THE WORLD BANK GROUP, Washington D.C., United States.
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THE WORLD BANK GROUP, Washington D.C., United States.
(Preferences to French or Russian speakers)
European Union, Australia affirm intention to implement recent WTO rulings
The European Union and Australia affirmed their intention to implement recent WTO panel rulings regarding EU measures concerning palm oil and biofuels from Malaysia and Australian duties on Chinese imports at a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on 24 May. China also reported to the DSB on its implementation of a WTO ruling regarding Chinese duties on steel imports from Japan.
The European Union and Australia affirmed their intention to implement recent WTO panel rulings regarding EU measures concerning palm oil and biofuels from Malaysia and Australian duties on Chinese imports at a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on 24 May. China also reported to the DSB on its implementation of a WTO ruling regarding Chinese duties on steel imports from Japan.
European Union, Australia affirm intention to implement recent WTO rulings
The European Union and Australia affirmed their intention to implement recent WTO panel rulings regarding EU measures concerning palm oil and biofuels from Malaysia and Australian duties on Chinese imports at a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB)…
Uzbekistan continues to make progress towards WTO accession
At the eighth meeting of the Working Party on the Accession of Uzbekistan on 24 May, members commended Uzbekistan for its efforts in implementing the necessary reforms for accession and highlighted areas still requiring action. Uzbekistan reiterated its commitment to joining the WTO and highlighted the significant transformation underway to facilitate progress.
At the eighth meeting of the Working Party on the Accession of Uzbekistan on 24 May, members commended Uzbekistan for its efforts in implementing the necessary reforms for accession and highlighted areas still requiring action. Uzbekistan reiterated its commitment to joining the WTO and highlighted the significant transformation underway to facilitate progress.
Uzbekistan continues to make progress towards WTO accession
At the eighth meeting of the Working Party on the Accession of Uzbekistan on 24 May, members commended Uzbekistan for its efforts in implementing the necessary reforms for accession and highlighted areas still requiring action. Uzbekistan reiterated its commitment…
ЕС вводит с 1 июля "запретительные пошлины" на импорт зерна из России и Белоруссии
Council sets higher tariffs on Russian and Belarusian grain products
The Council today adopted a regulation increasing the tariff measures for cereals, oilseeds and derived products as well as beet-pulp pellets and dried peas from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus.
WTO members hold first formal meeting on dispute settlement reform
WTO members met at Heads of Delegation level on 30 May for their first formal meeting on dispute settlement reform, with an initial focus on how to resolve issues regarding appeal/review and accessibility. The facilitator of the process, Ambassador Usha Dwarka-Canabady of Mauritius, said the discussions revealed a “strong appreciation for the dispute settlement system overall” as a core element of the WTO system.
WTO members met at Heads of Delegation level on 30 May for their first formal meeting on dispute settlement reform, with an initial focus on how to resolve issues regarding appeal/review and accessibility. The facilitator of the process, Ambassador Usha Dwarka-Canabady of Mauritius, said the discussions revealed a “strong appreciation for the dispute settlement system overall” as a core element of the WTO system.
WTO members hold first formal meeting on dispute settlement reform
WTO members met at Heads of Delegation level on 30 May for their first formal meeting on dispute settlement reform, with an initial focus on how to resolve issues regarding appeal/review and accessibility. The facilitator of the process, Ambassador Usha Dwarka…
European Union initiates compliance proceedings over Colombian duties on frozen fries
The European Union has requested WTO consultations with Colombia to address measures taken by Colombia to comply with an earlier WTO panel ruling and arbitration award regarding Colombia’s anti-dumping duties on imports of frozen fries originating in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. The request for consultations was circulated to WTO members on 4 June.
The European Union has requested WTO consultations with Colombia to address measures taken by Colombia to comply with an earlier WTO panel ruling and arbitration award regarding Colombia’s anti-dumping duties on imports of frozen fries originating in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. The request for consultations was circulated to WTO members on 4 June.
European Union initiates compliance proceedings over Colombian duties on frozen fries
The European Union has requested WTO consultations with Colombia to address measures taken by Colombia to comply with an earlier WTO panel ruling and arbitration award regarding Colombia’s anti-dumping duties on imports of frozen fries originating in Belgium…
🇨🇳🐖🇪🇺Китай начал антидемпинговое расследование в отношении импорта свинины из ЕС.
China opens tit-for-tat anti-dumping probe into EU pork
China has opened an anti-dumping investigation into imported pork and its by-products from the European Union, a step that appears mainly aimed at Spain, the Netherlands and Denmark, in response to curbs on its electric vehicle exports.
