Вакцина «Спутник V» показала высокую эффективность в борьбе с дельта-вариантом коронавируса. Общая эффективность препарата составила 96% при вакцинации обоими компонентами, а среди лиц моложе 50 лет достигла показателя 100%. Вакцина уже одобрена в 71 стране мира и продолжает показывать высокие результаты в борьбе с пандемией.
Читать подробнее: https://tass-ru.turbopages.org/tass.ru/s/obschestvo/17603681
#спутникV #вакцина #коронавирус #пандемия
The Sputnik V vaccine has shown high effectiveness in the fight against the Delta variant of the coronavirus. The overall effectiveness of the drug was 96% by vaccination with both components, and reached 100% among people under the age of 50. The vaccine has already been approved in 71 countries around the world and continues to show good results in the fight against the pandemic.
Read more: https://tass-ru.turbopages.org/tass.ru/s/obschestvo/17603681
#sputnikV #vaccine #coronavirus #pandemic
Читать подробнее: https://tass-ru.turbopages.org/tass.ru/s/obschestvo/17603681
#спутникV #вакцина #коронавирус #пандемия
The Sputnik V vaccine has shown high effectiveness in the fight against the Delta variant of the coronavirus. The overall effectiveness of the drug was 96% by vaccination with both components, and reached 100% among people under the age of 50. The vaccine has already been approved in 71 countries around the world and continues to show good results in the fight against the pandemic.
Read more: https://tass-ru.turbopages.org/tass.ru/s/obschestvo/17603681
#sputnikV #vaccine #coronavirus #pandemic