Зона солидарности
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Горизонтальная инициатива, оказывающая поддержку преследуемым за антивоенные действия.

Поддержать участни_ц: patreon.com/solidarity_zone/membership

Сайт: solidarityzone.net/ru

Связь: [email protected]
Minusinsk jail

Since late 2023 no fewer than three anti-war prisoners have been sent to Minusinsk high-security prison. In the following posts we will tell you about the history of the prison, its population and the people who have ended up there for their acts of protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

We have previously posted on Eniseisk prison and its inmates.

To read more about the conditions in high-security prisons, reading our posts on "What is the clink?"

You can support the inmates of Minusinsk prison by sending letters:

✉️ Russia, 662606, Красноярский край, г. Минусинск, ул. Горького, д. 114, ФКУ Т

Zhuchkov Anton Aleksandrovich, born 1983 (Жучков Антон Александрович 1983 г.р.)

Chishkovsky Maksim Sergeevich born 1980 (Чишковский Максим Сергеевич 1980 г.р.)

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Krasnoyarsk region" ⮕ "Minusinsk prison"

ℹ️ How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

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#writingletters #english
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"If not us, who?"

We are publishing a monologue by Alyona Lakomkina, a participant in Solidarity zone, where she talks about her work in the initiative, about herself, about her motivation, and the challenges we face.

Alena urges support for our fundraisers. You can support them with foreign currencies, cryptocurrency, and also by sharing.

🪙 PayPal: [email protected] (mention in the comment if the transfer is for a specific political prisoner)

🥷 Cryptocurrency (write to [email protected] if transferring for a specific political prisoner):

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


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#fundraiser #english #monologue
Igor Paskar's story

Igor Paskar was one of the first political prisoners to be supported by Solidarity zone. He has been sentenced to eight-and-a-half years’ of imprisonment for two anti-war actions. In September Igor’s sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court. Now, he can only expect to be released before 2030 if there is a substantial change in the political situation in Russia.

We tell Igor Paskar’s story, briefly, on the cards. You can read about his case in more detail on our web site (in Russian).

💌 You can support Igor by writing a letter:
Russia, 663180, Красноярский край, г. Енисейск, ул. Декабристов, д. 11, Т-2
Paskar Igor Konstantinovich
d.o.b. 1976 (Паскарь Игорь Константинович 21.04.1976 г.р.)

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Krasnoyarsk region" ⮕ "Prison-2 Yeniseisk"

ℹ️ How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

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#english #writingletters
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Support the fundraiser for parcels for political prisoners!

We are continuing to raise funds for humanitarian aid to the beneficiaries of Solidarity zone. Now we are short of €670 to cover the minimally necessary needs for October.

Read here about why prisoners need packages and what we send in them.

Support the fundraiser via PayPal or cryptocurrency!

🪙 PayPal: [email protected]

🥷 Криптовалюта:

Monero: 4B1tm6boA5ST6hLdfnPRG2Np9XMHCTiyhE6QaFo46QXp6tZ7Y6nJjE43xBBTwHM84bWwexR8nS4KH36JHujjc1kC8j2Mx5e

Bitcoin: bc1qn404lrshp3q9gd7852d7w85sa09aq0ch28s3v4


📣 Reposts help to spread the news about the fundraiser!

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#fundraiser #english
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Vladimir Zolotaryov’s story

Vladimir Zolotaryov has been sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment for setting a fire on the porch of the National Guard offices at Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Zolotaryov intended this as a protest, to draw attention to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

On the cards, we tell Vladimir’s story.

💌 Vladimir is now detained in Yeniseisk jail. You can support him by sending a letter to:
Russia, 663180, Красноярский край, г. Енисейск, ул. Декабристов, д. 11, Т-2,
Золотарёв Владимир Георгиевич 1972 г. р.
Zolotaryov Vladimir Georgievich (d.o.b. 1972)

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Krasnoyarsk region" ⮕ "Prison-2 Yeniseisk"

ℹ️ How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

Solidarity zone supports Vladimir Zolotaryov.

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#english #writingletters
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Balashov prison

We continue to discuss "the clinks", where those convicted of radical anti-war activities are now being sent. Balashov prison has a long history, and in its recent period it received the first political prisoner back in 2017. Read about this and other features of the clink in Balashov in the cards.

Earlier we wrote about Yeniseisk prison and Minusinsk jail.

✉️ Address for letters to prisoners of Balashov clink:
Russia, 412315, Саратовская область, г. Балашов, ул. Уральская, д. 17, ФКУ Т

✍️ Prisoners details:

Лямин Дмитрий Александрович 1991 г. р.
(Lyamin Dmitry Aleksandrovich 09.11.1991 d.o.b.)

Абдурахманов Меджит Анафиевич 1975 г. р.
(Abdurakhmanov Medzhit Anafievich 02.02.1975 d.o.b.)

Базаров Фарход Эгамбердиевич 1986 г. р.
(Bazarov Farhod Egamberdievich 22.08.1986 d.o.b.)

Эмирусеинов Рустем Решатович 1979 г. р.
(Emiruseinov Rustem Reshatovich 05.07.1979 d.o.b.)

Галеев Ильсур Ильдусович 1967 г.​​​​​​​ р.
(Galeev Ilsur Ildusovich 30.10.1967 d.o.b.)

