Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#ThirdCommittee We express appreciation to🇺🇳High Commissioner for Refugees F.Grandi for preparing a report that provides an objective account of main tracks & priorities in the area of intn'l protrection of #refugees and asylum seekers, assistance to #IDPs and stateless persons. https://t.co/pc9GDe3cac
#ThirdCommittee Unfortunately, the recent year's introduced no positive changes to the work of the #HumanRights Council. Nor has it promoted dialogue of the intn'l HR community. It means @UN_HRC made no meaningful contribution to impoving the HR situation in certain countries. https://t.co/WVOyF9g752
#Kuzmin: Yet, judging by the results of the vote in the #ThirdCommittee, a much bigger part of the delegations will not vote in favor of this notorious draft resolution at the #UNGA. And we appreciate their decency. @mfa_russia @PMSimferopol https://t.co/SGZedcaTXh