🇨🇳⚔️🇪🇺 🚘
Китайские автопроизводители призвали власти страны ввести 25% налог на автомобили европейского производства с большими двигателями - в ответ на тарифы Брюсселя на электромобили.
Китайские автопроизводители призвали власти страны ввести 25% налог на автомобили европейского производства с большими двигателями - в ответ на тарифы Брюсселя на электромобили.
Chinese Carmakers Call for 25% Tax on Large European Cars, CCTV Reports
Chinese carmakers have urged Beijing to adopt the “most severe measures”, including a tax of 25% on European Union-made cars with large engines, in response to Brussels’ tariffs on electric vehicles made in China, a report said Wednesday.
#ВТО 🇨🇦
Trade Policy Review: Canada
The twelfth review of the trade policies and practices of Canada takes place on 19 and 21 June 2024. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Government of Canada.
Trade Policy Review: Canada
The twelfth review of the trade policies and practices of Canada takes place on 19 and 21 June 2024. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Government of Canada.
Facilitator briefs members on start of formal dispute settlement reform work
The facilitator for the negotiations on dispute settlement reform, Ambassador Usha Dwarka-Canabady of Mauritius, briefed WTO members on 20 June on the start of the formal process regarding WTO dispute settlement reform. Co-convenors appointed to assist the process also briefed members on the discussions they held regarding the issues of appeal/review and accessibility.
The facilitator for the negotiations on dispute settlement reform, Ambassador Usha Dwarka-Canabady of Mauritius, briefed WTO members on 20 June on the start of the formal process regarding WTO dispute settlement reform. Co-convenors appointed to assist the process also briefed members on the discussions they held regarding the issues of appeal/review and accessibility.
Facilitator briefs members on start of formal dispute settlement reform work
The facilitator for the negotiations on dispute settlement reform, Ambassador Usha Dwarka-Canabady of Mauritius, briefed WTO members on 20 June on the start of the formal process regarding WTO dispute settlement reform. Co-convenors appointed to assist the…
Registration opens for public hearing in US–Argentina dispute regarding tubular goods
At the request of the parties in the dispute “United States — Anti-Dumping Measure on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina (DS617)”, the panel has decided to open to the public its first substantive meeting on 10 and 11 July 2024. The live screening will take place at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva and remotely via livestreaming.
At the request of the parties in the dispute “United States — Anti-Dumping Measure on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina (DS617)”, the panel has decided to open to the public its first substantive meeting on 10 and 11 July 2024. The live screening will take place at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva and remotely via livestreaming.
Registration opens for public hearing in US-Argentina dispute regarding tubular goods
At the request of the parties in the dispute “United States — Anti-Dumping Measure on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina (DS617)”, the panel has decided to open to the public its first substantive meeting on 10 and 11 July 2024. The live screening…
🇿🇦 vs 🇪🇺 🍋🟩
South Africa seeks panel reviews of EU measures affecting imports of citrus fruit
South Africa has requested the establishment of two dispute panels to review European Union measures affecting the import of South African citrus fruit into the EU. The request was considered at a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on 24 June. This is the first time that South Africa has requested the establishment of a panel under the WTO’s dispute settlement system.
South Africa seeks panel reviews of EU measures affecting imports of citrus fruit
South Africa has requested the establishment of two dispute panels to review European Union measures affecting the import of South African citrus fruit into the EU. The request was considered at a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on 24 June. This is the first time that South Africa has requested the establishment of a panel under the WTO’s dispute settlement system.
South Africa seeks panel reviews of EU measures affecting imports of citrus fruit
South Africa has requested the establishment of two dispute panels to review European Union measures affecting the import of South African citrus fruit into the EU. The request was considered at a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on 24 June. This…
John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition concludes with announcement of winners
The WTO co-hosted the Final Oral Round of the 22nd edition of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO law between 18 and 22 June. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) emerged as the overall winner of the competition, with Strathmore University (Kenya) finishing as the runner-up.
The WTO co-hosted the Final Oral Round of the 22nd edition of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO law between 18 and 22 June. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) emerged as the overall winner of the competition, with Strathmore University (Kenya) finishing as the runner-up.
John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition concludes with announcement of winners
The WTO co-hosted the Final Oral Round of the 22nd edition of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO law between 18 and 22 June. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) emerged as the overall winner of the competition, with Strathmore…
Kazakhstan formally accepts Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies
Kazakhstan deposited its instrument of acceptance of the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies on 1 July. Ambassador Asset Irgaliyev presented Kazakhstan’s instrument of acceptance to Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
Kazakhstan deposited its instrument of acceptance of the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies on 1 July. Ambassador Asset Irgaliyev presented Kazakhstan’s instrument of acceptance to Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
Kazakhstan formally accepts Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies
Kazakhstan deposited its instrument of acceptance of the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies on 1 July. Ambassador Asset Irgaliyev presented Kazakhstan's instrument of acceptance to Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
Forwarded from РБК Вино
Минский завод вин прекратит поставки в Россию после слов о «шмурдяке»
Минский завод виноградных вин (МЗВВ) заявил о намерении прекратить поставки вина в Россию и прокомментировал заявление представителей российского винодельческого рынка относительно качества своей продукции. Текст заявления есть в распоряжении «РБК Вино».
