🔹 In light of the BRICS Summit scheduled to take place from 22nd to 24th October, there will be changes to the educational process.
🔹 The academic activities and dormitory check-in will commence on 1st November.
🔹 From 1st September to 17th October, the theoretical part of the coursework will be conducted through self-study and the use of remote learning technologies.
🔹 From 18th to 31st October, students will be granted a holiday break.
🔹 Arrival at the place of study should be no earlier than 31st October.
#КазанскийФедеральныйУниверситет #KazanFederalUnivesity #КФУ
🔹 In light of the BRICS Summit scheduled to take place from 22nd to 24th October, there will be changes to the educational process.
🔹 The academic activities and dormitory check-in will commence on 1st November.
🔹 From 1st September to 17th October, the theoretical part of the coursework will be conducted through self-study and the use of remote learning technologies.
🔹 From 18th to 31st October, students will be granted a holiday break.
🔹 Arrival at the place of study should be no earlier than 31st October.
#КазанскийФедеральныйУниверситет #KazanFederalUnivesity #КФУ