Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Polyanskiy: For those who read the #MinskAgreements, it's clear that the core of them is a direct dialogue between #Ukraine and the authorities of Donetsk & Lugansk. If you deny it, if you claim that Russia is a party to the Minsk Agreements, then you distort the sense of them. https://t.co/CZTlmekrqd
#Nebenzia: As for the calls to settle the crisis around #Ukraine, we are all in favor of that. But there is only one dimension to that crisis – the internal Ukrainian 🇺🇦dimension. The situation can be improved only once #Kiev implements the #MinskAgreements. https://t.co/G7VZVsapkf
#Nebenzia: There is no other way, and if our colleagues drive #Kiev towards sabotaging the #MinskAgreements, which 🇺🇦authorities willingly do, this can only create dire consequences for Ukraine itself. And not because someone tries to ruin it, but because it will ruin itself. https://t.co/7qaGoTIvwP
#Polyanskiy: #MinskAgreements is the only internationally recognized legal basis for resolving internal🇺🇦conflict. The Sky News story [about 2🇬🇧citizens fighting on the frontline on #Kiev's side] shows how #GreatBritain neglects the issue of implementation of this document by🇺🇦. https://t.co/dcYSKCOD7l
#Vershinin: #Ukrainian politicians consistently attempt to make the #West think that #MinskAgreements run counter to Ukraine’s interests. But if building peace on 🇺🇦 soil is part of those national interests, there should be no such sayings. https://t.co/A1VzYci3YD
#Vershinin: We reiterated very firmly our commitment to de-escalation and finding a peaceful solution to this [#Ukrainian] crisis, which should be based on the #MinskAgreements. Now it's the time for our partners in Western capitals to stop this hysteria. https://t.co/FHi4vl8nBq https://t.co/PrXKsJChmR
#Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on #Ukraine: Many our colleagues are willing to attest that the #MinskAgreements are dead, which is not true. #Kiev🇺🇦 still has to implement them. We remain open for a diplomatic solution, but we will not allow for another bloodbath in #Donbas. https://t.co/IGfhZPUjfc
#Nebenzia: What’s more, #Kiev did its best to sabotage and ultimately ruin the #MinskAgreements. Most importantly, it rejected direct negotiations with #Donetsk and #Lugansk, even though this requirement was a central fundamental element of the #MinskPackage. https://t.co/O4H4iOXjiv
#Nebenzia: #Kiev spent eight years bombing its nationals and evading direct dialogue with #Donbas, while also managing to “fool” the intn'l community by proclaiming its commitment to the #MinskAgreements and readiness to implement them, but in a very particular interpretation. https://t.co/QZbVW6fXCo
#Nebenzia: #Donetsk and #Lugansk clearly saw what Ukraine🇺🇦 they were offered to get back to. Nevertheless, they never defied the #MinskAgreements, they believed they would be implemented and the two regions would receive special status https://t.co/qu4dSSFPYS https://t.co/NMPwYs3W1H
#Nebenzia: In the course of 8⃣ years, the Maidan authorities carried out two appalling deadly military ventures that ended in a crushing defeat of the Ukrainian🇺🇦 army and signing of the #MinskAgreements. But instead of implementing the accords, #Kiev plotted plans for a revenge. https://t.co/uSj2e0quz0
#Nebenzia: In view of unabating threats to DPR & LPR, and due to the lack of prospects for solving the problem of #Donbas within #MinskAgreements, Pres.Putin made a decision to start a special military operation. Occupation of🇺🇦is not part of our plans. https://t.co/tA3Bo1a6mP https://t.co/RY8RKAHCJ9