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🎙 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions at a meeting with students and faculty of MGIMO University (Moscow, September 2, 2024)

💬 I would like to congratulate all of you on #KnowledgeDay.

I would like to highlight that, according to the statistics, MGIMO graduates hold important positions at the Central Office of the Government of Russia, particularly the Presidential Executive Office. Additionally, two-thirds of them join the Foreign Ministry staff every year. This speaks volumes about the “seal of excellence” associated with the diplomas from this great – without any exaggeration, for me at least – institution of higher learning.

We welcome the fact that MGIMO supplies the Foreign Ministry with most of its staff. We are always eager to welcome those whose qualifications meet the high standards of Russian diplomacy. I would like to address the final-year students: together, we will implement the Foreign Policy Concept approved by President Vladimir Putin in March 2023.

I am certain that you keep up with international news and developments on the global stage. The primary trend is the strengthening of new growth and development centres located outside the historical West.

Regional integration associations, such as the #SCO, the #EAEU, #ASEAN, the #CIS, the #LAS, the African Union, and #CELAC, play a significant role at the current stage of development of the multipolar world order. #BRICS, as it strengthens its influence and authority, increasingly acts as an informal global coordinator for these regional integration processes.

The globalisation, which the West pro-actively promoted for years, has been accepted as a method of interstate relations in the economy, technology and the financial sector. However, this globalisation model is now falling apart.

We will advance integration processes within the EAEU, CIS, SCO, ASEAN, and, of course, strengthen strategic partnership with China, India, Brazil, and all our other like-minded countries, working in the context of forming the Eurasian architecture. There are many, it is impossible to list them all. That is why we have a clear and comprehensible image of the future – multipolarity, based on another key principle of the UN Charter – sovereign equality of the state.


❗️The essence of Western policy towards Russia has always been based on the assumption that our country is too strong and independent and that something must be done to change this, preferably by pulling it down. History repeats itself. Today, these 50 countries have again been rallied under Nazi banners against Russia, considering the essence of Zelensky’s regime or even the chevrons and flags of the so-called Ukrainian army. <...> Today, all those who show independence and a will to defend their national interests within international law while refusing to play by Western rules, are under threat. It is clear, however, that these attempts are largely an agony of the West.


We do not seek to embed ourselves into various “schemes” that are being established by Western “rules” without our participation and without consideration of our interests. We will continue to champion widely held principles of international law and the UN Charter in their entirety instead of cherry-picking them as the West does.

President Putin has repeatedly stressed that “we are open to contacts with the countries of the ‘collective West’ on the understanding that they pivot away from their openly hostile course towards our country”. Any unfriendly moves will still be met with a tough response. The ball is not in our court, it is up to those who set out to deliberately destroy their relations with Russia and demonise our land and our nation.

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On September 3, the #BRICS Customs Heads meeting, held this year under the chairmanship of the Federal Customs Service #FСS of Russia, took place.

⚡️ The parties summarised the results of customs cooperation on the platform and exchanged views on priority aspects of cooperation.

⚡️ One of the key outcomes of the meeting was the signing of the Joint Plan of Action on mutual recognition of AEO Customs programmes.

The meeting participants also agreed to:
🟣to strengthen customs co-operation;
🟣make comprehensive efforts to sign the Agreement on Co-operation and Mutual Administrative Assistance of the BRICS AEO Programmes as soon as possible
on co-operation and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters;
🟣modernise customs co-operation into more
practice-oriented format;
🟣develop co-operation in the law enforcement sphere.

🇷🇺⚡️ During the meeting, Valery Pikalyov, Head of the FCS, emphasised the need to unite their efforts to provide comprehensive assistance to the new members of the association for their inclusion in the processes of customs co-operation on the BRICS platform.

🇮🇳 Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, Chairman of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs of India, took part in the event.

#RussiaIndia #RussiaIndia #RussianIndianCooperation #AEO
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🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with RBC media holding on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum (September 6, 2024)

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My first question has to do with the forum’s main theme, Combining Strengths to Create New Potential. What new global potential is referred to here? Which countries is Russia ready to join forces with to create it?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: The idea is to create potential that will help countries become independent of the unipolar world, which Washington and the allies it has subjected to its will are trying to impose on the world to preserve their hegemony.

The West, which has been living at the expense of former colonies for centuries, is trying to sponge off others now in a seemingly more acceptable manner. We have the potential to overcome the obstacles created by the West with the use of the globalisation instruments it has created and is imposing on others.

