#Kuzmin: The local militants definitely gained in strength and courage, because now they openly attack detention facilities where their “brothers-in-arms” are held. As a result, even those #terrorists who have been put to prison now turn out free. #Syria @mfa_russia https://t.co/AjTn0GUIji
February 9, 2022
#Kuzmin: Withdrawal of American🇺🇸 occupational forces from #Syria would allow Syrians to clear the remaining #terrorist hotbeds in the country and ensure safety of the population. As record shows, the Government of Syria🇸🇾 can do this in a much more effective way. https://t.co/pyYkAXoUXO
February 9, 2022
#Kuzmin: Russia🇷🇺 supports the efforts of states that are ready to cooperate in order to fight with #terrorism on the basis of the international law. There are enough legal tools that allow to do this, i.a. those elaborated by the #SecurityCouncil 🇺🇳. 🔗https://t.co/Ot3Tec8wwg https://t.co/0ygtpWBe1U
February 9, 2022
#Kuzmin: Russia has been engaging systemically with the authorities of #Syria and #Iraq to evacuate children from conflict zones. We've built an effective system of interaction that lets identify & repatriate children of🇷🇺citizens while fully complying w/norms of the intn'l law. https://t.co/MbwOpbOEpd
February 9, 2022
#Kuzmin: The Afghan wing of #ISIL consists of more than 6,000 fighters. We're particularly concerned over the fact that the majority of terrorists in 🇦🇫come from #CentralAsia states. This escalates risks that #terrorist activity may spread to the neighboring countries. https://t.co/I9EZrzNaAG
February 9, 2022
#Kuzmin: By this time, appr.3⃣5⃣0⃣ minors have safely returned from #Syria and #Iraq. One of our priority tasks at this track is ensuring social adaptation of these children. To achieve this, we among other things render support to their relatives who act as caregivers. https://t.co/LTbJMkTO1j
February 9, 2022
#Kuzmin: Our Western colleagues again called to observe #HumanRights & uphold the #humanitarian law when taking counter-#terrorism measures. We suggest that they be the first to do so, because at this point what they say does not reconcile w/ what they do. https://t.co/Ot3Tec8wwg https://t.co/QiYSb9BBqe
February 9, 2022
#Kuzmin at 🇺🇳Commission for Social Development: In order to ensure economic availability of food and mitigate negative impacts of the #pandemic, Russia has elaborated & endorsed a package of measures, in particular mechanisms for financial support and management of #food markets. https://t.co/44lXYCQ6ZY
February 11, 2022
#Kuzmin: There're less than 10 years left to achieve the goals of #Agenda2030. But COVID-related crisis created obstacles for many of these goals, including eradication of #poverty & hunger, ensuring #foodsecurity and safety, promotion of sustainable agricultural development. https://t.co/TzAM0erPxY
February 11, 2022
#Kuzmin at 🇺🇳Commission for Social Development: #UNSG highlights that COVID-related crisis negatively impacted the level of #employment and people's sources of livelihood. Russia takes every effort to reduce #poverty. This is one of our national development goals until 2030. https://t.co/tBa0HYDlxR
February 11, 2022
#Kuzmin on #WPS agenda: What is required today is measures enhancing #women's economic potential, creating favorable conditions for developing female businesses, broadening access of👩to financial and material resources, markets, modern #technology, and intellectual property. https://t.co/KZqQaSlxeU
March 8, 2022
#Kuzmin: It has been > 20 years since #UNSC adopted resolution 1325. The fundamental principles of this document that are based on the four elements: prevention, protection, participation, and sustaining #peace in situations of armed conflict, are relevant today as never before. https://t.co/91J8F0dZAE
March 8, 2022
#Kuzmin: Intn'l cooperation in this area should focus on overcoming poverty, development of #women, improving access to #education & decent work. The practice of applying #UCMs to states is unacceptable, as it impact the interests of👩in social & economic areas in the first place https://t.co/7npABGKKEN
March 8, 2022
#Kuzmin at SC debate on #WPS: We emphasize the importance of discussing issues of women’s social & economic inclusion as a critical element of building #peace. Sadly, it's not seldom that this track of cooperation is unjustifiably understated & sidelined. https://t.co/e69jZu5uTl https://t.co/a09ojh4D6Y
March 8, 2022