Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Polyanskiy: Bringing #climate topics to the #UNSC and trying to enact such a mechanism as Chapter 7 might be very dangerous. Instead of helping to fight climate change, it might trigger more divisions and controversies in efforts to combat the climate change. https://t.co/XdJGb6GFjD
🔶#Russia voted against the draft #UNSCR on climate and security submitted by Ireland and Niger. The divide was #climate which, by its nature, is a unifying agenda, as was demonstrated by the recent consensus achieved in Glasgow. https://t.co/m49kCgBBzt https://t.co/fn6tsEhLoq
In this draft resolution we see an attempt of some states to gain leverage in the #UNSC to impose a particular vision with regard to fulfilment of climate commitments and ultimately to initiate putting any country on the SC’s agenda under the #climate pretext. @mfa_russia https://t.co/ctNmZQmmaC
#Russia along with #India and #China do not share an approach imposed by the western nations that have already made a significant number of states expecting assistance believe in it. We are striving for comprehensive solutions in mitigating the #climate change. @mfa_russia https://t.co/JBGpFi9JeY
#Nebenzia: It’s an anti-democratic attempt to ignore opinion of 80 states who did not support the draft UNSCR on #climate & security. It would have led to a profound schism &setback to climate change-mitigation efforts. It was prevented by our vote against https://t.co/Qr5CvgrN4n https://t.co/LH7J9uTAjI
The Permanent Mission of #Russia🇷🇺 issued a press release w/regard to🇺🇸activity at the UN in 2021. #climate #HumanRights #Headquarters Agreement International Information Security #Afghanistan #Syria #Ukraine & other issues 🔗Full text available at https://t.co/WanyDCWvOF https://t.co/gtRA8aL937
The #pandemic impeded achievement of the goals of #Agenda2030 & the Paris #Climate Agreement. So #ECOSOC should act as a central intn'l platform for building multilateral partnerships that should account for national legislations & go in line w/national strategies for development https://t.co/QtMvzXdTlo
#Karasin: Russia🇷🇺 is an active participant in the international #climate process, both in terms of its contribution to reducing #greenhouse gas emissions and in terms of its efforts to achieve the universality of the climate regime under @UNFCCC. 🔗https://t.co/sALpEtuylw https://t.co/slWjlkr0t6
#Chumakov: #OurCommonAgenda report loosely interprets the #ParisAgreement on #climate, promoting ambitios & hardly attainable goals, especially with regard to carbon neutrality & rejection of coal energy. It ignores the gap between states in their levels of economic development. https://t.co/4FZbLxzcg3
#Chumakov: Donor financing of security projects that are said to have some connection to #climate must not be regarded as part of climate financing. Otherwise developing countries may fall short of promised resources, even if the record says that #donor obligations've been upheld https://t.co/8WUgwIhv4l
#Chumakov: We warn against attempts to assert an inherent🍃climate-security nexus. We don't want to divert SC attention from considering real root causes of conflicts in countries on its agenda. Nor do we want to turn #climate agenda in a political issue. https://t.co/ffZ9dnpUNA https://t.co/HRic592UMx
#Chumakov: Recently published part 2 of the #IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impact of #climate on conflicts and statistical association of climate and conflicts as relatively weak. This once again proves that #ClimateChange is an issue of sustainable development. https://t.co/KdLwpT2kmg