More and more countries, almost all normal and independent states, are coming to see that nobody can be safe from the actions the West is taking to preserve its domination over Russia (it is the most striking example) and such countries as Iran, Venezuela, the DPRK and increasingly China.

[The West] wants to hinder its technological advancement and prevent it from gaining competitive advantages by imposing artificially inflated tariffs on the import of Chinese electric vehicles. President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has said that they are doing this because China’s exports to Europe are too cheap. Is this fair competition?

The Americans have been essentially blocking the operation of the WTO, one of the main dispute settlement agencies, for years. They did it when Washington saw that China was beating them by playing by the rules created by the Word Trade Organisation. They prevent a quorum from being assembled to block additional appointments to vacancies in that agency.

In their documents, #BRICS and other associations of the emerging economies such as the African Union, CELAC and ASEAN, are increasingly calling for a fair reform of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank group, so that the number of votes the developing countries have in them reflects their real weight in the global economy and finance. <...>

Key talking points

We do not want Nazi values, theories and practices, a ban on the freedom of speech, national languages, cultures and traditions, a ban on canonical churches and the like. The essence of our values is set out in the UN Charter.

• A major element of the UN Charter which BRICS fully accepts is a genuine concern for human rights. They must be respected regardless of race, sex, language or religion.

• As for NATO membership and the EU candidate status, which Türkiye was awarded nearly 70 years ago, a Turkish official has recently said that there are no rules in BRICS to preclude members of some organisations from associating with the group. The main requirement for full members of the group and countries that are developing various forms of cooperation with it is to share common values. It is not the values the EU is defending in Ukraine.

• We recognise the need to formalise relationships between BRICS members and the growing number of countries expressing interest in cooperating with the association, which now exceeds 30. This truly reflects the multipolar nature of the global landscape.

• Zelensky is not ready for honest talks. The West will not let him near them. They have set the goal — to radically weaken Russia and to inflict a "strategic defeat" on us. Zelensky is no longer able to understand what meets the interests of Ukrainians.

• The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has stopped lending funds for projects in Russia. The IMF and the World Bank have suspended all their projects in our country. They are not democratic structures.

• Our position on Taiwan has long been known: China is a single and united state, and the government of China is the only government of the People’s Republic of China.
🇷🇺💬 Déclarations du ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov lors de la conférence de presse à l’issue de la septième réunion ministérielle du dialogue stratégique Russie-Conseil de coopération du Golfe (Riyad, le 9 septembre 2024):


🔹La partie russe n’a jamais pris au sérieux la «formule de paix de Zelensky», mais a seulement exprimé sa surprise que quelqu’un d’autre y croit vraiment. Bien sûr, cela se produit sous la pression de l’Occident;

🔹Nous n’avons jamais voulu la terre de quelqu’un d’autre. Nous voulions simplement que les personnes qui font partie intégrante du monde russe, de la culture, de la langue, de l’histoire et de la religion russes soient traitées avec humanité, comme l’exigent le droit international, de nombreuses conventions sur les droits de l'homme et, surtout, la Charte des Nations unies.

🔹Rien ne fonctionnera si nous ne nous attaquons pas à la racine du problème. À cet égard, nous voyons d'un bon œil l'initiative du Président chinois Xi Jinping sur la sécurité mondiale, qui stipule que tout conflit doit être étudié à partir de ses causes profondes.

🔹La question n'est pas de savoir où se réunir et dans quelles circonstances. Il s'agit de savoir de quoi discuter. Si nous discutons d'appels au cessez-le-feu et pensons à des échanges de territoires, ce n'est pas sérieux. Je tiens à rappeler une fois de plus que le problème n'est pas celui des territoires, mais celui des droits des personnes.

🔹Si nous constatons une volonté sérieuse de défendre les droits de l'homme, que l'Occident brandit toujours fièrement sur ses «bannières», quelle que soit la question (mais pas sur celle-ci), je suis convaincu que nous nous mettrons facilement d'accord sur le lieu et l'heure de la réunion. Tout d'abord, nous devons comprendre de quoi nous allons discuter.


🔹 Washington veut maintenir son monopole sur tous les processus au Proche-Orient. Nous avons constate à plusieurs reprises que cette position est un échec. La discussion d'aujourd'hui avec nos collègues des pays arabes du golfe Persique l'a pleinement confirmé.

🔹Il faut un cessez-le-feu immédiat. Et il ne faut pas oublier que la racine du problème réside dans l'incapacité, depuis près de 80 ans, à résoudre la question de la création d'un État palestinien.


