, Karakalpakstan, Khorezm and Surkhandarya. More:
#EU4Education #UNESCO
[EN] The project is very timely and relevant in terms of assisting our government reforms to promote rural people who have most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, lost their jobs and revenues. It also helps us to nurture the young generation in the post-COVID period and increase its resilience to meet future challenges", said Aziz Abdukhakimov, Deputy PM of Uzbekistan. The Project "Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan", which is funded by the European Union in a total amount of € 9.6 million, was launched in July 2020. It contributes to improving the quality, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the Skills Development System in the Agriculture and Irrigation sectors in four selected regions of Uzbekistan: Bukhara, Karakalpakstan, Khorezm and Surkhandarya. More:
#EU4Education #UNESCO
Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan
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"Raqobatbardosh kadrlar tayyorlashda ta'lim va mehnat bozori hamkorligi" mavzusidagi xalqaro seminar YuNESKOning O’zbekistondagi Vakolatxonasi bilan hamkorlikda tashkil etilgan.
Tadbirda "O’zbekistonning qishloq hududlarida ish bilan ta’minlash uchun ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish” loyihasi eksperti Jean Marc Castejon Milliy Malakalar Ramkasini joriy etishda xalqaro tajriba xususida o'z ma'ruzasi bilan ishtirok etdi.
An international seminar on "Education and the labor market cooperation in training of competitive employees" was organized with support of UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan. Jean Marc Castejon, an expert of the "Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan" project spoke about International experience in implementing the National Qualification Framework.
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Tadbirda "O’zbekistonning qishloq hududlarida ish bilan ta’minlash uchun ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish” loyihasi eksperti Jean Marc Castejon Milliy Malakalar Ramkasini joriy etishda xalqaro tajriba xususida o'z ma'ruzasi bilan ishtirok etdi.
An international seminar on "Education and the labor market cooperation in training of competitive employees" was organized with support of UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan. Jean Marc Castejon, an expert of the "Skills Development for Employability in Rural Areas of Uzbekistan" project spoke about International experience in implementing the National Qualification Framework.
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🧑🏻🏫 Loyiha mutaxassislari Qoraqalpog'istondagi Kegeyli va Beruniy kollejlariga tashrif qildilar:
👩🏻🏫 Experts of EU funded TVET project visited Kegeyli and Beruni colleges in Karakalpakstan:
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👩🏻🏫 Experts of EU funded TVET project visited Kegeyli and Beruni colleges in Karakalpakstan:
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Loyiha mutaxassislari Xorazm viloyatida joylashgan 💧 Qoʼshkoʼpir suv xoʼjaligi va melioratsiya kolleji va ☘️Urganch Аgrotexnologiyalar texnikumiga tashrif buyurildilar:
Project experts visited 💧Qoshkopir Water resources and Melioration college and ☘️Urgench Agrotechnology technical school in Khorezm region:
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#TVETUZ #EU4Skills #UNESCO #Qoshkopir #Urgench
Project experts visited 💧Qoshkopir Water resources and Melioration college and ☘️Urgench Agrotechnology technical school in Khorezm region:
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#TVETUZ #EU4Skills #UNESCO #Qoshkopir #Urgench
📍Loyiha mutaxassislari Buxoro viloyatining Gʼijduvon agrotexnologiyalar texnikumiga tashrif buyurdilar. Batafsil 👉🏻
📍 Project experts visited Gijduvan Agrotechnology College in Bukhara region. More info 👉🏻
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📍 Project experts visited Gijduvan Agrotechnology College in Bukhara region. More info 👉🏻
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📚International organizations support the reform and modernization process in the Vocational Education System of Uzbekistan. On November 26, GIZ organized a round table at Wyndham hotel to exchange information on the results of projects activities in Uzbekistan in the field of Vocational Education and Training.
🌏Representatives from Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized #Education of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan #Textile and Garment Industry Association, Deputy Head and Project Manager of #EU Delegation Cooperation Section, TVET Project Officers of #UNESCO and #GIZ, #HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Director of #KFW Development Bank in Uzbekistan, Deputy Director of #KOICA, #BritishCouncil Education section project manager, National Program Officer of #Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Deputy Director of #DVV International in Uzbekistan participated at the meeting. Participants exchanged opinions about effective cooperation and coordination of #TVET projects 🤝
🌏Representatives from Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized #Education of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan #Textile and Garment Industry Association, Deputy Head and Project Manager of #EU Delegation Cooperation Section, TVET Project Officers of #UNESCO and #GIZ, #HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Director of #KFW Development Bank in Uzbekistan, Deputy Director of #KOICA, #BritishCouncil Education section project manager, National Program Officer of #Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Deputy Director of #DVV International in Uzbekistan participated at the meeting. Participants exchanged opinions about effective cooperation and coordination of #TVET projects 🤝
📲 International Day for Universal Access to Information on September 28. Register to the webinar organized by #UNESCO and partners:
Forwarded from Baxtiyor Saidov
Bugun TIVda YUNESKOning O‘zbekistondagi vakolatxonasi rahbari Sara Noshadi xonim bilan uchrashganimdan mamnunman. O‘zbekiston bilan #YUNESKO o‘rtasidagi faol hamkorlikning yangi sur’ati O‘zbekiston olib borayotgan ochiqlik siyosatining yorqin dalili hisoblanadi hamda ta’lim, fan va madaniyat sohalarini qo‘llab-quvvatlashda xalqimiz manfaatlariga xizmat qilmoqda.
