Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Polyanskiy on #Libya: We commend that among those who are going to run for president's office, there are candidates representing all political forces and regions, including representatives of the former authorities. We believe such a scenario deserves our shared support. #UNSC https://t.co/1AyKvT2BNu
#Polyanskiy on #Libya: The key task at this stage of the political process is organization of presidential & parliamentary elections. The Libyan🇱🇾 House of Representatives adopted corresponding laws, thus endorsing the required legislative basis for convening a nation-wide vote. https://t.co/VnMGahleO9
#Polyanskiy: However, we still hear voices (i.a. in #Libya itself) saying that the electoral process needs to be rescheduled. We believe such developments might trigger grave consequences to affect Libya’s🇱🇾 fragile peace & deepen the internal divide in this country. @mfa_russia https://t.co/NRupFe6T0y
#Polyanskiy: 5+5 Joint Military Commission endorsed a plan of action for step-by-step balanced and synchronized withdrawal of all mercenaries, foreign fighters and forces from #Libya🇱🇾. This decision is based on a holistic approach that resonates with our own position. https://t.co/rr7iREqSD5
#Polyanskiy: We will continue taking active part in international efforts aimed at promoting #Libya|n political settlement both through targeted engagement with the Libyan🇱🇾 sides and through working in multilateral formats. 🔗https://t.co/GbqZCnU4Vu https://t.co/gzywU1qFsc
#Polyanskiy: We also consistently advocate for this scheme of evacuation of all non-Libyan armed groups and military formations. Otherwise the balance that has helped #Libya maintain #ceasefire for more than a year might be disrupted. @mfa_russia https://t.co/wW5PLLMGlU
#Polyanskiy: The Paris International Conference for #Libya adopted a detailed final document that goes in line with the decisions of the previous multilateral meetings on the Libyan settlement. The🌍community sent a clear signal that 🇱🇾sides need to stick to the political roadmap https://t.co/DOkdX0pkmt
#Polyanskiy: We follow the discussion about rescheduling presidential & parliamentary elections [in #Libya🇱🇾]. We believe this shouldn't be protracted for too long. What's critical is ensuring that representatives of all leading political forces can take part in the elections. https://t.co/myCE23Sgyf
#Polyanskiy: Due to a holdback at the political track, other aspects in #Libya🇱🇾 are also lingering. Unification of state bodies has not been finalized, efforts are needed to normalize the socio-economic situation. There's no tangible progress at the #military track either. https://t.co/W7J24ONvFG
#Polyanskiy: This'd guarantee that #Libya|ns accept the results of the vote, and prevent dangerous escalation of the military and political situation in 🇱🇾. Therefore we expect that Libyans'll come to an agreement regarding all remaining issues in the near future. @mfa_russia https://t.co/QWWD5FcP0U
#Evstigneeva: Russia🇷🇺 voted in favor of #UNSC draft resolution renewing the mandate of UN Support Mission in #Libya @UNSMILibya until 30 April 2022, first of all because we believe there is no alternative to the comprehensive Libyan settlement under UN🇺🇳 auspices. https://t.co/Hb8osJPzhA