🔹Les BRICS ont doublé le nombre de leurs membres, passant de cinq à dix. Cette organisation a déjà reçu plus de 30 demandes d'adhésion ou de relations particulières. Ce processus est le principal moteur de la mise en place d'un ordre mondial multipolaire.

🔹Les BRICS se développent de manière progressive. Cette tendance ne fera que s'intensifier et se renforcer. La présidence russe y contribue de toutes les manières possibles.
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🎙 Excerpts and key points from Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to media questions during a news conference following the 7th Russia-GCC Ministerial Meeting for Strategic Dialogue (Riyadh, September 9, 2024)


• We have never taken the “Zelensky formula” seriously and only marvelled that there are still people ready to buy it. Of course, this happens under the West’s pressure.

• But territories are neither here nor there. We just wanted the people, who are an inalienable part of the Russian world and the Russian culture, language, history, and religion, to be treated as human beings as required under international law, numerous conventions on human rights and minority rights, and primarily the UN Charter.

• No success will be achieved unless we get to the root of this problem. In this context, we appreciate the global security initiative announced by PRC President Xi Jinping, which says that it is necessary to start analysing any conflict from its prime causes.

• You should understand that it is not about the meeting location and participants, but about issues to be discussed. Meeting to talk about calls for a ceasefire and then territorial exchanges simply doesn’t cut it. Once again, the problem is not about territories but people’s rights.

As soon as we see the determination to protect human rights, a policy that the West always boasts about when addressing any issue (except this particular one), I am confident we will easily agree on the location and time of the meeting. But first we need to understand what exactly we are going to discuss.


• At today’s meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council, we discussed this Eurasia-based organisation’s promising potential for promoting the continent-wide processes and contributing to what President Vladimir Putin referred to as the Greater Eurasian Partnership.

• We want the nations of the Eurasian continent – the largest, fastest-growing, and most resource-rich part of the world – to decide their fate on their own.


• Washington wants to preserve its monopoly over any processes in the Middle East. We know many cases when this position has resulted in failure. Today’s discussion with our colleagues from the Persian Gulf’s Arab countries has fully confirmed us in this belief.

An immediate ceasefire is necessary. Meanwhile, it is important to remember that the problem stems from the fact that the Palestinian state issue has not been resolved for almost 80 years.


BRICS has doubled its membership from five to ten. It has already received more than 30 applications requesting either membership or special relations. This process is the main driving force behind the formation of a multipolar world order.

BRICS is following an upward trajectory in its development, and this trend will only grow stronger. The Russian BRICS Chairmanship is greatly contributing to this.

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Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a rencontré les représentants des Brics chargés des questions de sécurité.

Vidéo: Kremlin. ru

#russie #brics
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🎙 President of Russia Vladimir Putin held a meeting with high-ranking representatives of #BRICS states responsible for security matters.

📍 Saint Petersburg, September 12, 2024

💬 President Putin: I am delighted to welcome you all to Saint Petersburg. Thank you for being here in Russia’s northern capital. In this regard, I would like to remind you that the BRICS association was established right here, in this very building in St. Petersburg.

At that time, the leaders of three states – India, Russia and China – agreed during a meeting to hold regular meetings at the top level, as well as other events. This is how the RIC (Russia, India and China) association was born and began to grow, and today, I have the privilege and pleasure to welcome the participants in the meeting of BRICS high-ranking officials for security matters.

I know that yesterday, you had a lively and productive discussion on the most relevant aspects of the global situation, on global and regional stability concerns.

This is the fourteenth meeting held by BRICS in this format. However, this time it saw the participation of delegations from the states that joined our association as full-fledged members on January 1.

Moreover, a meeting was held with our colleagues from the countries that are not yet part of BRICS but have shown a sincere interest in working more closely with our association. This was done at Russia’s initiative, and we appreciate your support.

I want to emphasise that the meeting of high-ranking representatives is a crucial step in preparing for the BRICS summit and BRICS Plus/Outreach, scheduled to take place in Kazan, Russia, on October 22–24. <...>

As the current BRICS chair, this year Russia has taken a highly responsible approach to organising joint activities within the association.

Our chairmanship has been assigned a crucial task: to facilitate the swift and seamless integration of new member countries into all BRICS mechanisms. Additionally, we have addressed the increasing interest in BRICS from numerous states.

☝️ Currently, over 34 countries have expressed their desire to participate in the activities of our association in some capacity.


I want to highlight that the programme of the Russian presidency is both extensive and varied. It encompasses over 200 events designed to enhance partnership across all key areas. <...> To date, more than 70 percent of the chairmanship plan has been completed.

