Russian House New Delhi
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У Рухани, Раавия и Анахат их не одна, а пара – эти индийские девчонки награждены грамотами сразу двух творческих студий Русского дома в Нью-Дели. В четверг подвели итоги академического года в балетной, художественной и музыкальной школах культурного центра. Никто из молодых дарований не остался без знака отличия на память.
Ученики с сияющими глазами отблагодарили цветами своих наставников – приму Большого театра Галину Вишнякову, живописца из Иркутска Екатерину Покровскую и артиста Самарского симфонического оркестра Жанну Семенову.
…И нет ничего вкуснее индийского чая с русскими сладостями.

#РусскийДом #искусство #грамоты

Ruhani, Raavya, and Anahat got not one, but a couple - these Indian girls were awarded diplomas from two studios of the Russian House in New Delhi at once. On Thursday, the results of the academic year were summed up in the ballet, art, and music schools of the cultural center. None of the young talents was left without a memento.
With shining eyes, the students thanked their mentors with flowers - the Bolshoi Theater prima Galina Vishnyakova, the painter from Irkutsk Ekaterina Pokrovskaya, and the artist of the Samara Symphony Orchestra Zhanna Semenova.
…And there is nothing tastier than Indian tea with Russian sweet stuff.

#RussianHouse #art #certificates
Yesterday, November 8, at the International Theater Festival of Dostoevsky, spectators watched the production of the drama club named after A.P. Chekhov at the Russian House from the Indian city of Trivandrum.
The performance was in one of the regional languages ​ ​ of the country - small. But the story of unrequited love based on the story "White Nights" was understandable without translation. Instead of cold Petersburg, the action unfolds on the shores of the warm sea…

#theater #art #RussiahouseTrivandrum
Dear friends!
📚 Russian House in New Delhi invite you to the theatre workshop “Russian Influence on Indian Theatre” directed by Varun P. Anand.
📆 We are waiting for you at Workshop on September 16 at 4:00 p.m. Performance will take place at 6:30 p.m.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi.
Entrance for visitors to the event is free.
💎 Don’t miss the opportunity to become part of an important event!
We are waiting for you!

#RussianHouse #theatre #art #India

Дорогие друзья!
📚 Русский дом в Нью-Дели приглашает вас на театральную сессию «Русское влияние на индийский театр» режиссера Варуна П. Ананда.
📆 Ждем вас на театральной сессии 16 сентября в 16:00. Спектакль состоится в 18:30.
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели.
Вход для посетителей мероприятия бесплатный.
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Ждем вас!

#РусскийДом #театр #искусство #Индия
On November 7, 2024, the Russian House in New Delhi hosted an event on the Russia-India pedagogical exchange, organized by the Russian Committee of the World Organization for Preschool Education (OMEP). Larisa Shevchenko, President of the Russian OMEP Committee, held a workshop for colleagues from Indian schools, in which she spoke about the committee's experience in the field of sustainable development and preservation of cultural heritage. She invited colleagues to join the OMEP Committee's international project "Studying the Culture of Different Countries through Pedagogical Exchange". The event was an important step in strengthening pedagogical ties between Russia and India, creating a platform for exchanging experiences and introducing new educational practices. Larisa Shevchenko noted that joint efforts can lead to significant changes in education and cultural exchange. In the process of working on the project "Studying the Culture of Different Countries through Pedagogical Exchange", special attention is paid to involving children in the study of traditional values ​​​​through games and creativity. Ekaterina Nasonova (Project Manager of the OMEP Committee) shared successful examples of the implementation of this project in different countries, which inspired Indian teachers to actively participate.
The master class conducted by Marina Yanvareva (Director of the Ladushki kindergarten, Russia, Moscow) aroused great interest among Indian colleagues, who were able not only to learn new painting techniques, but also to get acquainted with Russian culture through the prism of creativity. Unique examples of matryoshka dolls created in the Indian style will display the synergy of two cultures and symbolize the beginning of fruitful cooperation.
The Russian Committee thanks the Russian House for its support and cooperation and expresses hope that the experience gained at this event will become the basis for long-term joint initiatives that will contribute to the development of educational programs and cultural exchange in the future.
#RussianHouse #art #cooperation #NewDelhi
With the support of the Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in India, famous Altai artists held a thematic master class "Altai-Himalayas" for Indian students.
The cultural and educational trip was organized within the framework of Russian-Indian international cooperation and the 150th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich.
The cultural delegation included the director of the "State Museum of the History of Literature, Art and Culture of Altai" Dr Igor Korotkov, candidate of art sciences Mrs Anna Lebedeva, artists Mr Vasily Kuksa, Mr Pirgeldi Shirov and Mrs Olga Popova. Students of the “Delhi collage of Art” took part in the master class.
The children were shown how to paint a realistic life drawing and were given lectures.
"The artists worked in different techniques and genres. Their task was to speak the language of art with Indian students based on the Russian school of painting and through the contribution of Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich.
Representatives from Russia noted that Roerich is relevant, and thanks to his cultural heritage, the theme of kind, eternal and profound art continues.

