Russian Embassy in Mauritius
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The official channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Mauritius
💬 A l'ambassade de #Russie en #France, le petit-fils du général de #Gaulle s'est exprimé sur le conflit ukrainien. Il s'est livré à une vive critique des politiques occidentales sur le dossier, imputant notamment à #Paris une «soumission à l'OTAN».

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Briefing by MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, March 13, 2024)

FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Russian Presidential Election 2024
🔹 10th Anniversary of Crimea’s reunification with Russia
🔹 On dismantling the monument to Waffen-SS Galicia Division in Oakville, Canada
🔹 Regarding the return Russian minors from combat zones and their social adaptation
🔹 Slobodan Milosevic’s death anniversary

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The Russian MFA Commission on Elections has done a lot of extensive work, with 288 polling stations established in 144 countries.

As the voting period approaches, we are recording an increasing number of attempts to interfere with the organisation and conduct of elections abroad and from abroad.

☝️ The full-fledged voting of Russian citizens abroad will be guaranteed despite any attempts to interfere in the domestic affairs of the Russian Federation.

#Ukraine #France

President Macron continues to talk about sending European military personnel to Ukraine. On March 7, at a meeting with parliamentarians, he did not rule out the option of sending a French contingent if the Russian army, as was said during that meeting, advances towards Kiev or Odessa.

Statements made by Macron and other NATO politicians about sending in contingents, troops or paramilitary units to Ukraine are related to dividing (from their point of view) what remains of Ukraine.


A special flight operated by the Russian Aerospace Forces arrived in Moscow on March 10, 2024, carrying another group of 32 children on board. They came from camps for internally displaced persons in the northeast of the Syrian Arab Republic.

The MFA and the Russian Embassy in Damascus persist in their efforts to repatriate as quickly as possible all Russian children who found themselves in Syria due to their parents’ involvement in international terrorist activities.

According to Ms Lvova-Belova, as many as 414 Russian minors have already been successfully returned to Russia.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, May 8, 2024)

• Victory Day
• BRICS events
• The Ukrainian crisis
• Situation in Moldova
• Aggressive remarks by the French President
• Situation in the Middle East

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Russia’s chairmanship of BRICS is picking up speed. Over 40 events across three main cooperation areas have already taken place, covering politics and security, the economy and finance, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchanges.


Just a few days ago EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell admitted clearly once again that the Ukrainian conflict had had a quick peaceful solution since the very beginning, but he personally and on behalf of the European Union did not want the combat to cease. We have talked about this many times (citing Mr Borrell and other EU officials) pointing to the EU’s long-term investments in financing arms supplies to Ukraine, with which they expect to prolong the armed confrontation for at least several more years (in their own words).

This confirms the terrible reality: ordinary Ukrainians are just a tool that Vladimir Zelensky "sold" to the EU members in the name of his own enrichment and immorality, which is used to settle the West’s geopolitical scores with Russia.

#France #NATO #EU

We noted the recent aggressive remarks from the French leadership, which seem to be increasingly frequent. <…> It is noteworthy that the belligerent stance of the occupant of the Elysee Palace is not only met with disapproval among many EU and NATO allies but, crucially, among the majority of French citizens, too.
Forwarded from TASS_Monde
🇫🇷 Le second tour des élections anticipées à l'Assemblée nationale (chambre basse du parlement) a débuté dans la partie européenne de la France, où les bureaux de vote ont ouvert dimanche matin.

Le scrutin se déroulera de 08h00 à 18h00 (UTC+2). Dans certaines grandes villes, dont Paris, Toulouse, Lyon, Bordeaux, Montpellier et Marseille, les électeurs pourront voter jusqu'à 20 heures (UTC+2).

Le ministère français de l'Intérieur a enregistré au premier tour le taux de participation le plus élevé depuis 1997, soit 66,7%, tandis qu'au second tour, selon l'Institut français d'opinion publique (Ifop), il pourrait être encore plus élevé (69%).

#france #élections
Forwarded from TASS_Monde
🇫🇷La plupart des Français expriment leur mécontentement contre les résultats des récentes élections législatives anticipées, indique un sondage mené par Elabe.

Ainsi, 71% des personnes sondées "ne sont pas satisfaits, dont 39% pas vraiment satisfaits et 32% pas du tout satisfaits".

Qui plus est, 52% des Français qualifient de "magouille, d'"arrangements électoraux" et d'"alliances politiciennes contre-nature" les désistements des candidats de gauche et du centre arrivés en 3e position pour empêcher la victoire du Rassemblement national.

#France #élections #sondage