Чемпионат по карате-кумите. Россия-Маврикий. Судья от России - знаменитый Александр Саркисов, чемпион мира. И босые девчонки на татами - тоже чемпионки. И это не просто одно из соревнований - здесь наши, в отличие от многих площадок, выступают с флагом и гимном. И огромное спасибо за это маврикийским коллегам - они выдержали большое давление и не сломались. Понимая, что русская школа и русские спортсмены - одни из лучших на планете. И важно, что именно маленький Маврикий соблюдает великую традицию - спорт вне политики. И у наших - горят глаза, они заняли практически весь пьедестал. Они плачут под гимн - и для них важно, как тренер подбадривает - впереди еще большой бой, русские не сдаются. А они и не собираются.
International Shotokan Karate Tournament. Russia-Mauritius. Judge from Russia - famous Alexander Sarkisov, World Champion. Barefoot girls on tatami are also champions. It is not just one among many competitions - here our sportsmen, compared to other places, compete under the Russian flag and with the Russian anthem. We thank a lot our Mauritian colleagues for that. They have undergone huge pressure but did not concede. They understand: the Russian school and the Russian sportsmen are one of the best in the world. It is important that it is Mauritius that adheres to the great tradition: to separate sports and politics. And our boys and girls are so much excited - they took almost all places on the pedestal. They are crying hearing the Russian anthem, and it is important for them how their coach is encouraging them: “A big fight is awaiting them but the Russians do not surrender”. And they were never planning to.
International Shotokan Karate Tournament. Russia-Mauritius. Judge from Russia - famous Alexander Sarkisov, World Champion. Barefoot girls on tatami are also champions. It is not just one among many competitions - here our sportsmen, compared to other places, compete under the Russian flag and with the Russian anthem. We thank a lot our Mauritian colleagues for that. They have undergone huge pressure but did not concede. They understand: the Russian school and the Russian sportsmen are one of the best in the world. It is important that it is Mauritius that adheres to the great tradition: to separate sports and politics. And our boys and girls are so much excited - they took almost all places on the pedestal. They are crying hearing the Russian anthem, and it is important for them how their coach is encouraging them: “A big fight is awaiting them but the Russians do not surrender”. And they were never planning to.
November 9, 2024