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Шерпа России в «Группе двадцати» Светлана Лукаш заявила, что декларация G20 отражает сбалансированную позицию по Украине и стремление урегулировать конфликты по всему миру. 
«По украинскому сюжету могу сказать, что были очень сложные переговоры и прежде всего сработала коллективная позиция стран  БРИКС и других партнеров», — сказала...

#Украина #G20 #Урегулирование #ИтоговаяДекларация #СветланаЛукаш #МеждународнаяЖизнь

⚡️22 ноября Президент России В.В.Путин в формате видеоконференции примет участие во внеочередном саммите «Группы двадцати».

Планируется подвести итоги индийского председательства в этом году, обсудить ситуацию в мировой экономике и финансах, климатическую повестку, проблематику цифровизации и другие темы.

🔴 #ПрямойЭфир: Выступление президента РФ Владимира Путина в ходе онлайн-саммита G20

Президент России Владимир Путин в режиме видеоконференции принимает участие в виртуальном саммите членов «Группы двадцати». На мероприятии планируется обсудить ситуацию в мировой экономике и финансах, климатическую повестку, проблемы цифровизации и другие темы.

#G20 #СаммитG20 #ВладимирПутин
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📰 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Brazilian newspaper O Globo (February 21, 2024)

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It became clear that relying on just one centre of economic power is not a viable approach and most recently the G20 has engaged in a dialogue to reform and to restore the functionality of global economic institutions.

The positive dynamics of this forum are largely attributable to the fact that emerging markets are acting independently and insisting on fair consideration of their interests.

☝️ It is important for the G20 countries to commit to not weaponise the economy and to not engage in unfair competition.


🌐 Strengthening the potential and role of BRICS in international affairs is our priority.

BRICS members represent different economic and political systems, religions, and macro-regions and are able to work together as equal partners. Its international standing is steadily growing.


❗️The root causes of the Ukraine crisis need to be eliminated if we want to achieve a sustainable and fair settlement. The West must stop supplying weapons to Ukraine, and Kiev must stop hostilities.

Ukraine should reinstate its neutral, non-aligned, and non-nuclear status and ensure the rights and freedoms of its citizens. It is critical that the basis be the new territorial realities and the situation on the ground.


👉 The ruling elite of the US views Russia as an adversary and a threat regardless of its party affiliation. The former president did nothing to improve Russia-US relations during his four-year stint in the White House.

We have no illusions and do not expect the anti-Russian course of the US to change in the foreseeable future. We are prepared to work with any leader who wins the American people’s trust. What matters to us is not specific political figures, but their policies towards Russia. President Putin made that clear recently in his televised interview.
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🎙 Address by Sergey Lavrov at the #G20 Ministerial Meeting on the role of the G20 in overcoming current international tensions

📍 Rio de Janeiro, 21 February 2024

💬 When we join forces, the world can change for the better and move forward. The 20th century has become an important milestone in freeing humanity from the shackles of colonialism. <...> The transition to the era of détente during the Cold War allowed the United States and the USSR to lay a strong foundation for containing military risks and building reliable strategic security architecture, especially in Europe. It is regrettable that those achievements have been almost completely destroyed today.

The objective process of the emergence of a multipolar world order driven by self-reliant nations and regions has met with serious resistance. The basic principles of international communication are being undermined at the instigation of the West. Universal legal norms and the principles of the UN Charter, including the sovereign equality of states, non-interference in internal affairs and self-determination of peoples, are being violated. Diplomacy as a means of peaceful settlement of disputes is being sacrificed to violent struggle, “hybrid wars”, total confrontation, and the desire to inflict a strategic defeat on the rival. Double standards, hypocrisy and direct lies are brought into play. <...>

Instead of a UN-centred architecture, narrow bloc alliances, closed clubs, behind-the-scenes “best practices”, allegedly “reliable scientific data”, and pseudo-democratic ‘values’ are being promoted.

The world is artificially divided into friends and foes, the “garden” and the “jungle”. <...>

This is what the infamous “rules” the West imposes instead of the international law, appear in reality.


🌐 Our forum of the world's leading economies could make clear its opposition to the use of “economy as a weapon” and “war as an investment” and to demonstrate our desire for open and equitable trade and economic cooperation.

