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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 Dmitry Kuleba wrote the following in his Twitter-account: “Russia has launched a new publicity stunt focused on hunger. Moscow has promised to send 500,000 tonnes of free grain, which has most probably been stolen in Ukraine, to other countries within the next four months. However, by blocking the grain corridor Russia has stopped the delivery of 2 million (!) tonnes of grain to Algeria, Yemen, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and other countries RIGHT NOW.”

And now the truth:
1. Russia has long been offering to deliver ITS OWN fertilisers to the countries that need them. The offer has been made by the President (1, 2) and the Foreign Minister.
2. Russia is also ready to send up to 500,000 tonnes of ITS OWN grain to the poorest countries free of charge.
3. The Kiev regime, due to its own greed, is unwilling to give anything to anybody even when others are ready to help others for free.
4. The grain deal has been killed by Zelensky and his terrorists, controlled by British special forces, so as to complement nuclear blackmail with a grain ransom. The money and weapons they receive are no longer enough for them. They want more deaths. Money, weapons, and death are the devilish force behind the Kiev regime.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 Stoltenberg criticised Erdogan for withholding support for Sweden's NATO membership: “Inappropriate acts are not automatically illegal.”

He was referring to the recent Quran burning. That was a bold statement. We’ll remember it.

In the meantime, allow me to remind you that respect for one’s religious beliefs is an obligation, not an elective decision.

The international community has made repeated commitments to counter intolerance and discrimination. These include the 1965 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the 1974 UNESCO Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; the 1981 UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief; the 2005 decision of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Ljubljana to encourage educational programmes that promote tolerance and non-discrimination, and raise public awareness of the existence and the unacceptability of intolerance and discrimination; the Council of Europe’s White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue; and the 2010 Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education. In 2012, the OSCE/ODIHR, the Council of Europe and UNESCO jointly published Guidelines for educators on countering intolerance and discrimination against Muslims.

These documents specifically state that freedom of expression does not imply the right to make critical or even disparaging remarks about any religion or religious practice – let alone burning the book that is sacred for Muslims.

Why is Stoltenberg unaware of this? Because the West appoints poorly educated people to key positions in Europe. They are easier to manage, which helps manipulate the majority of Europeans.

One more point: if countries controlled by the Anglo-Saxon world are making everyone else recognise some non-existent “genders,” they certainly must respect the right of hundreds of millions of people to their time-tested objects of worship.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

"The big bad Kuleba" is calling on the IOC to ban Russian athletes from participating in the Olympics adding that “231 Ukrainian athletes and coaches have been killed by the Russians, with another 15 wounded, 28 captured, and four missing.”

The bloodthirsty Zelensky and Poroshenko killed 15,000 people before 2022 and were actively preparing for a blitzkrieg against Russia. This was confirmed by everyone including Merkel, Poroshenko, Baerbock and others.

Zelensky bought every tall lie he was told: that it would be quick, that the British specialists would do all the work and his country, flooded with weapons, would just provide a bridgehead for NATO soldiers who would get it done nice and fast. Zelensky believed that Russia would fall apart in 2022, that its liberal scum had been given enough money to stage a revolt, that he would become the emperor of “Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic-Black Sea.” That's for starters. And then Kiev would magically turn into a new Rus, in a snap.

But something went wrong. The Zelensky-in-the-bunker fell between a hammer and an anvil. He has no choice but to kill his own citizens, as they believe. First, he deliberately sends athletes to slaughter, and now he is counting losses among them, rubbing his hands and trying to speculate on their blood?

So, you remembered about sports now? Well, I have something about sports here👇.

When the armed forces of Ukraine repeatedly shelled the Donbass Arena and the Olimpiysky sports centre in Donetsk, the country’s Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Sports kept silent. They were silent even when Donetsk athletes were killed by Ukrainian militants.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

Read in full (Telegraph)

💬 Yesterday, the US Department of State congratulated me on International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace in a personal way – by publishing a detailed paper that was entirely devoted to me!

I believe I am probably the only head of the Foreign Ministry Press Service with a personal page on the websites of two nuclear superpowers – my homeland Russia and now the United States.

The US foreign policy office has not mastered this new genre for free. The Maria Zakharova profile was compiled by the Global Engagement Centre at the Department of State. Thanks to The New York Times, we know that $120 million were allocated for this, including my profile.


The Department of State claims that I spread a fake item about Osama Bin Laden’s reception at the White House. This is untrue. Any fake item is deliberate. Speaking on Rossiya Channel 1 on October 30, 2017, I made a mistake by mentioning the photos of Bin Laden and members of the Taliban, but I immediately wrote in my Facebook account about this. I clarified that I had two different historical facts in mind.