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Strengthening ties with developing countries: a key priority for Russia's #BRICS Chairmanship

👉 As part of the #BRICS Chairmanship, Russia is prioritizing deepening connections with developing countries and integration associations, including the Eurasian Economic Union (#EAEU).

🤝 Engaging in Global Discussions: Our Eurasian partners are keenly interested in BRICS dialogues on a range of crucial topics, such as global governance reform.

🤝 Collaborating on Key Issues: We are joining forces on vital issues like food and energy security, fair energy transitions, independent financial systems, and climate change.

🤝 Expanding Global Networks: #BRICS plays a pivotal role in global governance. To be truly effective, it must build a broad network of partnerships across all regions.

🤝 Advocating for Developing Nations: We champion the interests of developing regions, including Eurasia, Africa, and Latin America, and support collective solutions for global challenges.

🤝 Advancing Economic Diplomacy: Key tasks include developing a new regional supply chain architecture, modernizing and creating international transport corridors (such as the North-South ITC), and strengthening #EAEU integration.

🤝 EAEU Integration Goals: Our long-term vision includes ensuring a stable domestic market, fostering joint cooperation, creating a common transport and logistics space, developing a unified financial market, and positioning the EAEU as a global economic hub.

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🗓 On September 16, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates of the Arab Republic of Egypt Badr Abdelatty held talks in Moscow.

The Ministers specifically discussed a wide range of issues related to further dynamic development of the traditionally friendly Russian-Egyptian relations. They also reaffirmed Moscow and Cairo’s mutual commitment to establish comprehensive cooperation in accordance with the interstate Treaty on Comprehensive Partnership and Strategic Cooperation signed in Sochi in October 2018.

The Ministers noted the leading role of the Joint Russian-Egyptian Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in increasing the volume of bilateral trade and expanding cooperation in industry, energy and agriculture. In this context, the implementation of large joint investment projects was highlighted, first of all the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Egypt, El Dabaa, and creation of a Russian industrial zone in the Suez Canal Economic Zone. The Russian Side reaffirmed its readiness to continue timely supplies of Russian grain products to Egypt.

🤝 The Ministers also discussed topical international and regional problems. Moscow and Cairo’s mutual intention to maintain coordination at the UN, #BRICS and other multilateral platforms was reaffirmed. It was noted that Russia and Egypt had similar approaches to resolving the ongoing crises and conflict situations in the Middle East and the African continent through political and diplomatic means in accordance with international law and the provisions of the UN Charter.

Sergey Lavrov informed Badr Abdelatty in detail about Russia’s fundamental assessments and considerations on the Ukrainian issue.

When discussing the situation in and around the Gaza Strip, the Foreign Ministers highlighted that it was necessary to cease fire as soon as possible and provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the people in the enclave. They also emphasised that a comprehensive peaceful Palestinian-Israeli settlement on a generally accepted international legal basis, which provides for the creation of an independent State of Palestine within the 1967 borders with its capital in East Jerusalem, was a priority.

The Ministers reaffirmed Russia and Egypt’s commitment to continue efforts aimed at prompt political settlement to the crisis in Libya, based on the principles of its unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

🌍 Special focus was placed on preparations for the first ministerial conference of the #RussiaAfrica Partnership Forum scheduled to take place in Sochi in November.

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🇷🇺🇰🇵 On September 17, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Choe Son-hui, who stopped over in Moscow on her way to St Petersburg to participate in the first #BRICS Women’s Forum to be held on the sidelines of the Fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum.

🤝 The Foreign Ministers of Russia and the DPRK took this opportunity to exchange opinions on ways to promote bilateral relations in keeping with the comprehensive strategic partnership between our countries.

Sergey Lavrov extended warm wishes to his colleague on the occasion of the traditional Korean harvest festival Chuseok which is celebrated in Korea today, and wished her a productive and fulfilling trip to St Petersburg.

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🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov’s video address to participants in the 9th BRICS Legal Forum (Moscow, September 19, 2024)

💬 I would like to cordially greet the organisers and participants in the #BRICS Legal Forum, being held in this format for the ninth time.

Over the years, the Forum has asserted itself as an influential international platform that provides professional jurists with an excellent opportunity to exchange experience and applied knowledge in the field of regulating various spheres of public life and interstate collaboration. This makes it possible to better understand the specific features of BRICS member states’ legal systems in the interests of strengthening comprehensive legal cooperation between them.

