Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Chumakov: We commend #UNICEF’s success, incl. its growing number of partnerships, support to countries in fighting #COVID19, assistance to teachers & safe return of👦👧to schools. We agree that we should collectively increase primary #healthcare & social protection for children. https://t.co/375RPNaAFT
#Chumakov at discussions of cluster 2 of "Our Common Agenda" report: Strengthening of🌍cooperation in countering illicit #financial flows must stand at the core of our efforts.🇷🇺delegation supports the proposal to elaborate an intn'l tool to back 🇺🇳Convention against #corruption. https://t.co/p0xGTSGaiy
#Chumakov: We welcome UN🇺🇳 efforts to boost countries' engagement in global🌐 #trade, promote unimpeded functioning of distribution chains and render the required technical support to that end, as well as counter politicization of this area. https://t.co/FpqLfXJgIx
#Chumakov: We believe all budget- and #personnel-related issues should be discussed at the #FifthCommittee of #UNGA, which apart from the recent novelties should also provide 🇺🇳Secretary-General's comprehensive analysis regarding the pros and cons of a one-year #budget cycle. https://t.co/lv0UkUo1Gm
#Chumakov on "Our Common Agenda" report: 🇷🇺supports the idea of strengthening the #WHO and its coordinating role in #healthcare. But WHO is a separate 🇺🇳agency w/ its own governing bodies. It regulates this process by itself. A targeted discussion at UNGA'd be counter-productive. https://t.co/K9A4vpsmC0
#Chumakov: #OurCommonAgenda report loosely interprets the #ParisAgreement on #climate, promoting ambitios & hardly attainable goals, especially with regard to carbon neutrality & rejection of coal energy. It ignores the gap between states in their levels of economic development. https://t.co/4FZbLxzcg3
#Chumakov: Donor financing of security projects that are said to have some connection to #climate must not be regarded as part of climate financing. Otherwise developing countries may fall short of promised resources, even if the record says that #donor obligations've been upheld https://t.co/8WUgwIhv4l
#Chumakov: We warn against attempts to assert an inherent🍃climate-security nexus. We don't want to divert SC attention from considering real root causes of conflicts in countries on its agenda. Nor do we want to turn #climate agenda in a political issue. https://t.co/ffZ9dnpUNA https://t.co/HRic592UMx
#Chumakov: #ClimateChange triggers frequent & intense extreme natural phenomena in various spots of 🌍: ever more devastating forest fires🔥, tropic cyclones🌀, droughts, floods, increase of sea level🌊. This asks for urgent efforts to ensure adaptation, mitigate losses & damage. https://t.co/Svj0RoE3EV
#Chumakov: Recently published part 2 of the #IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impact of #climate on conflicts and statistical association of climate and conflicts as relatively weak. This once again proves that #ClimateChange is an issue of sustainable development. https://t.co/KdLwpT2kmg