A Russian-Indian exhibition dedicated to the creative ties of the Roerich family with India has opened at the Russian House in New Delhi. The exhibition is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of Russia, dedicated to the upcoming 150th anniversary of N.K. Roerich and the 120th anniversary of the birth of S.N. Roerich, and is held under the auspices of the “Digital Museum” (G20 Digital Museum), the flagship cultural and educational project of New Delhi's G20 presidency. Exhibition materials were prepared by the State Museum of Oriental Art.
The opening ceremony was attended by Russian Ambassador Denis Alipov and India's G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant, who addressed the participants with welcoming remarks. During the evening, a pre-recorded speech by the Russian Sherpa at this leading international economic forum, Svetlana Lukash, was also shown.
#Russia #India #twenty #Roerich #exhibition
The opening ceremony was attended by Russian Ambassador Denis Alipov and India's G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant, who addressed the participants with welcoming remarks. During the evening, a pre-recorded speech by the Russian Sherpa at this leading international economic forum, Svetlana Lukash, was also shown.
#Russia #India #twenty #Roerich #exhibition
A business forum was held in the Russian House in New Delhi with the participation of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs of the Samara region and their Indian partners. The economic, educational, and tourism potential of the Russian region on the Volga was presented.
The delegation was headed by the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region, Alexey Popov.
After New Delhi, Samarans will visit Mumbai on a business mission.
#Samara #India #business #forum
The delegation was headed by the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region, Alexey Popov.
After New Delhi, Samarans will visit Mumbai on a business mission.
#Samara #India #business #forum
Media is too big
Приёмная кампания для иностранных граждан на бесплатное обучение в университетах России в самом разгаре!
Успевайте регистрироваться на портале https://education-in-russia.com/ до 1 ноября 2023 года.
Что означают статусы заявки в личном кабинете? Смотрите в нашем видео.
#Россотрудничество #обучениевРоссии
Успевайте регистрироваться на портале https://education-in-russia.com/ до 1 ноября 2023 года.
Что означают статусы заявки в личном кабинете? Смотрите в нашем видео.
#Россотрудничество #обучениевРоссии
Representatives of 50 countries are taking part in the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF). The largest delegations are from China, India, Myanmar, Mongolia and Laos. EEF-2023 takes place from 10 to 13 September in Vladivostok. This year the theme of the forum is "On the way to cooperation, peace and prosperity".
The participants will discuss the development of scientific diplomacy, international cooperation, education and technology, the use of artificial intelligence, the modernization of transport and logistics routes in the region, the creation of an alternative monetary and financial system, and more. The results of the development of the Far East over the past decade will also be summed up.
A plenary session with Vladimir Putin will be held on September 12 at 08:00 Moscow time. The live broadcast is available on the website: forumvostok.ru.
The participants will discuss the development of scientific diplomacy, international cooperation, education and technology, the use of artificial intelligence, the modernization of transport and logistics routes in the region, the creation of an alternative monetary and financial system, and more. The results of the development of the Far East over the past decade will also be summed up.
A plenary session with Vladimir Putin will be held on September 12 at 08:00 Moscow time. The live broadcast is available on the website: forumvostok.ru.
«Российский фонд культуры» вот уже третий год подряд проводит чемпионат «История будущего». Это площадка для реализации амбициозных проектов творческой молодежи.
В 2023 году чемпионат «История будущего» впервые объединит не только российских, но и русскоговорящих студентов из других стран. Главная тема этого года - «Культурная мозаика: прошлое, настоящее, будущее».
Участникам предстоит поразмышлять над новыми подходами в популяризации и изучении российской культуры, искусства и истории. В ходе чемпионата команды доработают и презентуют свои идеи. Победителем станет наиболее оригинальный и социально востребованный из представленных проектов.
Для участников чемпионата будет организована интенсивная программа в формате игрового обучения: тематические лекции, мастер-классы, круглые столы и встречи с экспертами, в ходе которых лидеры креативной отрасли поделятся своим опытом.
