Russian House New Delhi
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В Русском доме в Нью-Дели написали Диктант Победы. В библиотеке культурного центра собрались 25 человек, а многие индийцы отвечали на вопросы в дистанционном формате.
В этом году один из вопросов касался и Индии. В январе он был предложен организаторам диктанта представительством Россотрудничества после консультаций с индийским военным историком полковником Шайлендрой Сингхом.
«Несколько колонн грузовиков доставили зимой 1942-1943 гг. из Индии через Афганистан и Среднюю Азию боеприпасы и продовольствие в район крупнейшего сражения Великой Отечественной войны. Какая это была битва?»
Шайлендра Сингх рассказал как он отыскал историю двух индийских военнослужащих, которые обеспечили отправку нескольких автоколонн с боеприпасами и продовольствием из его страны в СССР. Это были старший унтер-офицер Нараян Рао Никкама и сержант Гарджендра Сингх автомобильной роты корпуса тылового обеспечения.
Грузовики, по 10-12 машин, выезжали с индийских военных заводов при 40-градусной жаре, за 7-10 дней преодолевали горные дороги Афганистана и пустыни Средней Азии и уже в сильный мороз добирались до места назначения. В один из рейсов индийцам удалось уложиться в 3,5 суток, без сна и остановок, за что советское командование наградило их орденами Красной Звезды.
Так куда же пришла колонна из Индии – кто ответит?

#ДиктантПобеды #РусскийДом #Индия

The Dictation of Victory was written at the Russian House in New Delhi. 25 people gathered in the library of the cultural centre, and many Indians did the quiz remotely.
This year, one of the questions concerned India. In January this year, it was proposed to the organizers of the dictation by the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo after consultations with the Indian military historian, Colonel Shailendra Singh.
“Several columns of trucks delivered in the winter of 1942-1943 from India through Afghanistan and Central Asia ammunition and food to the area of the largest battle of the Great Patriotic War. What was this battle?”
Shailendra Singh told how he found the story of two Indian soldiers who ensured the shipment of several convoys of ammunition and food from his country to the USSR. They were Senior NCO Narayan Rao Nikkama and Sergeant Garjendra Singh of the Automotive Company of the Logistics Corps.
Trucks, 10-12 cars each, left Indian military factories in 40-degree heat, overcame the mountain roads of Afghanistan and the deserts of Central Asia in 7-10 days and reached their destination in severe frost. The Indians managed to meet one of the raids in 3.5 days, without sleep and stops, for which the Soviet command awarded them the Order of the Red Star.
So where did the column from India arrive - who will answer?

#Victorydictation #RussianHouse #India
Dear friends!
📚 The Russian House in New Delhi invites you to take part in the All-Russian historical event "Victory Dictation", dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.
📝The largest test for knowledge of the history of the Great Patriotic War will be held for the sixth time.
This year, a block of questions is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad, the withdrawal of Soviet troops to the borders of the USSR, the anniversaries of front-line writers, and other memorable dates.
📆The dictation will take place on April 26 at 14:30.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Admission for dictation participants is free.
You can find out more about the promotion and test your knowledge by taking dictations from previous years in different languages ​​on the website: http://диктантпобеды.рф
💎 Don't miss the opportunity to become part of this important event!
We are looking forward to seeing you!

#RussianHouse #VictoryDictation #VictoryDay #Rossotrudnichestvo
🏢 In the Russian House in New Delhi the “Victory Dictation” was written - in Russian and English. Citizens of India, compatriots and students of the embassy school gathered in the library and the seminar hall of the cultural center.
📝 The dictation tasks were dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade, the liberation of Crimea, Belarus, and other important events of the Great Patriotic War.
🔹 For Asia and India, in particular, questions have been prepared that deal with some aspects of the Second World War related to the USSR.
The test questions were translated into eight languages: in addition to Russian, the dictation was asked to be written in English, French, Spanish, Polish, Serbian, Mongolian, Chinese and Greek.

 #RussianHouse #VictoryDictation #Rossotrudnichestvo #NewDelhi