Постпредство России при ООН
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Постоянное представительство Российской Федерации при ООН/
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN
#Nebenzia at UNSC open debate on trafficking of arms: We welcome the Seventh Biennial Meeting of States (BMS7) on the implementation of the 🇺🇳Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons #SALW that convened recently. https://t.co/590Rhx4zbW
#Nebenzia: Combating the illicit transfer of #SALW must remain in focus of all states. Therefore, corresponding work must be done at the #UNGA in the first place, where every state has a voice and an opportunity to take part in the decision-making. 🔗https://t.co/RFbRsiBXps https://t.co/ZY7mJc4rH2
#Nebenzia: Illegal trafficking of small arms and light weapons #SALW is a global problem that cannot be solved through imposing restrictions against a specific state or enhancing one peacekeeping mission or another. We can only solve this problem via collective efforts. https://t.co/ozG8eJTVI4
#Nebenzia: The main reasons why #SALW spread uncontrollably in 🌍 are well known. The illegal trafficking is a direct consequence of excessively liberal national legislation or remaining gaps in national export control regimes, which particularly affect the neighboring states. https://t.co/piIomBrUh5
#Nebenzia: States that have accumulated excessive stockpiles of #SALW do not always act appropriately and try to sell the excesses instead of disposing of them. Also, they may pay too little attention to the problem of illicit transfer of SALW across their borders. https://t.co/ZTZegnK9ON
#Nebenzia: Combating illicit transfer of #SALW, ensuring safe storage of its stockpiles & eradication of excesses're a prerogative of member states and an integral aspect of their sovereignty.That's why collective action of all states at #UNGA platform is of paramount importance. https://t.co/5DhJMsfkaF
#Nebenzia: The main problem, however, is as follows. In pursuit of profit or political gains, the vendor does not think of who will be the end user of the exported #SALW, where and for what purposes these weapons will be used. @mfa_russia https://t.co/1hwEzkhCq6
#Nebenzia: We welcome that the humanitarian plan reflects the fact of dangerous spread of #SALW in #Ukraine🇺🇦, most of which ends up in the hands of radical elements, including those who have been purposefully released from prisons following a decree issued by President Zelensky. https://t.co/oHe7kBNs7z