I am noting with satisfaction that the Forum’s central theme, Law: Safeguarding a Fair World, meets the current agenda. It is common knowledge that countries of the US-led collective West strive to destabilise the existing system of international law and to replace it with their own pro-Western rules-based world order.

For its part, Russia is firmly committed to the principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and interconnection. We believe that unconditional compliance with the norms of international law is a highly important component of forging a more equitable multipolar world order heeding the cultural and civilisational diversity of nations worldwide and their sovereign right to decide their destiny.

🤝 I am delighted to note that our position enjoys the broadest support among like-minded BRICS countries and other states of the Global Majority.

Your meeting has a rather packed agenda. You will discuss a wide range of topical issues, including the international justice system, the legal dimension of international trade, as well as legal aspects of sport and energy cooperation.

I am confident that the Forum will take place in a constructive and creative setting, and that it will contribute to more effective legal collaboration and to charting common approaches towards the regulation of various aspects of cooperation within BRICS.

I wish you productive discussions.

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🇷🇺🇮🇳 On September 25, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Minister of External Affairs of the Republic of India, Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, held a meeting on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

The two Ministers discussed key matters on the bilateral cooperation agenda, as well as urgent international issues, including preparations for the upcoming #BRICS Summit in Kazan, the Ukraine settlement, as well as the situation in the Asia-Pacific Region in connection with the Western attempts to bring NATO elements into this region.

They agreed to continue coordinating interactions between Russia and India within the key multilateral formats.

#DruzhbaDosti #UNGA79
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📺 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting on the sidelines of the 79th Session.

📍 New York, September 25, 2024

💬 The formation of a multilateral world requires upgrading of the international governance architecture, if we want to build a more just and democratic world order based on the enduring principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and interconnection.

#G20, as a leading economic forum, can give a powerful boost to these objective processes that are dictated by life itself. We believe that the G20 should strictly adhere to its mandate and not delve into issues of peace and security and other universal problems, which the UN is here to deal with. It is important that the activities of our platform are strictly based on the principle of consensus.

At the G20 summit in New Delhi in 2023, we promised to strengthen the voice of developing countries in collective decision-making. It is necessary to translate these promises into concrete actions. The reform of international institutions, which must be considered as global public goods, should be carried out taking into account the interests of new growing centres of global development. The current conditions show that there have been significant changes in the balance of economic leaders.

📈 Two years ago, BRICS member countries surpassed the G7 in terms of real GDP. According to forecasts, the ten BRICS members will produce about 37% of the world’s output, while the G7 group will fall to 27% or even lower.

At the same time, we can see the African continent and other regions of the Global South and East quickly rising. Russia is actively reorienting its trade to their markets. This includes the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

🌐 Innovative multilateral formats such as #BRICS (where Russia presides in 2024), the SCO, the EAEU, ASEAN, the African Union, and CELAC are becoming increasingly important.

Projects designed to align integration efforts, such as Russia’s flagship Greater Eurasian Partnership initiative, are picking up momentum.


A tangible progress has been achieved in the context of efforts to de-dollarise the international financial and economic system. In particular, the share of national currencies in Russia’s settlements with the SCO and EAEU countries has exceeded 90%. Russia and its BRICS partners have achieved an indicator equal to 65%, and this figure grows. The share of the dollar in the BRICS payments pattern is currently below 29%.


🤷‍♂️ Nevertheless, certain global mechanisms are still in the West’s hands, and it tends to abuse them. A matter of particular concern are the attempts on the part of the United States and its allies to impose a confrontational agenda on international organisations in order to make them the vehicles of unilateral restrictions, plunder, impoundment of sovereign assets, trade wars and unfair competition, including in the name of environmentalism and climate.

All of these are clear manifestations of neocolonialism. Over the past ten years, the collective West has introduced more than 21,000 illegal restrictions against Russia alone. Their extraterritorial use – and this is an even more odious, illegitimate, raider-style approach – is primarily affecting the poorest countries and destitute population groups, depriving them of affordable energy, food and fertiliser.


Another topical task is combat the predominance and influence of Western states’ citizens who occupy top positions in international secretariats.

🇺🇳 A reform of the global governance system should heed the intransient central role of the UN in the system of international relations. The UN Charter and international law should not be substituted by any behind-the-scenes "rules".


☝️ We should be guided by a striving to achieve genuine multilateralism, the main guarantee of strategic stability, indivisible security and an open and non-discriminatory economy.