«Основной объем винодельческой продукции реализуется на внутреннем рынке Республики Беларусь. Поставка вин в адрес российских дистрибьюторов осуществляется в тестовом режиме и в незначительных объемах, так как производственные мощности предприятия ограничены. Кроме того, учитывая уплачиваемые нами таможенные пошлины при ввозе европейских виноматериалов в Республику Беларусь и рост цен на них, МЗВВ планирует прекратить производство вин на экспорт в Российскую Федерацию», — заявили в МЗВВ.
Как сообщал Коммерсантъ, российские алкогольные дистрибьюторы получили право ввозить в страну вина от МЗВВ. При этом названия продукции, которая завозится в Россию, сходны с наименованиями вин, которые производятся на Западе.
Глава винного дома «Абрау-Дюрсо», председатель российской части Российско-Китайского Комитета дружбы, мира и развития Борис Титов заявлял, что поставки в Россию продукции МЗВВ — это восстановление канала сбыта на отечественном рынке продукции из импортного балка. «Того самого виноматериала, который в обиходе получил прозвище «шмурдяк», — сказал Титов.
🐚 Подписаться на телеграм-канал «РБК Вино»
Минский завод виноградных вин (МЗВВ) заявил о намерении прекратить поставки вина в Россию и прокомментировал заявление представителей российского винодельческого рынка относительно качества своей продукции. Текст заявления есть в распоряжении «РБК Вино».
«Основной объем винодельческой продукции реализуется на внутреннем рынке Республики Беларусь. Поставка вин в адрес российских дистрибьюторов осуществляется в тестовом режиме и в незначительных объемах, так как производственные мощности предприятия ограничены. Кроме того, учитывая уплачиваемые нами таможенные пошлины при ввозе европейских виноматериалов в Республику Беларусь и рост цен на них, МЗВВ планирует прекратить производство вин на экспорт в Российскую Федерацию», — заявили в МЗВВ.
Как сообщал Коммерсантъ, российские алкогольные дистрибьюторы получили право ввозить в страну вина от МЗВВ. При этом названия продукции, которая завозится в Россию, сходны с наименованиями вин, которые производятся на Западе.
Глава винного дома «Абрау-Дюрсо», председатель российской части Российско-Китайского Комитета дружбы, мира и развития Борис Титов заявлял, что поставки в Россию продукции МЗВВ — это восстановление канала сбыта на отечественном рынке продукции из импортного балка. «Того самого виноматериала, который в обиходе получил прозвище «шмурдяк», — сказал Титов.
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China has announced a probe into the European Union’s trade barriers, following the bloc’s countervailing tariff decision on Chinese electric vehicles.
China has announced a probe into the European Union’s trade barriers, following the bloc’s countervailing tariff decision on Chinese electric vehicles.
South China Morning Post
As EU slaps heavy duties on EVs, China probes whether trade barriers are unfair
An investigation is underway, and Chinese authorities will get answers with questionnaires, public hearings and field inspections in the months to come.
🇨🇳 #TPR
Trade Policy Review: China
The ninth review of the trade policies and practices of China takes place on 17 and 19 July 2024. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Government of China.
Trade Policy Review: China
The ninth review of the trade policies and practices of China takes place on 17 and 19 July 2024. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Government of China.
Trade Policy Review: China
The ninth review of the trade policies and practices of China takes place on 17 and 19 July 2024. The basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Government of China.
Forwarded from РБК. Новости. Главное
🍪 Правительство вводит повышенные ставки таможенных пошлин в отношении ряда товаров из стран, которые «предпринимают меры, нарушающие интересы России».
Для кондитерских изделий в виде желе, фруктовой пасты, леденцовой карамели, сухого печенья из всех недружественных стран вводится пошлина в размере 35% от таможенной стоимости. На шоколадные конфеты она составит €0,73 за 1 кг.
Ставка в 35% распространится на свинцовые аккумуляторы.
Для кондитерских изделий в виде желе, фруктовой пасты, леденцовой карамели, сухого печенья из всех недружественных стран вводится пошлина в размере 35% от таможенной стоимости. На шоколадные конфеты она составит €0,73 за 1 кг.
Ставка в 35% распространится на свинцовые аккумуляторы.