Участниками чемпионата могут стать владеющие русским языком студенты в возрасте от 18 до 25 лет. Прием заявок ведется до 30 сентября 2023 года. Очная часть чемпионата «История будущего» пройдет с 24 по 26 ноября в Москве, в усадьбе Замятина-Третьякова. Проезд и проживание иногородних участников обеспечивается за счет организатора.
Зарегистрироваться и узнать подробности можно на официальном сайте чемпионата «История будущего»:
#Россия #культура #искусство #историябудущего #чемпионат #фондкультуры
В 2023 году чемпионат «История будущего» впервые объединит не только российских, но и русскоговорящих студентов из других стран. Главная тема этого года - «Культурная мозаика: прошлое, настоящее, будущее».
Участникам предстоит поразмышлять над новыми подходами в популяризации и изучении российской культуры, искусства и истории. В ходе чемпионата команды доработают и презентуют свои идеи. Победителем станет наиболее оригинальный и социально востребованный из представленных проектов.
Для участников чемпионата будет организована интенсивная программа в формате игрового обучения: тематические лекции, мастер-классы, круглые столы и встречи с экспертами, в ходе которых лидеры креативной отрасли поделятся своим опытом.
Участниками чемпионата могут стать владеющие русским языком студенты в возрасте от 18 до 25 лет. Прием заявок ведется до 30 сентября 2023 года. Очная часть чемпионата «История будущего» пройдет с 24 по 26 ноября в Москве, в усадьбе Замятина-Третьякова. Проезд и проживание иногородних участников обеспечивается за счет организатора.
Зарегистрироваться и узнать подробности можно на официальном сайте чемпионата «История будущего»:
#Россия #культура #искусство #историябудущего #чемпионат #фондкультуры
Чемпионат «История будущего»
27 ноября - 1 декабря 2024
War correspondents from around the world are invited to participate in the Khaled Alkhateb International Memorial Awards 2023. This annual international award from RT is awarded to journalists for the best work from the conflict zone.
The competition takes place in the following categories:
🔹 "The best work from the conflict zone" - materials on armed conflicts and their consequences;
🔹 "Best Job: Humanitarian Mission" - stories about people in the conflict zone, assistance to civilians and refugees. Works on the restoration of cities and the return to peaceful life.
The winners will receive a cash prize of 200 thousand rubles.
Works are accepted in writing and video format. You can apply on the website: Khaled Alkhateb International Memorial Awards (rt.com).
The competition takes place in the following categories:
🔹 "The best work from the conflict zone" - materials on armed conflicts and their consequences;
🔹 "Best Job: Humanitarian Mission" - stories about people in the conflict zone, assistance to civilians and refugees. Works on the restoration of cities and the return to peaceful life.
The winners will receive a cash prize of 200 thousand rubles.
Works are accepted in writing and video format. You can apply on the website: Khaled Alkhateb International Memorial Awards (rt.com).
The Russian House in New Delhi continues to conduct the information campaign to attract Indian applicants to the opportunity of obtaining higher education at Russian universities by getting scholarships under the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation.
One of the first places to announce the selection campaign for the 2024/2025 academic year was the EmpowerEd Conference, organized by Maharishi University and company Educlouds in partnership with Civil 20 India 2023.
The conference, which was attended by over a hundred heads of Indian schools and universities, educational authorities and societies, was devoted to the issues of digitalization in education. Russian House presented the information system for selecting foreign students for education in Russia (https://education-in-russia.com) as an example of digitalization in Russian education and spoke about the start of a new admission.
#Freestudy #EducationinRussia #ScholarshipsforIndia
One of the first places to announce the selection campaign for the 2024/2025 academic year was the EmpowerEd Conference, organized by Maharishi University and company Educlouds in partnership with Civil 20 India 2023.
The conference, which was attended by over a hundred heads of Indian schools and universities, educational authorities and societies, was devoted to the issues of digitalization in education. Russian House presented the information system for selecting foreign students for education in Russia (https://education-in-russia.com) as an example of digitalization in Russian education and spoke about the start of a new admission.
