#innovation How to Regulate Disruptive
Innovation—From Facts to Data https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/publications/Jurimetrics/Winter%202017/kaal_and_vermeulen.authcheckdam.pdf
Innovation—From Facts to Data https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/publications/Jurimetrics/Winter%202017/kaal_and_vermeulen.authcheckdam.pdf
#Danemark #innovation MindLab is a cross-governmental innovation unit which involves citizens and businesses in creating new solutions for society. We are also a physical space – a neutral zone for inspiring creativity, innovation and collaboration. MindLab is instrumental in helping the group of owners key decision-makers and employees view their efforts from the outside-in, to see them from a citizen’s perspective. We use this approach as a platform for co-creating better ideas. http://mind-lab.dk/en/
#Regulatory #barriers to international scientific #innovation: approving new biotechnology in North America http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/11926422.2016.1190771
Taylor & Francis
Regulatory barriers to international scientific innovation: approving new biotechnology in North America
(2017). Regulatory barriers to international scientific innovation: approving new biotechnology in North America. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal: Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 134-145. doi: 10.1080/11926422.2016.1190771
#Global #Innovation #Index 2018
РФ заняла 46 место (в 2017 - 45)
При это общая оценка институтов - 74, "Регуляторная среда" - 90, "Качество регулирования" - 96, "Верховенство права" - 110
РФ заняла 46 место (в 2017 - 45)
При это общая оценка институтов - 74, "Регуляторная среда" - 90, "Качество регулирования" - 96, "Верховенство права" - 110
Интересная свежая статья:
Stout, H.; Jong, M. Exploring the #Impact of Government #Regulation on #Technological #Transitions; a Historical Perspective on #Innovation in the Dutch Network-Based Industries. Laws 2020, 9, 11.
Stout, H.; Jong, M. Exploring the #Impact of Government #Regulation on #Technological #Transitions; a Historical Perspective on #Innovation in the Dutch Network-Based Industries. Laws 2020, 9, 11.
Exploring the Impact of Government Regulation on Technological Transitions; a Historical Perspective on Innovation in the Dutch…
Government interventions can affect processes of technological transition through the enactment of legal and other policy instruments. In this contribution, we concentrated on legal interventions only and examined what they were, the relation between the…
Избранные материалы ОЭСР по тематике "Better regulation and innovation" к завтрашнему онлайн-семинару:
👉 Общий раздел:
👉Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness
Innovation, adopted by the OECD Council at Ministerial Level on 6 October 2021: https://www.oecd.org/mcm/Recommendation-for-Agile-Regulatory-Governance-to-Harness-Innovation.pdf
👉Конференция в начале января
2020, перед самой пандемией:
OECD Global Conference on Governance Innovation: Towards Agile
Regulatory Frameworks in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
👉 follow up конференции - создание, вместе с Всемирным
экономическим форумом, т.н. Agile Nations Network:
#OECD #ОЭСР #regulation #innovation #AgileGovernance
👉 Общий раздел:
👉Recommendation for Agile Regulatory Governance to Harness
Innovation, adopted by the OECD Council at Ministerial Level on 6 October 2021: https://www.oecd.org/mcm/Recommendation-for-Agile-Regulatory-Governance-to-Harness-Innovation.pdf
👉Конференция в начале января
2020, перед самой пандемией:
OECD Global Conference on Governance Innovation: Towards Agile
Regulatory Frameworks in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
👉 follow up конференции - создание, вместе с Всемирным
экономическим форумом, т.н. Agile Nations Network:
#OECD #ОЭСР #regulation #innovation #AgileGovernance
Better regulation and innovation - OECD
Innovations are fundamentally changing the way we live and work together. If well governed, innovation can lead to substantial welfare gains, but it also raises profound and interrelated regulatory challenges that can only be addressed through more agile…