Russian House New Delhi
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The traditional winter Days of the Russian Language, Literature and Culture have returned “in the flesh” to the Russian House in New Delhi from “covid online oblivion”. For two days, on February 8 for schoolchildren and on February 9 for students, contests of readers, posters and essays were held in the cultural center, Russian language olympiads and quizzes “What I know about Russia” were held, Russian songs were noisy and Indians danced Kalinka.

The holiday in the beginning of 2023 was dedicated to the Year of the Teacher and Mentor in Russia. On the first day, the guests of the Russian House were students from Indian schools Delhi Public School Dwarka, Bluebells School International, St. Xavier's High School (Sector-49, Gurgaon) - more than 100 young people. The works of their students for the poster and essay competition were sent by Greenway Modern School.

On the second day, students from seven higher educational institutions in India were cordially received: Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi University, Amity University (Haryana), Chowdhury Charan Sing University (Meerut), BPS Mahila Viswa Vidyalaya (Sonipat), Indira Gandhi National Open University, Aligarh Muslim University . More than 150 people gathered. The combined team of the Institute of the Russian Language at the Russian House also participated in the festival.

The jury of all competitions was headed by the former head of the department of Slavic-Fino-Ugric studies at the University of Delhi, Vice President of the INDAPRYAL, Doctor Nilakshi Suryanarayan. The judges noted the high level of preparation of all participants, the positive atmosphere of the competition and the will to win. If in one competition the winners were St. Xavier’s High School (Sector-49, Gurgaon), then in the next the first prize was won by Bluebells School International, and in the third, Delhi Public School Dwarka won. The team of one university, having won the Russian language Olympiad, lost the championship to another in the quiz.

With great enthusiasm schoolchildren and students participated in Russian folk games and tug of war. The winners were presented with books, albums and manuals on the Russian language and Russian history, certificates, prizes and memorable souvenirs.

The Russian language festival was held in the hall of the Russian House, named after the Russian Ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin. And on the eve of the Day of the Diplomatic Worker (February 10), grateful Indians laid flowers at the plaque with the name of His Excellency on the Alexander M. Kadakin Marg street in Delhi.

#Russia #India #RussianLanguage #RussianHouse #competition
Дорогие друзья!
Приглашаем вас принять участие в V Международном конкурсе «Расскажи миру о своей Родине». Он направлен на формирование любви к своей Родине и установление дружественных связей между молодыми поколениями разных стран. За прошлые годы в нем приняло участие почти 6000 работ из 88 регионов России и 42 зарубежных стран.

Организатор конкурса - АНО «Инновационный центр развития и воспитания детей и молодёжи» совместно с Комитетом Государственной Думы по вопросам семьи, женщин и детей.

Конкурс проводится в четырёх возрастных категориях:
1) дети до 7 лет;
2) дети 8–11 лет;
3) подростки 12–14 лет;
4) взрослые от 15 лет.

Участникам предлагается создать видеоролики или текстовые страницы-презентации о своей стране или малой родине. Иностранные участники выполняют работы на английском, французском, испанском, немецком, итальянском, китайском или арабском языках с переводом на русский язык.

Приём заявок открыт до 20 марта 2023 года.
Получить более подробную информацию и подать заявку можно на сайте:

Лучшие работы будет размещаться на Интернет-ресурсах организатора конкурса:;;

Победители конкурса будут приглашены на церемонию награждения, которая пройдёт в г. Москве.

#родина #конкурс #соотечественник #россия

Dear friends!
We invite you to take part in the V International competition "Tell the world about your homeland." It is aimed at forming love for their homeland and establishing friendly ties between young generations of different countries. Over the past years, almost 6,000 works from 88 regions of Russia and 42 foreign countries took part in it.

The organizer of the competition is the ANO "Innovation Center for the Development and Education of Children and Youth" together with the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children.

The competition is held in four age categories:
1) children under 7 years old;
2) children 8-11 years old;
3) adolescents 12-14 years old;
4) adults from 15 years old.

Participants are invited to create videos or presentation text pages about their country or small homeland. Foreign participants perform works in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese or Arabic with translation into Russian.