📧 You can write via PrisonMail.Online service: "Saratov region" ⮕ "Balashov prison"

ℹ️ How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

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"I will only stop working if I go to jail or if I die"

We are publishing a monologue by an anonymous member of Solidarity zone, an anarchist and feminist. Read the cards to hear her thoughts on her work in the initiative, the difficulties she and our team face, and how you can support us and our beneficiaries.

To support the collective, subscribe to our Patreon

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#english #monologue
«Зона солидарности» в Амстердаме /
Solidarity zone in Amsterdam

ENG below

26 и 27 октября в Амстердаме проходит Анархистская книжная ярмарка, во время которой также будут различные презентации и воркшопы от горизонтальных коллективов со всего мира.

«Зона солидарности» займёт столик на ярмарке, где можно будет приобрести наши футболки, шарфы, постеры, зины и другой мерч.

А в воскресенье мы выступим с презентацией. Мы считаем нелогичным рассматривать внутреннее партизанское сопротивление в России отдельно от более широкого контекста. Поэтому мы опишем колониальное влияние России на соседние территории, политические союзы с другими диктатурами и то, как российский режим влияет не только на сообщества внутри страны, но и на товарище_к в Восточной Европе, на Кавказе и в Центральной Азии. Мы затронем историю сопротивления и репрессий и рассмотрим причины провала протестов. Также мы подумаем о возможностях для действий из разных мест.

Приходите на нашу презентацию, если находитесь в Амстердаме! Язык мероприятия — английский.

🕔 В воскресенье, 27 октября, 12:00

📍 Skull cave
Plantage Doklaan 8-12

Сама книжная ярмарка будет работать с 11 до 21 в субботу и с 11 до 20 в воскресенье по указанному адресу в локации Dokhuis.


On October 26 and 27, the Anarchist Book Fair is taking place in Amsterdam; in addition to books, various horizontal groups will give presentations and workshops on these days.

Solidarity zone will take a table at the fair, where you can buy our T-shirts, scarves, posters, zines and other merch.

And on Sunday we will make a presentation. We think it's illogical to consider internal partisan resistance in russia separately from the broader context. We will therefore describe russia's colonial influence on neighbouring territories, political alliances with other dictatorships and how the russian regime affects not only communities at home but also comrades in eastern Europe, the Caucasus and central Asia. We will touch on the history of resistance and repressions and examine the reasons for the failure of protest. Not least, we'll offer opportunities for action on the ground.

Come to our presentation if you are in Amsterdam! Discussion will be held in English.

🕔 Sunday, October 27, 12:00

📍 Skull cave
Plantage Doklaan 8-12

Bookfair's working hours: 11 – 21 on Saturday and 11 – 20 on Sunday at the loсation Dokhuis.

Vladimir Central prison

Here we continue the story of the prisons in which political prisoners convicted of taking anti-war actions are serving their sentences.

The federal state institution T-2 of the Vladimir region directorate of the federal penitentiary service, better known as Vladimir Central, became famous not only because of the song by Mikhail Krug of the same name, but also thanks to its own history and political background. At some point it became, in the first place, a prison for those convicted of political offences. Well-known activists and human rights defenders were incarcerated in the “Central”. You can read about Vladimir Central’s history, its inmates’ suffering, and about the political prisoners confined there now, on the cards.

Previously we wrote about Eniseisk prison, Minusinsk jail and the Balashov “clink”.

✉️ Address for prisoners at the “central”:
Russia 600020, г. Владимир, ул Большая Нижегородская, 67, ФКУ Т-2
Russia 600020, Vladimir, ulitsa Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya 67, FKU T-2

✍️ Prisoners’ details:
Попов Денис Александрович 01.06.2001 г.р.
Popov Denis Aleksandrovich d.o.b. 01.06.2001.

Зиза Богдан Сергеевич 23.11.1994 г.р.
Ziza Bohdan Sergeevich d.o.b. 23.11.1994.

Демченко Данила Александрович 14.01.1993 г.р
Demchenko Danila Aleksandrovich d.o.b. 14.01.1993.

Купич Игорь Сергеевич 1983 г.р.
Kupich Igor Sergeevich y.o.b 1983

How can I write letters to political prisoners in Russia?

На русском

#writingletters #english
Зона солидарности
«Зона солидарности» в Амстердаме / Solidarity zone in Amsterdam ENG below 26 и 27 октября в Амстердаме проходит Анархистская книжная ярмарка, во время которой также будут различные презентации и воркшопы от горизонтальных коллективов со всего мира. «Зона…
В Амстердаме открылась Анархистская книжная ярмарка, и «Зона солидарности» уже заняла стол! Приходите, если находитесь в Амстердаме. На дистро «Зоны солидарности» вы сможете приобрести футболки, худи, шарфы, книги, зины. Вся выручка пойдёт на поддержку коллектива.

📍 Skull cave
Plantage Doklaan 8-12

Книжная ярмарка будет работать с 11 до 21 в субботу и с 11 до 20 в воскресенье по указанному адресу в локации Dokhuis.


Amsterdam Anarchist Bookfair is open, and Solidarity zone has already taken a table! Come join the event today or tomorrow, if you're in Amsterdam. You can buy T-shirts, hoodies, scarves, books and zines. All proceeds will go to support the collective.

📍 Skull cave
Plantage Doklaan 8-12

Bookfair's working hours: 11 – 21 on Saturday and 11 – 20 on Sunday at the loсation Dokhuis.
