Russian House New Delhi
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Русский дом в Нью-Дели провел встречу со студентами факультета искусств Делийского университета. Поговорили о возможностях получения российского образования и особенностях идущей приемной кампании по отбору кандидатов на получение стипендий Правительства Российской Федерации.
Ответственный за организацию набора Виктор Горелых провел мастер-класс по регистрации и заполнению заявки на веб-сайте В частности, пригласили из аудитории одного из студентов для «экспериментального» создания заявки. На большом проекционном экране показали всем присутствующим, как можно создать аккаунт на сайте, на какие возможные трудности следует обратить внимание при заполнении заявки, как выбрать необходимый уровень образования, специальность и вузы, какие документы необходимо загрузить в систему.
В этом году для Республики Индии выделено 200 стипендий по всем направлениям обучения и уровням образования. Все индийские граждане вне зависимости от уровня владения русским языком могут подать заявки через вышеуказанный сайт отбора студентов.
Русский дом выражает благодарность руководству департамента славянских и финно-угорских исследований и лично профессору Гиришу Мунджалу за помощь в организации встречи.
#Россия #университеты #бесплатноеобразование #квота
The Russian House in New Delhi held a meeting with students of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Delhi. They talked about the opportunities of getting Russian education and the features of the ongoing admission campaign to select candidates for Russian Government’s scholarships.
The employee in charge of the quota recruitment Viktor Gorelykh conducted a master class on registration and completion of applications on the website In particular, one of the students was invited from the auditorium to create an "experimental" application. On a large projection screen, he showed everyone who was present how to create an account on the site, what possible difficulties should be paid attention to when completing an application, how to choose the required level of education, specialty and universities, which documents are to be uploaded to the system.
This year, 200 scholarships have been allocated for the Republic of India in all areas of study and levels of education. All Indian citizens, regardless of their level of proficiency in Russian, can apply via the abovementioned student selection website.
The Russian House expresses its special gratitude to the leadership of the Department of Slavonic and Finno-Ugrian Studies and personally to Professor Girish Munjal for his help in organizing the meeting.
#Russia #universities #educationFree #quota
В Русском доме в Нью-Дели прошел мастер-класс по заполнению заявок на веб-сайте для всех желающих получить стипендии Правительства Российской Федерации на бесплатное обучение.

Рассказали о системе российского образования, особенностях и преимуществах государственных стипендий в нашей стране. Ответили на вопросы об этапах и сроках предоставления документов, о выборе необходимых уровней образования и университетов. Показали, как можно перемещаться по сайту отбора студентов – кандидаты смогли непосредственно поучаствовать в создании и заполнении заявок.

Среди наиболее часто встречающихся вопросов: можно ли продлить сроки подачи заявок (не успевают с оформлением документов), нужно ли сразу прикреплять документы, которые предусмотрены на втором втором этапе, можно ли сначала внести старые паспортные данные, а потом прикрепить новый паспорт?

#Россия #университеты #образование #бесплатно

The Russian House in New Delhi hosted a master class on filling out applications on the website for everyone who wants to receive scholarships from the Government of the Russian Federation for free education.

We talked about the system of Russian education, the features and benefits of state scholarships in our country. Answered questions about the stages and terms of submission of documents, about the choice of the required levels of education and universities. We also showed how to navigate the student selection site - candidates were able to directly participate in the creation and completion of applications.

Among the most frequently asked questions: is it possible to extend the application deadlines (some do not have enough time to complete the documents), is it necessary to immediately attach the documents that are provided for at the second stage, is it possible to enter the old passport data first, and then attach a new passport?

#Russia #universities #education #quota
More than 100 students and applicants attended the presentation of Russian sports universities, held by the Russian House in New Delhi with the assistance of the All-India Student Council and the World Organization of Students and Youth.
The co-organizer was the Russian Ministry of Sports. Six higher educational institutions under his jurisdiction took part in the online conference: Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture, Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Russian University of Sports "GTOLIFK", Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F.Lesgaft, Smolensk State University of Sports.
Universities presented their educational programs and sports that their students master, showed educational buildings and sports facilities, and talked about the history of their institutions.
In the second half of the meeting, employees of the Russian House spoke about the possibilities of admission to these academies and universities, highlighting in detail the scholarship program of the Government of the Russian Federation as one of the most accessible options for obtaining a sports education in our country.

#sport #universities #RussianHouse #presentation #students
In New Delhi, a meeting was held between Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo Pavel Shevtsov and Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Denis Gribov with Secretary of the Ministry of Education of India Sanjay Kumar.
At the meeting, the possibilities of using educational programs of Russian universities for Indian audiences were discussed, as well as the prospects for creating platforms for dialogue and exchange of experience in order to expand cooperation.
#Rossotrudnichestvo #education #universities
Media is too big
🏢 👩‍🎓 👨‍💻 An entertaining video guide in English to familiarize foreign applicants with the university admissions procedure.

#Russia #universities #education
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On September 24, Indian applicants who successfully passed the selection for free education in Russian universities under the Russian governmental quota were honored at the Russian House in New Delhi.The guests were greeted by the Minister-Counselor of the Russian Embassy in India Mr Roman Babushkin and the Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr Elena Remizova. Congratulating the candidates for successful selection, they noted that the scholarship program of the Government of the Russian Federation provides an opportunity not only to study for free at a Russian university in order to build a successful career in the future, but also to get to know the culture and achievements of the largest country in the world.
During the event, the head of the Russian Language Institute of the Russian House, Ms Ekaterina Dynyak, introduced students to the history of the origin of the Russian language and its role in the modern world, focusing on its use as a means of interethnic communication in the CIS countries.Head of the Department of Cooperation in Education Mr Viktor Gorelykh answered numerous questions from students related to their further registration at universities.
At the end of the event, applicants and their parents were awarded with memorable gifts along with the Russian tea party.

#RussianHouse #education #universities #India