Комиссия по Регуляторике
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Наши услуги:
- оценка регуляторных затрат
- подготовка позиций для ОРВ/ОПОТ/рабочих групп
- консультации по обновленной методике стандартных издержек
- корректное заполнение форм с издержками обязательных требований
✍️ @evidence4future / [email protected]
Логичное "слияние двух лун" - поведенческого регулирования и науки о больших данных: новый (прорывной?) шаг британкого nudge unit. "Nudging is a science, and its practitioners are scientists. More specifically, it is a type of applied science; taking results recorded in laboratories and field experiments, and applying them to the real world. For policy-makers, this is an enormously valuable tool — policy decisions can be backed up by hard evidence, recorded time and time again by researchers across the world. (...) Thanks to data science, however, the future of government nudging looks quite different. Every year, the behavioral Insights Team (BIT) — Britain’s government department for behavioral science — releases a report, reviewing how behavioral insights have been used in British policy. This year, there was a crucial inclusion: the BIT has recently added a Data Science team, which aims to use the latest methods from data science, machine learning and predictive analytics to make smarter policy implementations." #nudge #BigData #DataScience #BIT #UK