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🇷🇺🇨🇳 On April 8-9, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will pay an official visit to China, where he will hold talks with Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

🤝 The Foreign Ministers will discuss a wide range of issues related to bilateral cooperation, as well as interaction at the international arena with a focus on joint efforts at the #UN, #BRICS, the #SCO, the #G20, #APEC and other multilateral mechanisms and forums.

The Sides will have a thorough exchange of views on a number of pressing matters and regional issues, including the Ukrainian crisis and the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.
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🇷🇺🇨🇳 On April 8-9, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was on an official visit to China, where he was received by President of China Xi Jinping and held extensive talks with Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi.

The Chinese leader welcomed Sergey Lavrov’s arrival in Beijing as an important step of comprehensive preparations for President of Russia Vladimir Putin’s state visit to China, scheduled to take place this year.

Xi Jinping praised the current state of bilateral relations, which continue to develop dynamically considering the difficult situation in the world, and stated his readiness to further strengthen comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation with Russia.


During Sergey Lavrov’s talks with Wang Yi, the schedule of bilateral contacts at the high and highest levels was discussed, as well as separate issues of practical cooperation in various fields.

The two countries’ Foreign Ministers stressed the importance to promote mutual cooperation with the #UN, #SCO, #BRICS, #G20, #APEC and other multilateral mechanisms and forums. The Ministers also discussed ways to ensure security and stability in the Asia-Pacific regions considering the US’s policy to create limited-membership closed military-political alliances there, which are anti-Russia and anti-China.

Separate matters related to the developments around the Korean peninsula and Taiwan, as well as within the Middle Eastern settlement process, were discussed, as well as prospects of forming new security architecture in Eurasia against the backdrop of stagnating Euro-Atlantic mechanisms.


The talks, held in Beijing in a traditionally trustful and friendly atmosphere, showed the two countries’ converging approaches to the major global processes and reaffirmed the importance of further promoting bilateral cooperation for strengthening peace and stability in the region and on the whole planet.

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🇷🇺🇨🇳 On May 20, FM Sergey Lavrov met with Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Wang Yi on the sidelines of the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in Astana.


The Ministers highlighted the critical significance of highest-level engagements in advancing the deepening of comprehensive partnership relations and strategic interaction between both nations. They delved into the substantive discussion regarding the execution of agreements made during the Beijing summit, along with addressing various other topics on the bilateral agenda.

They also exchanged opinions on the current status and future prospects of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. The foreign ministers of Russia and China acknowledged the joint efforts of member states in upholding peace and stability in Eurasia. They also highlighted the increasing influence of the Organisation on global and regional affairs.

🤝 The Ministers reaffirmed their dedication to enhancing mutual coordination within the #UN, its Security Council, as well as the #SCO, #BRICS, the #G20, #APEC and other key international organisations and dialogue platforms. Various pressing issues were addressed, including the Middle East peace process, developments in the Red Sea region, and the situation on the Korean Peninsula. <...>

Sergey Lavrov thanked the Chinese partners for their well-balanced stance on resolving the Ukrainian crisis and appreciated Chinese President Xi Jinping’s proposal to convene a peace conference with an equal participation by Russia and Ukraine, considering Moscow’s legitimate security interests and the current situation.

🌏 There was a thorough discussion regarding the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly concerning the increased provocative actions by the United States and its allies. These actions aim to involve specific Asia-Pacific nations in narrow-bloc arrangements, undermining the #ASEAN-centric security framework and deploying destabilising weapon systems in the region.

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🇷🇺🇿🇦 On June 10, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa Naledi Pandor on the sidelines of the #BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting in Nizhny Novgorod.

The meeting focused on topical issues of bilateral strategical partnership, with an emphasis on expanding trade and economic cooperation. Both Parties expressed an interest in deepening political dialogue and reaffirmed their commitment to effective cooperation at the #UN, #BRICS, the #G20 and other international platforms.

The participants also discussed further opportunities for the contribution of South Africa and a number of other representatives of the Global South in finding solutions to the Ukraine crisis proceeding from the common understanding of the origins and causes of the crisis.

During the discussion on Middle East issues, concerns were raised about the ongoing escalation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. Additionally, the Ministers considered some aspects of the current situation in Africa and Europe.

#ГруппаДвадцати #G20 #Женщины

🗓 8-9 июля в г. Бразилиа состоялось 3-е заседание Рабочей группы G20 по проблематике расширения прав и возможностей женщин.

