Such approach is particularly relevant against the background of attempts of certain countries & civil society reps to appeal to #humanitarian aspects as the only absolutely sufficient condition for imposing restrictions on specific types of #ConventionalWeapons. @mfa_russia
October 13, 2021
#Evstigneeva at UNSC briefing on the situation in the Central African Republic🇨🇫: Russian instructors take no part in armed action. Any possible violations of the international #humanitarian law and #HumanRights must be investigated by the national authorities.
October 18, 2021
#Evstigneeva: Lasting normalization in the #DRCongo cannot be ensured through military methods alone. We closely follow the efforts of the authorities aimed at reinstating control of the security situation, improving the #humanitarian status, promoting socio-economic development.
October 20, 2021
#Nebenzia: The top priority at the moment is providing #Afghanistan with urgent #humanitarian assistance. 🇷🇺 will send food, medicines and basic necessities to 🇦🇫. We trust that key donors will also demonstrate much-needed generosity in this critical situation.
November 18, 2021
#Kuzmin: In order to settle large-scale #humanitarian crises, we need to engage mechanisms of multilateral cooperation under the central coordinating role of the UN🇺🇳. We positively assess the role of #UNHCR in enhancing the efficiency of international protection of #refugees.
December 7, 2021
#Polyanskiy: We are particularly concerned over the dire humanitarian situation in #Yemen. As we heard from Mr.Rajasingham, the situation is deteriorating daily and assuming characteristic features of a a large-scale #humanitarian disaster.
December 14, 2021
#Polyanskiy: Both the #UnitedNations and separate SC members can and should do more to implement resolution 2585. Otherwise, the efforts that we made in July to ensure constructive cooperation at🇸🇾 #humanitarian track won't lead us to the desired results.
December 21, 2021
#Polyanskiy: We call on the donors to revisit their approaches to #Syria’s #humanitarian assistance in the best interests of ordinary Syrians, i.a. those of them who are returning home. We express our gratitude to the states that've joined the financing of corresponding projects.
December 21, 2021
#Evstigneeva: The main point of the resolution is as follows: provision of humanitarian assistance doesn't violate 1988 sanctions regime; #humanitarian agents & donors can proceed w/assistance without fear of restrictions; humanitarian aid can flow to #Afghanistan via any channel
December 23, 2021
#Nebenzia: However this time there is no area of 🇾🇪 that we can call safe or stable, i.a. in terms of access to #food and #medicines. In this regard, we remind all sides to the conflict that they have to ensure #humanitarian access to all those who need it. @mfa_russia
January 12, 2022
#Polyanskiy: Donor contributions to these works will not only help improve the status of ordinary #Syria|ns, but also reduce cost of #humanitarian works while increasing their added value. In our view, this simple math-based logic is hard to argue with. @mfa_russia
January 28, 2022
#Polyanskiy: We need to improve the toolkit for SC-endorsed #humanitarian exemptions, i.a. elaborate #exemptions that humanitarian organizations could turn to on a permanent basis. We could consider making lists of items that under no circumstances should end up in banned lists.
February 7, 2022
#Chumakov: #UNICEF was there helping children in the aftermath of #WW2 and it is still there for children in humanitarian situations. Russia🇷🇺 appreciates UNICEF’s dual #humanitarian & #development mandate; we have quality cooperation in both these areas.
February 8, 2022
#Kuzmin: One of #Syria’s major #humanitarian challenges also takes us to the territory, illegally occupied by the #UnitedStates – camps “Al-Hol” and “Roj”, where dozens of thousand women and children are kept in horrible conditions.
February 9, 2022
#Kuzmin: Our Western colleagues again called to observe #HumanRights & uphold the #humanitarian law when taking counter-#terrorism measures. We suggest that they be the first to do so, because at this point what they say does not reconcile w/ what they do.
February 9, 2022