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#lobbying Совет Европы призвал свои 47 государств-членов обеспечить наличие прочной законодательной базы, направленной на повышение прозрачности лоббистской деятельности. Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the legal regulation of lobbying activities in the context of public decision making (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 22 March 2017 at the 1282nd meeting of the Ministers' Deputies)
#Lobbying New Book: Lobbying for Change by Alberto Alemanno (Professor of Law, HEC Paris).
#EU #lobbying This article offers a systematic exploration of why interest groups sign up to the European Union Transparency Register, a non‐binding lobby regulation system. We distinguish between instrumental and normative perspectives to explain voluntary compliance, and find that concern for one's reputation represents the most important motivational driver. Based on this, we suggest that the Transparency Register can be understood as a “voluntary club” sponsored by European institutions. T
Дэвид Коэн (Coen), профессор публичной политики и директор Global Governance Institute (UCL, Великобритания) выступил, в рамках серии вебинаров "Theories of Regulation & Governance", c докладом "Lobbying in the EU".

Аннотация доклада: At a time when Europe and business stand at crossroads, this study provides a perspective into how business representation in the EU has evolved and valuable insights into how to organize lobbying strategies and influence policy-making. Uniquely, the study analyses business lobbying in Brussels by drawing on insights from political science, public management, and business studies. At the macro level, we explore over 30 years of increasing business lobbying and explore the emergence of a distinct European business-government relations style. At the meso level, we assess how the role of EU institutions, policy types, and the policy cycle shape the density and diversity of business activity. Finally, at the micro-level, we seek to explore how firms organize their political affairs functions and mobilized strategic political responses. The study utilizes a variety of methods to analyze business-government relations drawing on unique company and policy-maker surveys; in-depth case studies and elite interviews; large statistical analysis of lobbying registers to examine business the density and diversity; and managerial career path and organizational analyses to assess corporate political capabilities. In doing so, this study contributes to discussions on corporate political strategy and interest groups' activity. This monograph should be of interest to public policy scholars, policy-makers, and businesses managers seeking to understand EU government affairs and political representation.
#лоббизм #ЕС #EU #lobbying