В ходе встречи, проходившей в конструктивном ключе, обсуждался проект Министерской декларации «двадцатки». Документ будет призван способствовать борьбе с гендерным неравенством, ликвидации всех форм насилия против женщин и девочек и укреплению экономического потенциала женщин.

🇷🇺 Российская делегация, представленная экспертами Министерства труда и социальной защиты, в своих комментариях придерживалась позиции сохранения традиционных ценностей, расширения прав и возможностей женщин, развития их потенциала и всесторонней реализации, одновременно подчёркивая необходимость избегать подмены понятий. Данную позицию поддержал ряд дружественных стран.

Принятие итогового документа запланировано на профильной министерской встрече, которая состоится 11 октября в г. Бразилиа.
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🎙 Statement of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Pankin at the G20 Development Ministerial Meeting on «Ensuring Access to Water and Sanitation» (Rio de Janeiro, July 22, 2024)

💬 We are thankful to our Brazilian partners for their hospitality and substantive discussions on access to water and sanitation issues, which are of paramount importance for sustainable development and an indispensable condition for overcoming present challenges. Efficient water management creates a solid foundation for eradicating poverty and hunger, addressing inequalities, improving health care and quality of life, and reducing environmental risks.

We share the views of the Brazilian presidency regarding insufficient progress in the implementation of SDG 6. A quarter of the world's population still lacks water. Increasing urbanization and inequality may bring the situation to a critical point. It is important that the G20 reaffirm commitment to constructive changes in the area.

☝️ Naturally, positive dynamics in the water sector will rely on the efforts to expand the economic, scientific and technological potential, including through international exchanges and support. The work should focus, first and foremost, on practical aspects of ensuring access to water and on building up implementation tools that have proved effective in the countries in need. <...>

Existing barriers to achieving SDG 6 include inadequate development funding. Amounts allocated are scarce and pale in comparison to the money and weapons «pumped» into burning conflicts. The Global South is facing persistent credit shortages, high interest rates, and the flow of borrowed funds into the Western sovereign debt.

Another challenge for developing countries is that many technologies from developed countries are patent-protected and come at prohibitive prices, which hampers their adoption where they are most needed.

🌐 This sensitive issue was discussed in detail with African partners at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June (the Russian-African conference entitled «Water: More Precious than Gold» was held). Russia reaffirmed its readiness to supply affordable modern equipment, share R&D and experience in searching and exploiting groundwater deposits, improving the quality of water supply, and rational water use.

Cooperation in this field has already been established with a number of African states. We are traditionally intensely working with neighbor partners from Central Asia. The BRICS Clean Rivers Programme initiated by Russia, which seeks to ensure cleaner rivers and prevent pollution of water resources in the #BRICS countries, is being successfully implemented.


🇷🇺 Russia has unique water reserves that offer unrivalled opportunities for numerous economic sectors. <...> We have gained vast experience and practices in improving the quality of water supply. Russian President Vladimir Putin has set the target of constructing and modernizing at least two thousand drinking water supply and water treatment facilities by 2030. A unified digital inventory of the relevant infrastructure is expected to be launched in 2025.

In 2025, Russia will launch a new integrated federal water project. It will be twice as extensive as the previous ones and will improve living conditions for 22 million people by 2030.

🤝 We will actively participate in global efforts, including in the #G20, aimed at providing universal access to water and sanitation infrastructure.

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🎙 Statement by Aleksandr Pankin, deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, at the #G20 Development Ministerial Meeting on “Fighting Inequalities” (Rio de Janeiro, July 23, 2024)

💬 In recent decades, we have seen tangible progress in reducing inequality levels in certain areas. Last year, for example, the #BRICS countries were well ahead of the G7 in terms of global GDP share (35 percent against 30 percent, respectively). Still, additional steps are needed to remedy the situation. The creation of the G20 has greatly contributed to the democratization of global governance. The African Union's recent joining the G20 as a new member has been another significant achievement.

Other positive developments are also taking place. Today, the G20 is increasingly relying on universal mechanisms, such as the UN, rather than on behind-the-scenes West-driven arrangements, standards and club formats. This is how, for example, work on the thematic tracks on Tax Cooperation and Combatting Corruption is being carried out.

Russia has been consistently gaining ground in the global economic system. According to the World Bank, we have ranked among the top five largest economies, become a high-income country and one of the ten most profitable exporters. We are continuously improving the Russian manufacturing sector. We are enhancing our technological sovereignty, increasing the output of high value added products, and developing unique professional competencies.