Applications are open until March 20, 2023.
You can get more information and apply on the website:

The best works will be posted on the Internet resources of the organizer of the competition:;;

The winners of the competition will be invited to the award ceremony, which will be held in Moscow.

#homeland #competition #compatriot #russia
Applications are accepted until May 1st. The selection of the TOP-24 by independent judges will take place from May 2 to May 16. Publication of TOP-24 shortlists — from May 17 to May 21. Next, you will receive a creative task, the result of which will be an online selection of TOP-6 from June 14 to June 20. The shortlists of this TOP will be published from 21 to 24 June. On July 16, registration for the grand final will open, which will be held from August 17 to 20 in Stavropol.

The prize fund will not disappoint, because, in addition to the cash prize, the winners win a promotional campaign from the organizers of the award!

You can be one hundred percent sure of the competence of refereeing, since the strongest international team of experienced athletes will act as referees.

Register for the video contest and showcase your vision of what street culture and sports look like! Here we will evaluate the quality of the video, editing and idea. Find the best tools to show the most important thing and get into the TOP 100 of those who will receive a special task to create a short film. The best of them will form the TOP-30 guys and girls who will go to the grand final and will perform the final task of shooting a short clip on the spot.

Registration of participants, acceptance of works and selection of TOP-100 will last until May 1. The TOP-30 online selection as part of the creative task will take place from May 22 to July 2. The winners will be determined and awarded according to the result of the task completed at the grand final on August 17-20.

The best of the best will win 100,000 rubles, as well as a promotional campaign in support of their creativity!

So, let's summarize all of the above and outline the main steps on the path of the KARDO participant:

1. Register as a participant on using the form at this link;
2. Upload your work (a video application for a competition or a creative video for a video contest) through your personal account;
3. Go through all the stages of online selection and get into the TOP of those who will compete for the main prizes;
4. Go to the grand final in Stavropol and prove to everyone that you are the one who deserves victory!

This year, the KARDO award united real fans of street culture and sports from 40 countries around the world! Become a part of a great international event that will go down in history!

#Cardo #streetart #competition #Stavropol
С 20 по 27 апреля в Москве пройдет 45-й Московский Международный кинофестиваль (ММКФ). В нем будут участвовать картины более чем из 60 стран мира. Всего на фестивале покажут более 30 международных премьер.

Специально на ММКФ в этом году будет представлена программа о молодых ребятах «Трудный возраст», в которую вошли картины из разных стран. Кроме того, появится и студенческая аккредитация. Она дает право смотреть по два фильма в день, посещать открытый лекторий и другие возможности.

Откроет фестиваль кинокартина «Снегирь» режиссера Бориса Хлебникова. Это история экипажа одноименного рыболовного судна, которое попадает в шторм. Премьера в рамках фестиваля состоится 20 апреля.

Традиционно оценивать картины будут в нескольких категориях: основной конкурс, документальное и короткометражное кино, конкурс «Русские премьеры», а также внеконкурсные показы.

Жюри основного конкурса фестиваля в этом году возглавит Рахуль Равель — один из ведущих кинематографистов Индии. В его команде — актеры Самал Яслямова из Казахстана, Алексей Гуськов и Светлана Иванова из России, режиссер и сценарист из Колумбии Сиро Герра.

#ММКФ #кино #фестиваль #конкурс

The 45th Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF) will be held in Moscow from April 20 to 27. There will be films from more than 60 countries. More than 30 international premieres will be shown at the festival.

Especially this year the MIFF will present a program about young people "Hard Age", which includes films from different countries. Besides there will be student accreditation. It gives the right to see two films a day, attend an open lecture hall and other opportunities.

The film "The Snowbird" directed by Boris Khlebnikov will open the festival. It is the story of the crew of the eponymous fishing boat that gets caught in a storm. The festival premiere will take place on April 20.

Traditionally the films will be judged in several categories: the main contest, documentaries and short films, the "Russian premieres" contest, as well as non-competitive screenings.

Rahul Ravel - one of India's leading filmmakers - will head the jury of the festival’s main competition this year. His team includes actors Samal Yaslyamova from Kazakhstan, Alexey Guskov and Svetlana Ivanova from Russia, and director and screenwriter Ciro Guerra from Colombia.