The first fact. Ronald Reagan’s meeting with the Mojahedin at the White House (this post was written in 2017 when the US was still fighting the Taliban (that included the Mojahedin) in Afghanistan. The US’s shameful flight took place four years later). Senator Rand Paul, Reagan’s reputable fellow party member admitted that the US was arming Bin Laden for fighting the USSR.

The second fact. Bin Laden’s photo in The Independent under the heading “Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace.”

Based on the most stringent requirements for journalists and officials for spreading false information, I decided not to limit myself to one post and went to the studio of the same programme, “60 Minutes,” and talked about all this on November 9, 2017.


Further on, I’m accused of “lying” about “the Anglo-Saxons needing war at all costs, and their favourite method of resolving their own problems includes provocation, disinformation and threats.”

The fact that the United States needs a war at any cost is backed up... by the State Department and White House officials.


This report mentioned Bucha and “forcible deportations” separately. Where are the verified lists of the people who died in Bucha? We have been asking this question for months, but what we get instead of an answer is silence or aggressive mumbling.

With regard to forcible deportations, Russia is not moving anyone out by force. Millions of refugees from Donbass are fleeing from Ukrainian and the West’s bombs and missiles. They are not fleeing to Poland, but to a safe and secure place, Russia. As for the “children issue,” I think the recent Arria-Formula Meeting at the Security Council on this issue could well disavow all accusations. Or, the people behind this opus did not watch it, maybe because their NATO allies blocked the broadcast? It’s all right, I will share the recording, and even in English. And if that is not enough, here's the full video of Maria Lvova-Belova's news conference. Let them take a look.


Truth be told, they could have come up with something more serious for $120 million, or, maybe just wire the money to Zelensky for drugs.

☝️ Unfortunately, this shows once again that the motto of American foreign policy is hoaxes, fakes and insults. On top of that, it’s a mediocre job even though done for an inordinate amount of money.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova:

💬 Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Brodsky, who is by the way a native of Leningrad, the city which survived a siege during the Great Patriotic War, told ITON-TV, an Israeli website, in pure Russian:

“The way we view people like Bandera, Shukhevich, Melnik and the like is different compared to the way most Ukrainians view them. In fact, these people supported Nazi ideology. While fighting for Ukraine’s independence, they wanted Ukraine without Jews, or Poles, or communists, and probably many others. <…> And Ukraine, of course, is searching for its identity and its heroes. Of course, we do not like these heroes, but most Ukrainians view them as independence fighters. <…> However, in all objectivity, there is no stopping this process today. <…> It would be wrong to demand that Ukraine stop renaming streets or calling Bandera or Melnik heroes as a condition for our support for Ukraine or our assistance to Ukraine because, if you look at things the way they do, this is not going to happen.”

Not a single organisation for protecting the memory of Holocaust survivors raised an eyebrow. Hey! You receive billions in funding to keep this topic in the public space! Haven’t you missed something? The Holocaust must be remembered not only because it happened in the past, but also to make sure that it never happens again, and not just against a single ethnic group or religion, but against any of them.

Since there is no one else to defend the victims of the Holocaust but us, let me remind Mr Brodsky about the ethnic policy of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, with Stepan Bandera at its helm. Here is a quote from the second resolution of OUN B’s General Assembly in April 1941: “The Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists combats Jews as supporters of the Russian Bolshevik regime.” And here is a quote by Yaroslav Stetsko, a Bandera and Melnik accomplice: “I therefore support the destruction of the Jews and the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine, barring their assimilation and the like.”

In fact, there was a massive effort to exterminate, burn and bury, without any burials or markers, Jews in Nazi-occupied Ukraine, and these inhuman heroes were proactive in assisting this effort. About 1.4 million people perished this way.

What kind of heroes was Mikhail Brodsky referring to?

German society of the late 1920s and early 1930s was also searching for its identity and heroes. Instead of humanism, a great tradition in German culture, it chose two words: blood and soil (Blut und Boden). And the heroes lived up to this slogan by initiating the Holocaust, creating concentration camps, and killing women, infants and the elderly. For the next 90 years, Germany tried to wash itself clean of this identity. But this is something that leaves a permanent stain.

If Mikhail Brodsky believes that Kiev has the right to these heroes and identity, this is the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s business.

No one has the right to have such heroes. These were not heroes, but demons, and this was not an identity, but a disgrace for the people of Ukraine. This is an act of glorifying Nazism.

As for the idea that there is nothing anyone can do about it, how blasphemous of him to say that! This was the logic of those who sponsored Hitler in the 1930s. Most of them were Anglo-Saxons, by the way.

