Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#FirstCommittee 🇷🇺supports the intn'l regime of prohibition of chemical, biological&toxin weapons and consistently advocates its universalization and strengthening. We strictly adhere to obligations under the BWC which outlawed an entire category of #WMD. https://t.co/1itb6xWd67 https://t.co/S0YPQfYvn4
Such an unprecedented step - submission of a 🇷🇺🇺🇸 draft resolution in the #FirstCommittee - has become possible largely because of the ability of our countries to put aside political divergences and opt for a pragmatic, constructive & responsible approach. https://t.co/k2jowovjHy https://t.co/0DL9X20TgI
#FirstCommittee We believe that the “Structured dialogue” on security challenges in the @OSCE area, in particular on risk reduction and prevention of incidents, is an important confidence-building measure aimed at reducing military tensions. ➡️https://t.co/DuVWHso8Mq https://t.co/qwottL2fcX
#Nebenzia: It is a big breakthrough that this year we will co-sponsor together with the US🇺🇸a resolution on information security in the UNGA #FirstCommittee. Only a year ago nobody could even dream thinking about it. So there are certain areas where the dialogue is developing. https://t.co/vOPD4vP0ww
#FirstCommittee We strongly reject baseless allegations against our country regarding the situation around A.Navalny. Repetitive empty "concerns" and "calls" of certain states only seek to distort the real state of affairs in the #OPCW and deliberately mislead the meber states. https://t.co/yZJCDgF1uF
#FirstCommittee 🇬🇧draft resolution L.52 "Reducing space threats through norms, rules & principles of responsible behaviours", despite some improvement and account for separate and not principled 🇷🇺proposals, still retains gross imbalance & shortcomings. Russia'll vote "against". https://t.co/jMoWEGYm4V
#FirstCommittee 🇷🇺pursues the goal of keeping the near-Earth #space free of weapons of any kind. The most effective & universal measure to achieve this would be elaboration of a legally binding instrument for preventing #armsrace in space to be joined by all space-faring nations. https://t.co/457azqVI7M
#FirstCommittee The delegation of Russia🇷🇺 voted against draft resolution L.41 "Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions", and abstained during the vote on draft resolution L.46 "The Arms Trade Treaty ". #UNGA76 https://t.co/RMMG77lAkQ
#FirstCommittee 🇷🇺abstained on draft res. L.31 "Conventional arms control at the regional & subregional levels". We cannot agree to its PP7, as it refers to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe of 1999, which we believe has long lost its effectiveness & relevance. https://t.co/kyV3OFegyB
#FirstCommittee Nevertheless, Russia🇷🇺 stands ready for collective work on the new conventional arms control regime in #Europe that should meet the interests of Russia and other European states. @mfa_russia @armscontrol_rus https://t.co/n2B9DZ9lda
Russia🇷🇺 puts forward to the #FirstCommittee draft res. L.54 "Secretary-General’s Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical & Biological Weapons". It's aimed at ensuring effective usage of the mechanism as a tool of maintaining intn'l chemical & biological security. https://t.co/TdW6NUFyw0
#FirstCommittee All issues that impede full-fledged functioning of the UN #Disarmament Commission must be resolved, and undiscriminatory access to UNHQ for representatives of all 🇺🇳member states must be restored as per 🇺🇸obligations under the Headquarters Agreement of 1947. https://t.co/zM1I9uz3pe
#FirstCommittee UN Disarmament Commission holds a special place in 🇺🇳disarmament system. It's demanded as a platform where member states are to develop shared understanding, endorse practical recommendations on many issues of arms control, #disarmament & non-proliferation agenda. https://t.co/vZQzgFsXsb