Russian Embassy in Mauritius
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The official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Mauritius
⚡️46th session of #UNESCO World Heritage Committee #WHC opened in New Delhi under the chairmanship of India оn July 21. The Russian delegation is headed by the Permanent Representative of Russia🇷🇺 to UNESCO H.E. Rinat Alyautdinov.

📍WHC will consider developments under the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, state of conservation of World Heritage sites, inscription of new nominations on the World Heritage List and cultural heritage of Africa.

📍The Russian nomination “Testament of Kenozero Lake” will be tabled for consideration by WHC. It is an example of a relict cultural landscape of the North-West of Russia with traditional wooden architecture surrounded by picturesque lakes, rivers, forests and fields that have preserved traces of the past.

📍Russian experts will participate in the forums for World Heritage Site's managers and young professionals on the sidelines of the session.

📍The 46th session will last till July 31.
⚡️Statement by Permanent Delegate of Russia to #UNESCO H.E. R.Alyautdinov at 46th session of World Heritage Committee #WHC under item "Report of World Heritage Centre on its activities & implementation of WHC’s decisions"

📍As stated by Director-General, Secretariat seems ready to assist WHC in dealing equitably with different sensitive issues. But it is evident that some biased Committee members instead of prioritizing collective action to protect heritage worldwide have again opted for double standards and selective approach.

📍Russia rejects inadmissible allegations & false accusations made by Ukraine & delegations of Western countries. They care less of world heritage & more of pursuing their own short-term political interests thus putting Convention in Danger. They escalate & use this expert forum to spread misinformation & politicized rhetoric, while world majority is endeavouring way out of current situation.

📍Russia is firmly committed to WHC & fulfill vigorously all its international obligations.
⚡️According to incoming media reports as a result of Ukrainian troops attack the church of the Gornal St Nicholas Monastery in the Kursk Region🇷🇺 was burnt.

☝️This shelling is yet another flagrant violation by Ukraine of its international obligations under the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.

📍Protection of cultural property is #UNESCO 's mandate.

📢We call on UNESCO Director-General Ms. Audrey Azoulay to raise her voice in defence of Russia's cultural property and condemn the criminal actions of Kiev!
⚡️On International Day for Universal Access to Information (September 28), we draw #UNESCO's attention to the restrictions against the Russian media abroad.

In France🇫🇷, the UNESCO Headquarters host-country, since 2022: 

RT and Sputnik channels were blocked;
RTR, Rossia-24, International TV Center, Channel One, Rossia-1 and NTV channels were shut down;
TASS Telegram channel was blocked;
Russian journalists have been repeatedly denied accreditation for various events, including the Olympic and Paralympic Games held in Paris.

👉 The list of restrictions against the Russian media is constantly expanding.

📢Universal access to information is one of UNESCO's priorities. We call on the Director General to speak out against restrictions imposed on the Russian media.
Маврикийцы - народ весёлый, и танцы у них тоже зажигательные. Яркий пример - знаменитая маврикийская сега, которая входит в список нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Это танец африканских рабов после тяжёлого рабочего дня на плантациях сахарного тростника - он про свободу, мужество и красоту. Не зря говорят, что в этом танце - сам Маврикий. Но это ещё не все. Остров находится на самом пересечении торговых путей, поэтому тут легко просматривается самая настоящая смесь культур: есть и арабское, и исконно африканское и даже местный брейк-данс.

Mauritians are very cheerful and so are their dances. A bright example of that is famous national dance - sega, which is on the UNESCO Heritage list. This dance has been traditionally performed by African slaves after a full day working on sugar plantations. The dance is about freedom, courage, and beauty. One says this dance is Mauritius itself. But that’s not it. The island has always been on the crossroads of trade routes. And so many cultures are intertwined today: Arabic, continental African, and local breakdancing.