If this was the logic of Soviet soldiers, Brodsky would not have existed today, and there would be no memory of the Holocaust to preserve either.

In one of his songs, Vladimir Vysotsky wrote: “But our squadron commander corrected its course, as his boots sent the Urals spinning.” This meant the Soviet soldiers changed the course of history and enabled humankind to recover its true face. But this did not last, as it turns out. Here we go, all over again.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 Last Friday, Pope Francis addressed Catholic youth in St Petersburg via videoconference. He blessed young Russian Catholics before the new academic year, offered some words of guidance and concluded his address with the words: “Do not forget your heritage. You are heirs of a great Russia. The great Russia of saints, of kings. The great Russia of Peter the Great, Catherine II, that great and enlightened Russian Empire of great culture and much humanity. Never deny this heritage, you are the heirs of the great Mother Russia, carry on with it. And thank you. Thank you for your way of being, for your way of being Russians.”

Kiev neo-Nazis reacted the Pontiff's speech in their own way. “Official Foreign Ministry spokesman” of the Kiev regime Oleg Nikolenko described the Pontiff’s words as “imperialist propaganda” and “unfortunate Russian great-power ideas.” And, for good measure, he went on to lecture the head of the Roman Catholic Church, which includes more than a billion believers around the world, on what he should say to his flock.

But there was more to come. That is, a new low to be reached. Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of Zelensky's office, called Pope Francis a “Russian propaganda tool” in an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, where he also referred to what the Pope said about Russia as “a destructive discourse for modern humanism.

First off… humanism? Do Podolyak and the rest of the microbes in the Kiev regime even know what the word means?

Humanism is about wanting to do greater good for humanity. It is about cultural evolution and the highest level of moral capabilities based on humane thinking. The Encyclopaedists – French thinkers in the 18th century – saw humanism as philanthropy, or love for humanity, “a gentle, patient and selfless virtue, which endures evil without approving it.” It would seem that Bandera-style torch processions are a far cry from gentle and patient humanism. The irrational hatred of everything Russian is a far cry from the tolerance of humanism. Rampant corruption is a far cry from the selflessness of humanism. The Kiev regime is an anti-human and anti-humanistic neoplasm by definition.

And secondly, whose heirs are now in power in Kiev? The heirs of the Great Ukrs? In better times, those who claimed that the Ukrs were descended from ancient Aryans were locked up in Pavlovka – the main psychiatric asylum in Ukraine – next door to Napoleons and agents of distant galaxies.

These days, the Kiev regime is trying hard to emphasise that the unfortunate population of Ukraine are the heirs of Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich, who were nurtured by Hitler and visited immeasurable evil on Ukraine and other nations. There is no doubt that this bubble will burst in time, too.

Doesn’t this suggest that those ancient Ukrs and Nazi collaborators are the best the Kiev regime can muster as its heritage? Because Gogol, Khmelnitsky, and anyone else they still allow people to be proud of were directly linked to Russia. But the Kiev regime has erased Russia from its ancestors.

And if anyone in Kiev wants to see whose heritage is being squandered by the criminal and his gangs that seized power on Bankovaya Street, they should visit Ukraine’s National Art Museum in Kiev to look at Forever with Moscow, Forever with the Russian People by Ukrainian painter Mikhail Khmelko.

Or has it been sold already?
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 Once again, the Nazi nature of the Kiev regime has been confirmed as another military unit is named in honour of Hitler’s follower Yevgeny Konovalets.

Under Zelensky’s executive order 610, “in order to restore the historical traditions of the national army” (this is the exact wording of the executive order), the name of Colonel Yevgeny Konovalets is conferred on the 131st reconnaissance battalion.

What do we know about Yevgeny Konovalets?

Quite a lot, thanks to the crime archives of the USSR.

He began working for Germany during WWI. Germany occupied Ukraine and hired Konovalets’ units to patrol and guard the administration building in Kiev in 1918.

Between the two world wars, after he fled his homeland, he put every effort into establishing pro-Nazi organisations among Ukrainians in Europe.

Since 1922, he had been working for the Abwehr in Germany. He sold the Germans information about the Polish army. Several years later, Germany, already under National Socialist rule, invaded Poland. During the 1920s-1930s, Konovalets’ organisations were engaged in sabotage against Soviet diplomats (including the assassination of Consul Mailov) and Polish authorities, while concurrently making plans for an invasion of the Soviet Union.