#MIFF #cinema #festival #competition
Благотворительный фонд «Под флагом добра» приглашает всех жалеющих принять участие в детском футбольном онлайн фестивале, который пройдет с 6 апреля по 25 октября.

В рамках фестиваля ребятам предлагается попробовать себя в 6 конкурсах на футбольную тематику:
⚽️ Конкурс рисунков «Герои разных сказок играют в футбол»;
⚽️ Конкурс поделок маскотов (талисманов) своей футбольной команды;
⚽️ Конкурс оформления мяча или спортивной формы символикой своей футбольной команды;
⚽️ Конкурс коллажей;
⚽️ Конкурс дизайна формы для мальчика и девочки на логотипе Фонда «Под флагом добра»;
⚽️ Конкурс видео, футбольный флешмоб.

Выберете тематику , выполните задание и отправьте его в телеграм-канал

Можно участвовать индивидуально или объединившись с друзьями в команду!

Организаторы фестиваля определят победителей в каждом конкурсе по 4 номинациям:
🏆 Творческая фантазия и оригинальность решения;
🏆 Необычная техника исполнения;
🏆 Самый активный участник;
🏆 Самая дружная творческая команда.

Участники фестиваля, создавшие самые добрые, актуальные и зрелищные работы, получат памятные сертификаты.

Отмеченные работы будут опубликованы в социальных сетях и на сайте Фонда
Подробнее о фестивале можно узнать на тех же страничках.

#фонд #подфлагомдобра #конкурс #фестиваль #спорт #футбол #футболшколажизни

The Charity Foundation "Under the Flag of Kindness" invites to take part in the children's online football festival, which will be held from April 6 to October 25.

As part of the festival, the festivals are invited to try themselves in 6 competitions on football topics:
⚽️ Drawing competition "Heroes of different fairy tales play football";
⚽️ Mascot (mascot) craft competition of their football team;
⚽️ A competition to design a ball or uniform with the symbols of their football team;
⚽️ Collage competition;
⚽️ A uniform design competition for a boy and a girl on the logo of the Foundation "Under the Flag of Good";
⚽️ Video contest, football flashmob.

Select the topic, complete the task and send it to the telegram channel

You can participate individually or by teaming up with friends!

The organizers of the festival will determine the winners in each competition in 4 nominations:
🏆 Creative fantasy and originality of the solution;
🏆 Unusual performance technique;
🏆 Most active participant;
🏆 Most friendly creative team.

Festival participants who have created the kindest, most relevant and spectacular works will receive commemorative certificates.

The marked works will be published on social networks and on the Foundation website
More information about the festival can be found on the same pages.

#foundation #podflagomdobra #competition #festival #sport #football #footballschooloflifecontest
Х Международная независимая литературная премия «Глаголица» проводит конкурс литературных произведений на русском языке в номинации «Мультилингвы». Принять участие могут русскоязычные ребята в возрасте от 10 до 17 лет, проживающие за рубежом, и иностранные граждане, изучающие русский язык в любой стране мира.
Работы принимаются в прозе: рассказы, сказки, новеллы, романы, повести на любую тематику. Произведения оцениваются известными писателями, переводчиками и журналистами.

По итогам, финалисты получат путевки на литературную смену в Казань в ноябре, а победители — электронные планшеты и наборы книг «Малая библиотека».

Конкурс проводится Благотворительным фондом «Счастливые истории». Участие – бесплатное. Подать заявку можно на сайте. Срок приема работ до 22 сентября.

#конкурс #Глаголица #русскийязык #счастливыеистории

The 10th International Independent Literary Award "Glagolitsa" is holding a competition of literary works in Russian in the "Multilingual" category. Russian-speaking youth aged 10 to 17 living abroad and foreign citizens studying the Russian language in any country of the world can participate.
Works in prose such as stories, fairy tales, novellas, novels, and short stories on any topic are accepted. The works are evaluated by well-known writers, translators, and journalists.

The finalists will receive tickets to the literary camp in Kazan in November, and the winners will receive electronic tablets and sets of books from the "Small Library" collection.

The contest is organized by the "Happy Stories" Charitable Foundation. Participation is free. Applications can be submitted on the website. The deadline for accepting works is September 22.