Full transcript
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🌐 On September 26, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took part in a traditional #BRICS Ministerial meeting held on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

The Ministers had an in-depth exchange of views on a broad range of international issues, including items on the agenda of the 79th UN General Assembly session. Discussions focused on peace and security, global economic stability, and sustainable development. The participants reiterated their commitment to enhancing coordination within BRICS on international platforms.

As part of preparations for the upcoming BRICS Summit in Kazan on October 22-24, the ministers reviewed pressing BRICS cooperation-related issues, including the establishment of a partner country category. The Brazilian delegation provided an outline of its BRICS chairmanship in 2025.

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🎙Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview to Newsweek magazine (October 7, 2024)

Question: As the Ukraine conflict continues, how different is Russia's position than in 2022 and how are the costs of conflict being weighed against the progress made toward strategic objectives?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Our position is widely known and remains unchanged. Russia is open to a politico-diplomatic settlement that should remove the root causes of the crisis.

It should aim to end the conflict rather than achieve a ceasefire. The West should stop supplying weapons, and Kiev should end the hostilities.

👉 Ukraine should return to its neutral, non-bloc and non-nuclear status, protect the Russian language, and respect the rights and freedoms of its citizens.


On 14 June, Russian President Vladimir Putin listed prerequisites for the settlement as follows: complete AFU withdrawal from the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson Oblasts; recognition of territorial realities as enshrined in the Russian Constitution; neutral, non-bloc, non-nuclear status for Ukraine; its demilitarization and denazification; securing the rights, freedoms and interests of Russian-speaking citizens; and removal of all sanctions against Russia.

Kiev responded to this statement by an armed incursion into the Kursk Oblast on 6 August. Its patrons – the US and other NATO countries – seek to inflict a «strategic defeat» on Russia. Under the circumstances, we have no choice but to continue our special military operation until the threats posed by Ukraine are removed. <...>

Question: How likely do you think it is that a military or diplomatic solution can be achieved, or do you see a greater risk of the conflict spiraling into something even larger with Ukrainian forces receiving more advanced NATO weaponry and entering Russian territory?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Making guesses is not my job. What I want to say is that we have been trying to extinguish this crisis for more than a decade, yet each time we put to paper agreements that suite everyone, Kiev and its masters would backpedal. <...>

At present, as far as we can see, restoring peace is not part of our adversary's plan. Zelensky has not revoked his decree banning negotiations with Moscow. Washington and its NATO allies provide political, military and financial support to Kiev so that the war would go on. They are discussing authorizing the AFU to use Western long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory. "Playing with fire" in this way may lead to dangerous consequences. As stated by President Putin, we will take adequate decisions based on our understanding of the threats posed by the West. It is up to you to make conclusions.

Question: What concrete plans does Russia have in line with its strategic partnerships with China and other powers to achieve changes in the current world order and how do you expect these ambitions to play out in areas of intense competition and conflict, including the Middle East?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: What we have in mind is that the world order needs be adjusted to the current realities. Today the world is living through the "multipolar moment". Shifting towards the multi-polar world order is a natural part of power rebalancing, which reflects objective changes in the world economy, finance and geopolitics. The West waited longer than the others, yet it has also started to realize that this process is irreversible.


Multipolarity manifests itself in the increasing role of regional associations, such as the #EAEU, #SCO, #ASEAN, #AfricanUnion, #CELAC and others. #BRICS has become a model of multilateral diplomacy. The #UN should remain a forum for aligning the interests of all the countries.

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🎙 Briefing by Russia's Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (October 2, 2024)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Developments in the Middle East
🔹 Kiev regime crimes
🔹 Ukrainian Armed Forces’ links with terrorist organisations
🔹 Situation in Moldova
🔹 US military build-up in the Asia-Pacific region
🔹 Russian chairmanship in BRICS
🔹 75 years of Russia-China diplomatic relations
🔹 Ministerial Conference of the #RussiaAfrica Partnership in Sochi
🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s article about post-war partition of Germany and Austria

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📺 Watch

#Ukraine #KievRegimeCrimes

People who came to the temporary accommodation centre in Kursk told journalists about the first days of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ invasion of the Kursk Region, including the large number of civilian casualties.

According to eyewitnesses, the Ukrainians warned the residents that if they did not leave, then “foreign mercenaries would come and leave no one alive.” Sudzha resident Vladimir Maltsev said: “Georgians, Poles, Frenchmen – all these mercenaries – were exterminating people like cockroaches,” and “a lot of women were killed, abused, and raped.”


Kiev regime does not hide its links with terrorist groups around the world and, in particular, on the African continent and in the Middle East. The international community’s attention has been drawn to this more than once. In this regard, we note that an increasing number of states become aware of the terrorist nature of the Kiev regime.

