Russian House New Delhi
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Гении места – это великие писатели в своих родных краях: на линиях пересечения автора с местом его жизни и творчества возникает новая, неведомая прежде реальность. У Льва Толстого – в Ясной Поляне, у Есенина – в Константиново, у Шолохова – в станице Вёшенской. Директора литературных музеев России приехали в Нью-Дели, где на конференции «Genius Loci» вместе со своими индийскими коллегами обсудили предназначение классиков.
Форум был организован совместно министерством культуры Индии, Университетом Дели, Национальным центром искусств им. Индиры Ганди (НЦИИГ), посольством России и Русским домом.
В конференции приняли участие первый заместитель председателя комитета Госдумы по культуре Александр Шолохов, советник Президента Российской Федерации по вопросам культуры и президент Международной ассоциации преподавателей русского языка и литературы (МАПРЯЛ) Владимир Толстой. О жизни и творчестве выдающихся русских романистов и поэтов рассказали директора и сотрудники литературных музеев Москвы, Оренбурга, Ясной Поляны.
С индийской стороны выступили директор НЦИИГ Рамеш Гаур, руководитель кафедры славистики Университета Дели Гириш Мунджал, профессоры других исследовательских центров.
В Русском доме состоялся показ документальных фильмов о литературных музеях двух стран.

#Индия #Россия #музеи #литература

Geniuses of the location are great writers in their native lands: on the lines of intersection of the author with the place of his life and work, a new, previously unknown reality arises. For Leo Tolstoy – it’s in Yasnaya Polyana, Yesenin - in Konstantinovo, Sholokhov - in the village of Vyoshenskaya. The directors of Russian literary museums came to New Delhi, where at the Genius Loci conference, together with their Indian colleagues, they discussed the mission of the classics.
The forum was jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture of India, the University of Delhi, the Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts (IGNCA), the Russian Embassy and the Russian House.
The conference was attended by First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Alexander Sholokhov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on Cultural Affairs and President of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL) Vladimir Tolstoy. The directors and employees of literary museums in Moscow, Orenburg, and Yasnaya Polyana spoke about the life and work of outstanding Russian novelists and poets.
The Indian side was represented by the director of the IGNCA Ramesh Gaur, the head of the department of Slavic studies at the University of Delhi Girish Munjal, and professors of other research centers.
The Russian House hosted a screening of documentaries about the literary museums of the two countries.

#India #Russia #museums #literature
Первый Литературный фестиваль Делийского университета (DULF-2023), открывшийся в столице Индии, посвящен председательству этой азиатской страны в «Большой Двадцатке» в текущем году и 75-летию независимости республики от Великобритании.

На открытии выступили министр окружающей среды, лесов и изменения климата Индии Бхупендер Ядав, директор фестиваля Свапан Дасгупта, директор Русского дома в Нью-Дели Олег Осипов.

Страной-гостем на новом празднике словесности стала Россия. В кампусе alma mater развернута выставка «Толстой – Ганди», подготовленная посольством России при содействии культурного центра. На книжной выставке представлены произведения классиков русской литературы, одна из секций фестиваля носит название «Россия в индийской народной культуре».

#литература #образование #фестиваль #Индия

The first Delhi University Literature Festival (DULF-2023), which opened in the capital of India, is dedicated to the chairmanship of this Asian country in the G20 this year and the 75th anniversary of the republic's independence from the UK.

Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change of India Bhupender Yadav, director of the festival Swapan Dasgupta, director of the Russian House in New Delhi Oleg Osipov spoke at the opening.

Russia became the guest country at the new literature festival. The exhibition "Tolstoy - Gandhi", prepared by the Russian Embassy with the assistance of the cultural center, was launched on the campus of the alma mater. The book exhibition presents works by the classics of Russian literature, one of the sections of the festival is "Russia in Popular Indian Culture".

#literature #education #festival #India
As part of the educational project “Film Lessons from the Russian House,” organized jointly with the Center for Russian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Indian students discussed the importance of literature in the life of modern people. Using the material from the short film “The Ink Sea” (Russia, 2021), students appreciated the importance of a literary text for preserving the connection between generations and establishing mutual understanding between people.

The finalist of the “Masters of the Russian Language” competition, master’s student of the Far Eastern Federal University Ekaterina Dynyak took part in the film lesson, who told the students about the Primorsky region and one of the most beautiful cities in Russia - Vladivostok.

#RussianHouse #filmlesson #literature #students
The Russian House in New Delhi, together with the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots, donated a batch of books and illustrated albums to the literary cafe “Reader’s cafe” in the satellite city of the capital - Noida.
The shelves of the literary cafe were replenished with colorful albums “Sevastopol” and “Russian Winter”, works of Russian classics translated into several Indian languages.
The ceremony of filling the “Russian Literature” shelf took place in an informal atmosphere during the presentation of a new collection of poems by Russian compatriot – poet, artist and book illustrator – Lyudmila Chakrabarti “Poems in Prose”. The guests of the evening read aloud several poems by the author, and the newly published book occupied its place next to the classics of the 19th and 20th centuries.

