🇷🇺Спортсмены из России и Сирии будут совместно тренироваться. Это утверждено в соглашении, которое подписали 29 сентября на форуме «Россия - спортивная держава». План предусматривает развитие десяти видов спорта: бокс, дзюдо, карате, тяжелая атлетика, плавание, теннис, баскетбол, спортивная борьба, лёгкая атлетика и футбол.
Узнать больше: https://tass.ru/sport/15907299
Athletes from Russia and Syria will train together. It is approved in the agreement that was signed on September 29 at the forum "Russia is a sports power". The plan provides for the development of ten sports: boxing, judo, karate, weightlifting, swimming, tennis, basketball, wrestling, athletics and football.
#Rusya #Syria #boxing #judo #karate #tennis #basketball #football
Узнать больше: https://tass.ru/sport/15907299
Athletes from Russia and Syria will train together. It is approved in the agreement that was signed on September 29 at the forum "Russia is a sports power". The plan provides for the development of ten sports: boxing, judo, karate, weightlifting, swimming, tennis, basketball, wrestling, athletics and football.
#Rusya #Syria #boxing #judo #karate #tennis #basketball #football
October 1, 2022