#война #ImpactAssessment Как известно, паралельно regulatory impact analysis/assessment (а иногда и в подражение ее успехам), развился целый куст "ассессментов влияния" - оценка воздействия на конкуренцию, оценка воздействия на окружающую среду, оценка воздействия на социальную среду, оценка воздействия на бедность, оценка воздействия на здоровье, оценка олимпийского наследия и др. Было лишь вопросом времени, когда на фоне растущего числа локальных военных конфликтов, возникнет некий вариант war impact assessment. И в самом деле, в 2017 #Worldbank опубликовал результаты Economic and Social Impact Analysis (ESIA) of the Conflict in Syria: "This approach allowed the report to compare the distinct roles played by the level of casualties, physical destruction and disruptions to the economic system in determining the overall impact of the conflict. Economic models were also used to study impacts which either cannot be observed or for which data does not yet exist, such as the effect of migration on economic outcomes or the impact of damages after the conflict has ended."👇🏿 https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/syria/brief/the-toll-of-war-economic-and-social-impact-analysis-esia-of-the-conflict-in-syria-key-facts
World Bank
The Toll of War: Economic and Social Impact Analysis (ESIA) of the Conflict in Syria- Key Facts
The Syria Economic and Social Impact Analysis (ESIA) aims to provide a more complete picture of the impact of the conflict by studying its effect on the country’s population, economy and institutions in addition to the damage to infrastructure.
May 9, 2019