We believe that this practice of criminal cooperation between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the international terrorist international is absolutely unacceptable. We will continue to fight this evil spirit by all available means, regardless of where it appears


Today, the relations between Russia and China are at their all-time high, and the effort to further reinforce them meets the long-term development goals of the two countries. This is a steady and lasting trend.

On the international stage, Russia and China have been acting in tandem and emerged as a major factor of stability. The two countries are committed to do even more to coordinate their actions in order to fast-track the emergence of a democratic multipolar world order with greater justice for all, empowering all countries to have a say on global governance matters, ensuring equal and indivisible security, and rejecting confrontation and conflict.


In our work, we primarily strive to stand up to the challenges and threats of our time, and find collective solutions to the global challenges of international development. Specifically, we focus on a wider use of national currencies, joint payment instruments and platforms in mutual trade transactions.

Our combined efforts are aimed at promoting and building an interconnected and interdependent international system on a non-aligned and non-hegemonic basis, which would give precedence to such common priorities as economic growth, poverty alleviation, food, climate and water security, combating international terrorism, extremism, and organised crime, etc.
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🎙 Remarks by President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the #CIS Heads of State Council meeting (October 8, 2024)

💬 President Vladimir Putin: Colleagues,

I am delighted to welcome all of you to Moscow for a regular meeting of the CIS Heads of State Council, which Russia is hosting as the current Chair of the Commonwealth.

I would like to emphasise that cooperation within the CIS is one of the Russian Federation's top foreign policy priorities. The member states of the Commonwealth are our closest neighbours, friends, and strategic partners, and we are naturally committed to strengthening our cooperation across the board.


I am confident that we have abundant possibilities for launching new major and mutually beneficial projects in industry, agriculture, finance and infrastructure. <...>

📈 The CIS macroeconomic numbers have noticeably improved, and mutual trade and investment exchanges within the Commonwealth have expanded.

In the first half of the year, the aggregate GDP grew by 4.7%, investment in fixed assets rose by 11.2%, industrial output was up by 4.3 percent, cargo transport volume increased by 4.9%, and retail trade climbed by 8.6%.

🤝 Through our collaborative efforts, we have built a robust financial infrastructure that is immune to external influences. The use of national currencies in mutual payments has expanded, and their share in commercial transactions within the CIS has exceeded 85% and continues to grow.

Import substitution processes are moving fast thus strengthening our country’s technological sovereignty which is critically important considering the challenging global economic and political environment and the unprecedented pressure, particularly in the economy, coming from a number of countries.

Combatting terrorism and extremism, organised crime, drug trafficking, and corruption remains a priority for the CIS collaborative efforts. <...>

Humanitarian ties within the CIS continue to make strides. Partnerships in science, education, culture, and tourism are deepening. <...>

All our countries understand how important it is to preserve common history and prevent its falsification. Young people should certainly know what our peoples achieved during the long period when we lived as a single state, and about heroic deeds of our fathers, especially during the Great Patriotic War.

🏅 In 2025, we will celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War together. In the Commonwealth countries, this will be the Year of Peace and Unity in the Fight Against Nazism. <...>

We have come up with one more specific proposal which is to establish a City of Labour Glory honorary title in the CIS, and bestow it on the CIS cities which made a particularly large contribution to victory in the Great Patriotic War by ensuring the uninterrupted supply of military and civilian products. <...>

As you are aware, Russia holds the chairmanship of BRICS this year. This organisation is gaining momentum and many countries now find it quite attractive. <...>

☝️ We believe that fostering close cooperation among all CIS member states with #BRICS aligns with the interest of strengthening our Commonwealth’s position in the international arena.

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🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following the 19th East Asia Summit (#EAS)

📍 Vientiane, October 11, 2024

💬 Sergey Lavrov: We have completed our meetings as part of the 19th East Asia Summit. President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed me to represent him at this event.

The discussions evidenced that our Western colleagues, who are #ASEAN partners <…> have been seeking to undermine the multilateral economic and security architecture which has evolved over decades with ASEAN at its core and which has proven its relevance and effectiveness.

However, it is obvious today that the United States and its allies decided to draw the Asia-Pacific Region into NATO’s sphere of interests by creating all these narrow and exclusive US-led military and political associations. <...>

☝️ We have highlighted that this Western policy may lead to the region’s militarisation, while also threatening stability and sustainable development in the Asian part of our shared continent.