#RussianHouse #IARS #literature #cafe #Chakrabarti
Towards the end of 2023, the Russian House in New Delhi, together with the Indian association Parichay Sahitya Parishad, organized a literary evening in honor of the 155th anniversary of Maxim Gorky.
The works of the Russian and Soviet writer are very popular in India. His novel “Mother” contributed to the uprising of the people of an Asian country against the tyranny of the British colonialists.
At the evening, excerpts from Gorky’s prose were read aloud in Russian and Hindi.

#Gorky #India #literature #RussianHouse
More than one generation of Indians grew up reading books by Soviet writers, including children's books: with exciting stories and magically illustrated. One of the most beloved authors is Arkady Gaidar, who could have turned 120 years old these January days.
This was discussed by participants in a literary evening at the Russian House in New Delhi, dedicated to the author of the famous story “Timur and His Team,” translated into 75 languages. The meeting was organized jointly with the Indian society of writers and poets “Parichay Sahitya Parishad” and brought together journalists, critics, and authors.
There is a big difference between Soviet children's books and Western ones. The first ones are more real, understandable and kind, while those written in English are from the realm of pure fantasy, noted those gathered.
#RussianHouse #ArkadyGaidar #literature #evening
👥 Employees of the Russian House in New Delhi met with the Indian Association of Russian Translators, which unites professors from various universities.
📚 The parties agreed to develop cooperation in the field of translation of Russian literature into Indian languages  and Indian literature into Russian, book publishing, presentations and student conferences, as well as the preparation of a Russian language textbook for Indian educational institutions.
🤝 The director of the Russian House, Dr. Elena Remizova, and the head of the Association, Dr. Sonu Saini, agreed to conduct special programs dedicated to Russian and Soviet writers and poets, and also agreed on a program of joint actions.

#RussianHouse #literature #Russianlanguage #India
On November 7, the Russian House in New Delhi hosted an International seminar "Russian Literature: the Value System". The welcoming speech was addressed by the Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr Elena Remizova, the first secretary of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in India Mr Ardak Kakimzhanov and the attaché of the Russian Embassy in India Mr Mikhail Antsiferov. The event was attended by the Academic Director of the Yasnaya Polyana Museum-Estate Dr Galina Alekseeva, senior researcher of the A.M. Gorky Archive Prof. Marina Arias-Vikhil, member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Russian Classical Literature Dr Ekaterina Dmitrieva, Deputy Director of the State Historical, Cultural and Literary Memorial Reserve-Museum of Abai "Жидебай-Бөрілі" Dr Meiramgul Kairambayeva, Assistant Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Culture of the University of Delhi Dr Girish Munjal. The seminar participants discussed the importance of Russian literature for world culture. The speakers also noted in their speeches that the works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky were imbued with humanity and the spirit of freedom, and their ideas had a beneficial effect on the culture and literature of many countries and peoples.

#RussianHouse #Seminar #literature #India
The Russian House in New Delhi organized an educational teleconference dedicated to the 210th anniversary of M. Yu. Lermontov, with the support of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in India.
The online meeting was held between teachers and students of MOU Secondary School No. 1 named after M. Yu. Lermontov, employees of the State Museum-Reserve of M. Yu. Lermontov (Pyatigorsk, Russia) and the Russian Center for Science and Culture in New Delhi (New Delhi, India).
During the event, an online tour of the museum was held, as well as a story by the school director Dmitry Vosyutkin about the history, traditions, and famous graduates of the school in Pyatigorsk.
A demonstration of costumes from the Lermontov era was held with the participation of schoolchildren and teachers. During the teleconference, students recited famous poems of the Russian poet: "I want to live, I want sadness ...", the poem "Duma".
Participants also prepared and delivered reports on the topics: "M.Yu. Lermontov: My Favorite Writer" and "Lermontov's Ideology on Romanticism".
The educational teleconference traditionally took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere, where one of its important goals was fruitful cooperation between educational institutions, as well as the promotion of the Russian language and Russian culture.

#RussianHouse #Lermontov #Literature #India
With the support of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in India, an international scientific conference on the topic: "The concept of "Motherland" in the literary traditions of Hindi and Russian literature" was held at the site of the Hindi Department of Bharati College of the University of Delhi, in which employees of the Russian House in New Delhi and the Embassy of Russia in India took part.
Representatives of the A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Yasnaya Polyana Museum, the Museum of the East and the Roerich Museum (Moscow) also took part in the event.
This conference was devoted to examining the concept of "Motherland" as a central theme in both Hindi and Russian literary traditions.
Russian classical literature, represented by Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy and others, explored the concept of the Motherland through the themes of patriotism, spiritual history and culture. In contrast, Indian literature often personifies the Motherland as a nurturing “Bharat Mata,” emphasizing its spiritual and nurturing aspects. Authors such as Tagore, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, and Mahatma Gandhi celebrated the sacred duty of honoring and cherishing the land, viewing it as a maternal figure deserving of reverence and care. Ultimately, the concept of the Motherland in both literatures serves as a powerful tool for exploring themes of identity, sacrifice, and nationality, demonstrating the deep connection humans have with the land and its influence on our collective consciousness.

#RussianHouse #literature #India