#Freestudy #EducationinRussia #ScholarshipsforIndia
Media is too big
The World Youth Festival will be held in Russia very soon.
Today we will tell you about the goals of the festival and its logo.
Learn more about #WYF2024 and register for the most youth event of 2024 on the website: https://fest2024.com/
#Russia #youthfestival #WYF
Today we will tell you about the goals of the festival and its logo.
Learn more about #WYF2024 and register for the most youth event of 2024 on the website: https://fest2024.com/
#Russia #youthfestival #WYF
Russia has transferred 352 tons of food aid to Sri Lanka. The supply of sunflower oil enriched with vitamins A and D was carried out by the Russian government within the framework of the UN World Food Program.
The Director of the World Food Program in Sri Lanka, Abdur Siddiqui, noted the significance of this event for the local population, stressing that Russia has always been a reliable and strong friend for the country.
In turn, Russian Ambassador Levan Dzhagaryan stressed that Russia will never stand aside and will continue to support the friendly state.
#Russia #IDA #SriLanka
The Director of the World Food Program in Sri Lanka, Abdur Siddiqui, noted the significance of this event for the local population, stressing that Russia has always been a reliable and strong friend for the country.
In turn, Russian Ambassador Levan Dzhagaryan stressed that Russia will never stand aside and will continue to support the friendly state.
#Russia #IDA #SriLanka
На Всемирный фестиваль молодежи подали заявки представители из 176 стран. Он пройдет на федеральной территории Сириус с 1 по 7 марта 2024 года.
Подробнее: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/18736279
Representatives from 176 countries applied for the World Youth Festival. It will be held on the federal territory of "Sirius" from March 1 to March 7, 2024.
#Россия #фестивальмолодежи #ВФМ #Russia #youthfestival #WYF
Подробнее: https://tass.ru/obschestvo/18736279
Representatives from 176 countries applied for the World Youth Festival. It will be held on the federal territory of "Sirius" from March 1 to March 7, 2024.
#Россия #фестивальмолодежи #ВФМ #Russia #youthfestival #WYF
“I was returning home through the fields. It was the very middle of summer. The meadows had been cleared and they were just about to mow the rye.” Excerpts from the works of Leo Tolstoy in 20 languages of the world were performed at a literary festival at the Russian House in Trivandrum, dedicated to the 195th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian writer.
Representatives of 22 countries, including foreign students studying at the University of Kerala, took part in the festival “Leo Tolstoy in my country and in my language”. In addition to Indians from its different states, guests from Trinidad and Tobago, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Botswana, Afghanistan, Mali, Kenya, Namibia, Zambia, Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan, Mauritius gathered at the Russian House.
This excerpt from the story “Hadji Murat” and from other works of Tolstoy were heard in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Bengali. The festival also highly appreciated the importance of Tolstoy’s work for the languages of Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the CIS countries.
Director of the Russian House in Trivandrum, Ratish Nair, noted that “the Tolstoy literary festival, which opened on August 23, is running successfully with the active participation of the public, and within its framework there will also be seminars, exhibitions, film screenings and books will be published.”
Representatives of 22 countries, including foreign students studying at the University of Kerala, took part in the festival “Leo Tolstoy in my country and in my language”. In addition to Indians from its different states, guests from Trinidad and Tobago, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Botswana, Afghanistan, Mali, Kenya, Namibia, Zambia, Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan, Mauritius gathered at the Russian House.
This excerpt from the story “Hadji Murat” and from other works of Tolstoy were heard in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Bengali. The festival also highly appreciated the importance of Tolstoy’s work for the languages of Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the CIS countries.
Director of the Russian House in Trivandrum, Ratish Nair, noted that “the Tolstoy literary festival, which opened on August 23, is running successfully with the active participation of the public, and within its framework there will also be seminars, exhibitions, film screenings and books will be published.”