Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Chumakov at HL meeting on climate change: We need more efforts in the area of adaptation to the negative consequences of the #climatechange, enhance technical support for developing countries, especially those most vulnerable in terms of climate, mobilize financial resources. https://t.co/qmgWUAgNhC
#Chumakov: This instrument was created to serve as a pillar of a sustainable climate regime, and its success'll depend on whether all countries respect the agreements reached, adopt strong measures to mitigate #ClimateChange and back up the proclaimed goals w/reliable methodology https://t.co/0PP8Scl2N5
#Chumakov: #ClimateChange triggers frequent & intense extreme natural phenomena in various spots of 🌍: ever more devastating forest fires🔥, tropic cyclones🌀, droughts, floods, increase of sea level🌊. This asks for urgent efforts to ensure adaptation, mitigate losses & damage. https://t.co/Svj0RoE3EV
#Chumakov: Recently published part 2 of the #IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impact of #climate on conflicts and statistical association of climate and conflicts as relatively weak. This once again proves that #ClimateChange is an issue of sustainable development. https://t.co/KdLwpT2kmg