Russia reaffirmed its unwavering support for ASEAN countries in their efforts to preserve peace and ensure equal cooperation with all ASEAN partners.


👉 Instead of using the events held as part of the East Asia Summit for pursuing vested political interests, Russia opted for promoting initiatives in several domains, including pandemic response, people-to-people contacts, including tourism, and supporting volunteering. We offer practical avenues for working together which can benefit all the participants and advocate equal and mutually beneficial cooperation. <...>

The Association hosted the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as its guest at the East Asia Summit for the third time. He put forward a proposal to promote closer contacts between the SCO and ASEAN in various spheres that are relevant for the countries involved. <...>

We welcomed the fact that several ASEAN countries want to forge closer ties with #BRICS. Today, this structure acts as one of the cornerstones of a multipolar world order. In just a few days, Kazan will be hosting the BRICS Summit, which will be a major international event. Several ASEAN countries were invited to attend it, and they accepted these invitations.

Excerpts from responses to media questions. Key talking points:

• The final declaration has not been adopted because of the persistent attempts by the United States, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand to turn it into a purely political statement, contrary to the decades-long practice of East Asia summits, which boils down to preventing the saturation of declarations with confrontational geopolitical narratives.

• When the United States and its allies unanimously reaffirmed their commitment to ASEAN’s central role in facilitating cooperation in the region today, they were being dishonest. Everything they do is aimed at containing Russia and China. Everything that has been accomplished in the ASEAN-centric format over decades is being sacrificed to this goal now. That format was convenient for everyone and incorporated the interests of each and every stakeholder. So, the destructive nature of Washington’s actions in the region is obvious.

We are seriously concerned about re-militarisation of Japan. Having forgotten the lessons of WWII, the Japanese authorities have stated increasing defence spending and augmenting its basic doctrines with a pre-emptive strike capability.

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🇷🇺🇹🇲 On October 11, President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a meeting with the national leader of the Turkmen people and Speaker of Halk Maslahaty (People’s Council) of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

💬 Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much, Mr Berdimuhamedov. I am also delighted to see you. In fact, we have not met for quite some time, and I genuinely appreciate the opportunity to have this face-to-face meeting with you and this conversation.
Russia and Turkmenistan have built a positive track record in promoting their strategic partnership, which is largely attributable to your efforts. You laid the groundwork for forging this close, trust-based relationship between our countries. We sincerely welcome this position and will do everything to maintain this momentum.

We have developed a positive relationship with the current President, which includes both official and personal ties. He regularly visits Russia, and was there just recently for the #CIS summit in Moscow. We look forward to seeing him in Kazan at the #BRICS Leaders’ Summit. I believe that these meetings will be quite interesting and beneficial. There will be many countries there. In fact, as of today, 35 countries have registered to attend the summit. We also expect to see your President at the CIS leaders’ meeting in St Petersburg on New Year’s Eve.

There has been positive momentum in our trade and economic ties, and effective projects are underway.

🤝 We see progress in our region-to-region ties. In fact, 6️⃣0️⃣ Russian regions have been working closely with their friends and partners in Turkmenistan. It is quite natural for Tatarstan, the Astrakhan Region, as well as St Petersburg to lead the pack in this category.

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L’entretien de l’Ambassadrice de la Russie au Maurice Irada Zeynalova pour L’express:

Q: Le prochain sommet des BRICS 2024, à Kazan, devra confirmer «le droit volontaire des membres de la coalition BRICS à dédollariser les échanges commerciaux et financiers entre eux». C’est un sommet très important alors ?

R: Oui, très important. Les pays BRICS représentent plus d’un tiers du Produit intérieur brut (PIB) mondial en termes de parité de pouvoir d’achat (PPA) et environ un quart des exportations mondiales de marchandises. Ces chiffres ne peuvent que croître. Ils confirment le droit des monnaies nationales des pays BRICS à être traitées dans l’économie mondiale sur un pied d’égalité avec les monnaies du reste du monde.


Интервью Чрезвычайного и Полномочного Посла России на Маврикии Ирады Зейналовой маврикийскому изданию L’express:

В: Следующий саммит БРИКС 2024 в Казани должен будет подтвердить «добровольное право членов коалиции БРИКС для дедолларизации торговли и финансовых обменов между ними." Это очень важный саммит?

О: Да, очень важный. На страны БРИКС приходится более трети мирового ВВП по ППС и около четверти мирового экспорта товаров, и цифры будут только расти. Эти показатели подкрепляют право национальных валют стран БРИКС циркулировать в мировой экономике наравне с валютами остальных стран.