Adolf Hitler twice granted Konovalets an audience. There are reports that afterwards Konovalets personally printed appeals to Ukrainians, urging them to support the Fuhrer. As a payback, the leaders of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party were helping the Ukrainian nationalists by providing them with instructors, materials and bases.

Among all the Ukrainian Nazis, Konovalets was the most faithful and loyal adherent of Hitler.
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✍️ Article by Mikhail Rostovsky, MK media-group columnist under the Editor-In-Chief

Putin in the Labyrinth: how Moscow can avoid losing in the Middle East

🔹 Each new Middle East crisis is one of a kind, similar to the previous ones - both in the sense of its impact on the region itself and on outside world.

🔹 It is in Moscow's best interest to pursue a balanced line in the Middle East because any tilt in one direction or another will seriously jeopardize its national interests.

🔹 Big politics in the Middle East has consisted, and continues to consist, of such nuances hidden from prying eyes, secret layers. Ignoring this fact in an attempt to pursue a policy in the region based on binary logic, where there are those who are for us and those who are against us, dooms even a great power to the role of an object that is manipulated by everyone.

🔹 When choosing between the conflicting sides in the Middle East, Moscow must invariably choose itself, no matter how this might hurt the feelings of its partners in the region and beyond.

🔹 The view that what happened on October 7 was a colossal failure by Israel’s intelligence services is just a banality now. Lying behind this failure is an even bigger catastrophe - a failure of political strategy, erroneous long-term calculations by the top Israeli leadership.

🔹 Israel has no idea how to strategically solve the problem of the Gaza Strip. The military action it has taken is just a strategic improvisation.

🔹 Based on its status as an influential global and regional player, Russia must contribute to the establishment of peace in the Middle East, and at the same time prevent itself from becoming another "Middle East."

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✍️ Article by Mikhail Rostovsky, MK media-group columnist under the Editor-In-Chief

Putin in the Labyrinth: how Moscow can avoid losing in the Middle East

🔹 Each new Middle East crisis is one of a kind, similar to the previous ones - both in the sense of its impact on the region itself and on outside world.

🔹 It is in Moscow's best interest to pursue a balanced line in the Middle East because any tilt in one direction or another will seriously jeopardize its national interests.

🔹 Big politics in the Middle East has consisted, and continues to consist, of such nuances hidden from prying eyes, secret layers. Ignoring this fact in an attempt to pursue a policy in the region based on binary logic, where there are those who are for us and those who are against us, dooms even a great power to the role of an object that is manipulated by everyone.

🔹 When choosing between the conflicting sides in the Middle East, Moscow must invariably choose itself, no matter how this might hurt the feelings of its partners in the region and beyond.

🔹 The view that what happened on October 7 was a colossal failure by Israel’s intelligence services is just a banality now. Lying behind this failure is an even bigger catastrophe - a failure of political strategy, erroneous long-term calculations by the top Israeli leadership.

🔹 Israel has no idea how to strategically solve the problem of the Gaza Strip. The military action it has taken is just a strategic improvisation.

🔹 Based on its status as an influential global and regional player, Russia must contribute to the establishment of peace in the Middle East, and at the same time prevent itself from becoming another "Middle East."

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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 The other day NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg turned up at the COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai. One might wonder what NATO has to do with climate?

During his speech, Stoltenberg discussed Russian gas and the Alliance's responsibility. One might wonder what NATO has to do with Russian gas?

Unfortunately, NATO Secretary-General omitted to mention NATO's efforts to disrupt supply chains from Russia for the most environmentally friendly hydrocarbon energy source with minimal CO2 emissions.

He failed to acknowledge that prior to COP28, the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter published a report on the impact on Scandinavia’s ecology of the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines.

To put it simply, the impact was catastrophic.

Experts, including Joel Bengtsson, a climate analyst with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, estimated that the explosion resulted in the release of 14 million tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere over Sweden and Denmark. Due to the low density of gas, the true extent of the release is difficult to comprehend, if specialists estimate it to be around 14000000 tonnes.

The emission release was so severe that it affected Sweden's annual reporting for the EU's overall emission statistics. Sweden's share of approximately 6 million tonnes is ten times greater than the total emissions from domestic aviation in a year and is equivalent to the annual turnover of a well-established agriculture industry in a large country.

As a result of the terrorist attack, the Scandinavian countries of the EU now face penalties for non-compliance with climate obligations, although they did nothing wrong. The gas pipelines simply passed through their exclusive economic zone.

One might wonder what the terrorist attack on the Nord Streams has to do with NATO?

The connection lies with the White House. It was there, at the highest level, that the plans to destroy this infrastructure project were announced six months prior to the terrorist attack that led to such disastrous environmental consequences.