#competition #Glagolitsa #russianlanguage #happystories
Russian schoolchildren have won two gold, eight silver and five bronze awards in the contest of young inventors on the island of Bali.
The International Young Inventors Award is being held for the tenth time. Guys from 33 countries presented 350 projects.
Veronika Alekseenko-Nedyshilova received gold medal for an automated system for detecting objects on railway tracks in real time.
Alexander Sukhotsky and Nikita Shilkov also won gold medals for the interface for controlling robotic systems using hand movements.
Silver and bronze awards were given to participants from schools and research centers in different Russian cities. Among the projects are: car subway, mobile garbage collection and sorting system, biodegradable material from fallen leaves for the production of disposable packaging and others.
We congratulate the guys on their victories!

#Russia #Indonesia #Bali #science #competition #winning #invention
The young futurologists are invited to model what the future will be like until 2100.

The international youth online Competition of scientific and science fiction works “HORIZON 2100” that has involved already more than 2300 young people and experts from 92 world countries invites to participate creative youth fascinated by the distant future!
The young people – postgraduate students, specialists, students and school children of all the countries, nationalities and faith at the age from 16 to 30 years old are invited to take part in the Competition.
🔍 In 2023, the Competition applications are accepted until November 15 in two nominations:
✍️ scientific work – research, scientific and practical works – reflecting innovative and original ideas, scientific vision of the future of the planet and humanity at the turn of the year 2100;
✍️ science fiction work – story, essay, reportage – describing imaginary innovative and original ideas, fantastic events, phenomena and prospects for the future at the turn of the year 2100, giving them a scientific explanation.

The works of the representatives of the Russian youth are accepted in Russian.
The works of the representatives of foreign countries are accepted in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French.

We are looking forward to receiving the applications for the “HORIZON 2100” Contest from the new creative and thinking participants!
Make your contribution to the future!
The works are accepted until November 15!
Register for the Contest before November 15 using the link
And make sure to register for the World Youth Festival before December 1, 2023:

#competition #Horizont2100 #science #future
✍️ Registration for the international competition “Rasul Gamzatov - a man of peace” starts on December 4! He firmly believed in the friendship of all peoples in the world!” in honor of the centenary of the Russian poet.
Anyone over the age of 16 living abroad can become participants. Poems by Rasul Gamzatov are accepted in one video recording on a smartphone lasting no more than 40 seconds. The entry must begin with the name and country of the competitor. Participation is free.

✔️ In your letter, be sure to indicate:
• last name, first name;
• age;
• country/city of residence;
• job title;
• information about yourself (briefly).

Prizes and a trip to Dagestan await the winners and participants. Applications will be accepted until December 29, 2023. The results of the competition will be summed up on January 31, 2024 🎁
You can send videos by mail: [email protected]
The competition is carried out with the support of Rossotrudnichestvo and the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.
Regulations on the competition - follow the link (

#Rossotrudnichestvo #RussianHouse #Gamzatov #poetry #competition
Applications for the International Intellectual Competition “All roads lead to MADI!” are being accepted.
Students of the final grades of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, students of colleges and technical schools, as well as graduates of foreign universities are invited to participate.
The winners will have the opportunity to study for free under the MADI bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s degree programs, a place in a dormitory and a scholarship.
The competition will be held in a remote format. Hurry up to register on the website.
- until February 12, 2024 for applicants to the master’s degree program;
- until February 2, 2024 for applicants to the bachelor’s degree and specialist degree.
Win and come to study in Russia!

#competition #MADI #education #studyinRussia
The Union of Russian Translators of India held a competition “My Pushkin: Translation of Poems into Hindi”. 61 young translators took part in it; the final of the competition took place on June 6 online.
The partners of the Union were the Russian Institute of Translation, the State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russian House in New Delhi and the International Award Board.
From India, translators from Bihar University, University named after. Jawaharlal Nehru, Open University. Indira Gandhi University Maharaja Sayajirao, University of Mumbai and others. From Russia - representatives of the Russian State University for the Humanities, South Ural State University, State University of Education, State Institute of Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow Pedagogical State University and others.
#India #translation #competition #UnionOfRussianTranslators