Pleased to welcome UNESCO Representative and Office Head in Uzbekistan Sara Noshadi today at the MFA of Uzbekistan. New dynamics of proactive cooperation between Uzbekistan and #UNESCO is vivid testament of Uzbekistan’s openness policy and serves the best interests of our people supporting education, science, and culture.
Рад встретиться с главой представительства #ЮНЕСКО в Узбекистане г-жой Сарой Ношади. Новая динамика активного сотрудничества между Узбекистаном и #ЮНЕСКО является ярким свидетельством проводимой нашей страной политики открытости и служит интересам нашего народа в поддержке таких секторов, как образование, наука и культура.
Pleased to welcome UNESCO Representative and Office Head in Uzbekistan Sara Noshadi today at the MFA of Uzbekistan. New dynamics of proactive cooperation between Uzbekistan and #UNESCO is vivid testament of Uzbekistan’s openness policy and serves the best interests of our people supporting education, science, and culture.
Рад встретиться с главой представительства #ЮНЕСКО в Узбекистане г-жой Сарой Ношади. Новая динамика активного сотрудничества между Узбекистаном и #ЮНЕСКО является ярким свидетельством проводимой нашей страной политики открытости и служит интересам нашего народа в поддержке таких секторов, как образование, наука и культура.
Forwarded from Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi vazirligi
✅ Bugun Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi vaziri Hilola Umarova UNESCO tashkilotining Toshkentdagi vakolatxonasi rahbari Sara Noshadi bilan uchrashdi.
Unda UNESCO bilan ta'lim sohasida yo'lga qo'yilgan hamkorlik masalalari hamda istiqboldagi rejalar haqida so'z bordi.
❗️Sara Noshadi O'zbekistonda sifatli ta'limni yo'lga qo'yishda amalga oshirilayotgan ishlarni alohida e'tirof etdi.
Shuningdek, tomonlar uchrashuv doirasida:
▶️ O'qituvchilar malakasini oshirish,
▶️ baholash tizimi,
▶️ inklyuziv ta'lim sohalarida hamkorlikni kengaytirish masalalari muhokama qilishdi.
✔️Muzokaralar natijasida UNESCO tomonidan yuqoridagi yo‘nalishlarda vazirlikning rivojlanish strategiyasi tamoyillari doirasida hamkorlik qilish bo‘yicha istak bildirildi.
Vazirlikning rasmiy sahifalariga ulanish
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✅ Bugun Maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi vaziri Hilola Umarova UNESCO tashkilotining Toshkentdagi vakolatxonasi rahbari Sara Noshadi bilan uchrashdi.
Unda UNESCO bilan ta'lim sohasida yo'lga qo'yilgan hamkorlik masalalari hamda istiqboldagi rejalar haqida so'z bordi.
❗️Sara Noshadi O'zbekistonda sifatli ta'limni yo'lga qo'yishda amalga oshirilayotgan ishlarni alohida e'tirof etdi.
Shuningdek, tomonlar uchrashuv doirasida:
▶️ O'qituvchilar malakasini oshirish,
▶️ baholash tizimi,
▶️ inklyuziv ta'lim sohalarida hamkorlikni kengaytirish masalalari muhokama qilishdi.
✔️Muzokaralar natijasida UNESCO tomonidan yuqoridagi yo‘nalishlarda vazirlikning rivojlanish strategiyasi tamoyillari doirasida hamkorlik qilish bo‘yicha istak bildirildi.
Vazirlikning rasmiy sahifalariga ulanish
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🧵 2007-yilda YUNESKOning O‘zbekistondagi vakolatxonasi va Farg‘ona viloyati hokimligining hamkorlikdagi sa’y-harakatlari bilan tarixiy Said Ahmad Xo‘ja madrasasida Marg‘ilon hunarmandchilikni rivojlantirish markazi tashkil etildi. Markaz faoliyati aholini ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlantirish, ish o‘rinlari bilan ta’minlash, ayniqsa, xotin-qizlar va yoshlarning daromadlarini oshirish imkonini yaratishda ham katta ta’sir ko‘rsatmoqda.
In 2007, the #Margilan #Crafts Development #Center was founded the historic Said Ahmad Khoja #Madrasah through the collaborative efforts of the #UNESCO Office in #Uzbekistan and the #Fergana Provincial Governor's Office. The activities of the Center and these programs also have a great impact on the socio-economic #development of the population, providing jobs and income-generating opportunities.
In 2007, the #Margilan #Crafts Development #Center was founded the historic Said Ahmad Khoja #Madrasah through the collaborative efforts of the #UNESCO Office in #Uzbekistan and the #Fergana Provincial Governor's Office. The activities of the Center and these programs also have a great impact on the socio-economic #development of the population, providing jobs and income-generating opportunities.