#RussianHouse #Roerich #art #India
📚 В Русском доме в Нью-Дели состоится презентация международного образовательного проекта «Русский литературно-музыкальный салон за рубежом».
📆 Ждем вас 22 ноября в 17:00.
🏢 Место проведения: Русский дом в Нью-Дели
📎 Адрес: 24, Firoz Shah Road, New Delhi
Вход для посетителей мероприятия бесплатный.
➡️ Регистрация для посетителей обязательна по форме:
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#Русскийдом #искусство #Индия

📚 The Russian House in New Delhi will host a presentation of the international educational project "Russian Literary and Musical Salon Abroad".
📆 We are waiting for you on November 22 at 5:00 p.m.
🏢 Venue: Russian House in New Delhi
📎 Address: 24, Firoz Shah Road, New Delhi
Entrance for visitors to the event is free.
➡️ Registration for visitors is required using the form:
💎 Don't miss the opportunity to become part of an important event!
We are waiting for you!

#RussianHouse #art #India
With the support of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India and the Indian Association of Russian Compatriots (IARC), a presentation of the international educational project "Russian Literary and Musical Salon Abroad" was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The welcoming speech was given by the Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative Office in India Dr Elena Remizova, the chairperson of IARC Elena Barman and the director of development programs of the National Parents' Association Marianna Shevchenko.
The main goal of the international project is to strengthen cultural ties and promote the Russian language and art abroad.
The event brought together Russian compatriots and Indian citizens, creating an atmosphere of creativity, art and cultural dialogue. The program included readings of classical works of Russian literature, performances of musical works by Russian composers and theatrical sketches.
The event was attended by Indian public and cultural figures, diplomats, students and compatriots.

#RussianHouse #art #music #India
On November 2, a master class on acting by Natalia Shurganova, a teacher at the GITIS Institute of Theatre Arts, was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The practical lesson was aimed at understanding your body, relationships, movement, as well as developing strength, speed, balance and coordination.
The guests of the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with and try out a unique technique of cognitive finger gymnastics.
The theatre teacher noted that in classical choreography there is a set of exercises that work to ensure that a person can develop his body. In the acting profession, there is the same territory of developing the body as a professional instrument.

#RussianHouse #art #theater #India
On December 3, the premiere of the play "The Threepenny Opera" based on the play of the same name by German playwright Bertolt Brecht, staged by Russian director, GITIS teacher Natalia Shurganova, who arrived in India, took place.
The play was presented to the Indian public on the stage of the National School of Drama.
Preparations for the play lasted for a month and a half. The theater teacher noted that all three acts of the play were solved in different acting ways, the first two were accompanied by dances, songs, children's play, and the finale of the play was completely different, very serious.
The play, which lasted more than three hours with two intermissions, ended with thunderous applause.

#RussianHouse #art #theater #India
A master class on acting by Natalia Shurganova, a teacher at the GITIS Institute of Theatre Arts, was held at the Russian House in New Delhi.
The classes were held on stage plasticity, plastic improvisation and movement, training on developing both hemispheres of the brain at once using finger gymnastics. The master class was also aimed at developing the plasticity of movements, body awareness, coordination of movements, balance, a sense of rhythm and releasing the body from muscle clamps.
Natalia Shurganova notes that body position, facial expression, arm and leg movements play a huge role in creating an image on stage, so learning to find a plastic solution to a performance is a difficult but very interesting task; for this, the artist must be flexible, flexible and agile.
The participants of the event were representatives of the cultural community of India, students of Indian universities and compatriots.

#RussianHouse #theater #art #India
An exhibition of paintings by Indian artist and traveler Gauri Damle has been opened at the Russian House in Mumbai.
A graduate of Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya, she is known in Pune primarily for sketching and water-colour activities. Her works look authentic, versatile and full of life. As an artist, she always managed to surprise the viewer.
Apart from her love of art, Gauri travels a lot in India and the world. As a result of her trip to Russia, she created paintings dedicated to two Russian capitals – Moscow and St. Petersburg.
This collection of the works was presented under the title "Russian Odyssey".
The Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Representative office in India, Dr. Elena Remezova, who opened the exhibition, and the visitors of the event noted the skill and original vision of the author.
Besides, Dr. Elena Remezova took the opportunity to introduce the new Director of the Russian House in Mumbai, Victor Gorelykh, who also took part in the ceremony.

В Русском доме в Мумбаи состоялось открытие выставки картин индийской художницы и путешественницы Гори Дамле.
Будучи выпускницей колледжа искусств Абхинав Кала Махавидьялайя, она известна в Пуне, прежде всего, за свои эскизы и работу акварелью. Ее работы выглядят аутентичными, разносторонними и полными жизни. Как художнику ей всегда удавалось удивлять зрителя.
Помимо любви к искусству, Гори много путешествует по Индии и миру. В результате ее поездки в Россию родились картины, посвященные двум российским столицам – Москве и Санкт-Петербургу.
Эта коллекция работ была представлена под названием «Российская одиссея».
Открывшая выставку руководитель представительства Россотрудничества в Индии д-р Елена Ремезова и посетители мероприятия отметили мастерство и оригинальное видение автора.
Кроме того, пользуясь случаем, д-р Елена Ремезова представила нового директора Русского дома в Мумбаи Виктора Горелых, который также принял участие в торжественной церемонии.
#ГориДамле #Живопись #Искусство
#русскийдом #russianhouse
#русскийдомвмумбаи #russianhouseinmumbai #GauriDamle #Painting #Art