Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Polyanskiy: We underscore that we can effectively respond to this challenge only given maximum broad coordination of counter-#terrorism efforts. In this regard, we highly appreciate the activity of #Baghdad-based four-lateral Information Center. @mfa_russia @RusEmbassyIraq https://t.co/5kato4TSku
#Evstigneeva: [Central African] states need to enhance efforts to identify & curb channels of terrorists’ recharge w/ideological, technical, financial, & human resources, as well as advance cooperation w/African partners in countering #terrorism both bilaterally and at int'l fora https://t.co/KpKNnf9OBc
#Evstigneeva: On our part, we stand ready to share our expertise in this area, implement projects that should build capacity of #Africa|n states in combating the threats of #terrorism and #extremism. @mfa_russia https://t.co/Ky2xuKJCzs
Today the #UNSC unanimously adopted a resolution renewing the mandate of the Executive Directorate of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee for 4 years. As a responsible member of🌍community, Russia🇷🇺 highly values the input of @UN_CTED in fight against #terrorism. https://t.co/mRPPuW1P6G
#Polyanskiy: Throughout the second half of 2021, we received tragic reports of people dying from deadly terrorist attacks and clashes with militants. We express our support to all those who are engaged in the challenging fight against #terrorism in the region. @mfa_russia https://t.co/5oTnlIMLBr
#Nebenzia: Betterment of the situation in #Mali, implementation of the peace agreement, eradication of #terrorism, and improvement of the socio-economic situation are most dependent on domestic political stability. 🔗https://t.co/HetmwbHIiG https://t.co/Z8y3KYwxOM
#Nebenzia: It's our common priority to maintain stability in 🇦🇫. We want an ethnically and confessionally inclusive government. We want stability. We want #fight with #terrorism. We want fighting #drug trafficking. We want observing human rights, including for women and girls. https://t.co/YznUnl4JMM
#Kuzmin: Russia🇷🇺 supports the efforts of states that are ready to cooperate in order to fight with #terrorism on the basis of the international law. There are enough legal tools that allow to do this, i.a. those elaborated by the #SecurityCouncil 🇺🇳. 🔗https://t.co/Ot3Tec8wwg https://t.co/0ygtpWBe1U
#Kuzmin: Our Western colleagues again called to observe #HumanRights & uphold the #humanitarian law when taking counter-#terrorism measures. We suggest that they be the first to do so, because at this point what they say does not reconcile w/ what they do. https://t.co/Ot3Tec8wwg https://t.co/QiYSb9BBqe
#Evstigneeva:🇷🇺is concerned over the intensifying activity of “Al-Shabaab” which controls vast areas in southern & central🇸🇴. The fighters carry on with hard-hitting operations that cause numerous casualties. We note efforts of the Somali government aimed at combating #terrorism. https://t.co/lTrxMIIsYO
#Vershinin: Certain countries of the region and intn'l organizations have growing positive interest in the work of #CSTO, first of all its expertise in the area of countering emerging threats & challenges, incl #terrorism, related #extremism, illegal #migration & drug trafficking https://t.co/x8PqKo2fAN
#Nebenzia: Despite #Iraq’s success on the counter-terrorist front, security situation is still fragile, i.a. due to growing activity of the terrorist underground. This challenge can be effectively opposed only through maximum broad coordination of counter-#terrorism efforts. https://t.co/BWVooMxepm
#Nebenzia: All those involved in combating #terrorism in #Iraq must respect its sovereignty and coordinate steps w/#Baghdad. Illegitimate military presence in 🇮🇶 is unacceptable. Foreign military formations can only be deployed upon consent of local authorities or a SC decision. https://t.co/VINCPMSAoz
#Evstigneeva: 20 years ago 🇺🇸entered Afghanistan with a special mission–fight against #terrorism. But their arrival only stepped up Afghanistan’s status as a hotbed of drugs & terrorists. Apart from Al-Qaida & its affiliates, another terrorist group gained a foothold in 🇦🇫#ISIL. https://t.co/0bg8BxfNqY
#Evstigneeva: 20 years of #US presence in 🇦🇫cost thousands of lives of ordinary Afghans and American soldiers, and billions dollars spent. Then they double-heartedly abandoned the #Afghan people, and left them one-on-one with devastation, poverty, #terrorism, and hunger. https://t.co/wnvUqaPJ5W