We guarantee a reliable supply of energy, food and fertilizers to foreign consumers and offer them digital services, programmes and engineering solutions that are unaffected by political fluctuations. We intend to expand the range of supplies of knowledge-intensive and complex goods.


Strengthening the production capacities and human resources of developing countries and increasing gains is of crucial importance. This would allow to put an end to the situation, when, according to the Africans themselves, for ages the continent has been supplying raw materials and agricultural stuff to the West, which has been profiting from it. A vivid example by one African leader: Africa gets less than 6 percent of the USD 46 billion from global sales of African grown coffee.

It is high time to put an end to these neo-colonial practices. We should focus efforts on strengthening the industrial sector of the Global South and East, increasing the funding of their healthcare and education, digitalization, and expanding university and student exchanges. We have actively advocated these ideas within BRICS partners as well as in the #RussiaAfrica format. Developed countries, according to their own pledges, are expected to allocate at least 0.7 percent of GDP to development assistance, which has been stagnating.


Geopolitical games played by the West may lead to an irreparable fragmentation of the world economy and further fuel inequality. Our societies will thus be doomed to utter impoverishment and radicalization. The G20 can and must put a firm stop to that, bringing us back on the path of multilateralism. The key to our success is to reaffirm adherence to the UN Charter, international law and mutually beneficial cooperation.

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📺 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting on the sidelines of the 79th Session.

📍 New York, September 25, 2024

💬 The formation of a multilateral world requires upgrading of the international governance architecture, if we want to build a more just and democratic world order based on the enduring principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and interconnection.

#G20, as a leading economic forum, can give a powerful boost to these objective processes that are dictated by life itself. We believe that the G20 should strictly adhere to its mandate and not delve into issues of peace and security and other universal problems, which the UN is here to deal with. It is important that the activities of our platform are strictly based on the principle of consensus.

At the G20 summit in New Delhi in 2023, we promised to strengthen the voice of developing countries in collective decision-making. It is necessary to translate these promises into concrete actions. The reform of international institutions, which must be considered as global public goods, should be carried out taking into account the interests of new growing centres of global development. The current conditions show that there have been significant changes in the balance of economic leaders.

📈 Two years ago, BRICS member countries surpassed the G7 in terms of real GDP. According to forecasts, the ten BRICS members will produce about 37% of the world’s output, while the G7 group will fall to 27% or even lower.

At the same time, we can see the African continent and other regions of the Global South and East quickly rising. Russia is actively reorienting its trade to their markets. This includes the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America and the Caribbean, South Asia, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

🌐 Innovative multilateral formats such as #BRICS (where Russia presides in 2024), the SCO, the EAEU, ASEAN, the African Union, and CELAC are becoming increasingly important.

Projects designed to align integration efforts, such as Russia’s flagship Greater Eurasian Partnership initiative, are picking up momentum.


A tangible progress has been achieved in the context of efforts to de-dollarise the international financial and economic system. In particular, the share of national currencies in Russia’s settlements with the SCO and EAEU countries has exceeded 90%. Russia and its BRICS partners have achieved an indicator equal to 65%, and this figure grows. The share of the dollar in the BRICS payments pattern is currently below 29%.


🤷‍♂️ Nevertheless, certain global mechanisms are still in the West’s hands, and it tends to abuse them. A matter of particular concern are the attempts on the part of the United States and its allies to impose a confrontational agenda on international organisations in order to make them the vehicles of unilateral restrictions, plunder, impoundment of sovereign assets, trade wars and unfair competition, including in the name of environmentalism and climate.

All of these are clear manifestations of neocolonialism. Over the past ten years, the collective West has introduced more than 21,000 illegal restrictions against Russia alone. Their extraterritorial use – and this is an even more odious, illegitimate, raider-style approach – is primarily affecting the poorest countries and destitute population groups, depriving them of affordable energy, food and fertiliser.


Another topical task is combat the predominance and influence of Western states’ citizens who occupy top positions in international secretariats.

🇺🇳 A reform of the global governance system should heed the intransient central role of the UN in the system of international relations. The UN Charter and international law should not be substituted by any behind-the-scenes "rules".


☝️ We should be guided by a striving to achieve genuine multilateralism, the main guarantee of strategic stability, indivisible security and an open and non-discriminatory economy.

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